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Is Mayor TARZAN the biggest hypocrite?

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Watch carefully 0:58



Watch carefully on the second question at 02:13


I knew the guy very well, he used to act as if he cared about the people of Muqdisho.

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These guys were making all these demos and noise in 2006 and 07 just to get rid of Yeey and sit on his seat, and when that happened we discovered they are worst than Yeey because in Yeey's time at least some areas of Xamar like Kaaraan and C/casiis, Shibis, Yaaqshid were peaceful and buzling, but today they are ghost towns.


But I wonder where the M society diaspora especially in the UK are, there used to be large demos on every saturday in Hyde park,but now afkii baa juuqda gabay come on guys people are still dying in Xamar, even in larger number, mise Madfacan hadda wax xasuuqayo waa mid tolka uu leeyahay?

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Originally posted by MoonLight1:

These guys were making all these demos and noise in 2006 and 07


But I wonder where the M society diaspora especially in the UK are, there used to be large demos on every saturday in Hyde park,but now afkii baa juuqda gabay come on guys people are still dying in Xamar, even in larger number, mise Madfacan hadda wax xasuuqayo waa mid tolka uu leeyahay?

Tarzan, Yarisow are witnessing the succes of their action.

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'Even in larger number' kulahaa, care to elaborate on that number.

You seem to forget there were demos in every corner of the world that Somalis reside in. Here are some examples:









The simple fact is, the majority of Somalis were against the Ethiopian invasion and occupation thus, come up with something else to wail about son.

ICU were the best thing that happened to Somalis in Muqdishu and the South since the fall of Barre's regime AUN.

Hence, they will always be regarded as Somali nationalists and patriots who defended their land against the Ethiopian invasion and occupation.

Waxaan kaaga tagaayaa

Halyey, Mudane Abdirazak Haji Huseen, a great Somali politician, a hero and a famous Somali legend.

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