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Yeey grants amnesty to the Courts as his spokesman escapes wounded

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Somalia presidential spokesman wounded in latest violence


MOGADISHU, Somalia June 18 (Garowe Online) - The spokesman for interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf was wounded Monday when unidentified gunmen opened fire on his car as it passed by, reliable sources said.


Hussein Mohamed "Hubsired" suffered light injuries and is being treated at a Mogadishu hospital run by the African Union Mission in Somalia, official sources said on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak on the matter.


Hubsired's armed guards exchanged gunfire with the attackers for several minutes before the gunmen fled to evade heavy reinforcements who poured into the area, a witness told Garowe Online.


Insurgents linked to an ousted Islamist movement and disgruntled clan fighters have been held responsible for ongoing guerrilla attacks against government and allied targets in Mogadishu and elsewhere.


Several officials have been assassinated in recent weeks, including five of Mogadishu’s 16 district commissioners.


The failed attack on presidential spokesman Hubsired's life came on a day President Yusuf offered general amnesty to Islamic Courts fighters, excluding militants wanted for terror attacks in Somalia and abroad, according to Monday's presidential degree.


Meanwhile, joint Somali-Ethiopian forces continued house-to-house searches in select north Mogadishu neighborhoods and markets, looking for weapons and suspects, residents said.


The Somali transitional government is hoping to secure Mogadishu before July 15, when a national reconciliation conference delayed three times already is set to open.


Source: Garowe Online

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Will they pay compensation to the herders whose donkeys and children were killed? Would they appologise to the somalis who were shelled? Would they appologise for asking civilians to leave their homes?


I think Yey could be wiser if he announced his departure from office. That would be the prelude to reconciliation. Geedi should also do the same.


The majority of somalis see them as traitors- and as long as ppl blv that, I am pessimistic.


"disgruntled clan fighters" LOL. Isn't Hubsireed a disgruntled clanist? We have disgruntled clan websites like garoweonline... mm. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

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