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Puntland: Col. Dahir Waberi briefs on progress towards the policing of deforestation

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Puntland: Col. Dahir Waberi briefs on progress towards the policing of deforestation and degradation in Haylaan region.


Haylaan is one of the endengered areas of Puntland, a region in which the destruction of its natural habitat by a band of charcoal profiteers had a huge impact on the livelihood of its inhabitants. The colonel participated the formation of a special forces unit for this purpose and now with the help of Puntland's Interior Ministry, he has braught this activity to a complete halt. He also somehow managed to clear temporary settlements built solely for the continuation of this activity. Not only will this local initiatives help stop the chopping down of trees, it will also contribute to the reduction of global green house emissions, a major factor of the failire of rains and the drought cycle that afflict our pastoralist society.


Haylaan is made up of the Districts of Dhahar (the capital), Buraan, Hingalool, and Baraaqaha Qol and numerous villages that directly come under the administration of these District Councils.


Well job done for the Colonel.


Amaanka Gobolka Hayland ee Degaanka iyo Xuduudaha kale ee Gobolada Waqooyi oo la adkeeyey sidaas waxaa Yiri Taliyaha G/Kaasi Col. Daahir Waaberi ciise




Dhahar:-Waxaa si wayn ay ciidamada Amaanka e Gobolka Hayland ugu howlanyihiin howlaha wax ka qabashada harumarka degaanka iyo dib u soo celinta hanaanka bilicda dhirtii dhaadherayd ee sida howdka ugu teednayd qaybo ka mida Gobolka Hayland.


Waxaan jira dareen guud oo lugu macneeyey talaabo ka soo rayn ah oo laga dareemayo degaanada Hayland oo aan sidii hore ahayn isla markaasina ay muuqanayso bilic iyo dhirta nuurkedii cagaadhnaa oo dib u soo noqday ka dib markii ay halgan wadaniyeed u galeen ciidamo u qalab qaatay sidii ay dalkooda wax uga qaban lahayeen.


Taliyaha Ciidanka Darwiishta Gobolka Hayland ee Maamulka dowlada Puntland Col. Daahir Waaberi Ciise ayaa gashaanka u daruuray inay ciidamada dowlada PL ee Gobolkaasi Hayland ay si wayn ula dagaalamayaan sidii loo difaaci lahaa Awooda iyo Muquuninta xasiloonida deganaanshaha Degaanada Hayland ka dib Markii ay soo bexeen warar hoose oo shegaya inay jiraan malayshiyaad taabacsan Ciidanka daahir Rayaale ee Waqooyi galbeed.


Co-Daahir Waaberi Ciise waxa uu ku baaqay isla markaasina sheegay inay jiraan dedaalo guud oo dhanka degaanka ay ka wadaan ciidamada la dagaalanka xaalufinta degaanka ee Gobolka Hayland ee Degmadaasi Dhahar iyo nawaaxigeeda kuwaasi oo hore Fariisino waawayn ugu lahaa nawaaxiga deegaanka Xarunta 2aad ee Gobolka Hayland ee Xingalool iyo Baraagaha Qol, halka ay ku taalo meel u jirto qiyaastoo 20km oo kaga aadan dhanka Nugaleed.


Maxamed Axmed CiiseRadio Dhahar

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The first step to resolving a matter is identifying what the problem is. In addressing the consequences caused by deforestation, not only do we enlighten a populous that don't understand the complexities of nature, but we also achieve a significant step to a solution. Puntland authorities in Haylaan have done a great job in denouncing and criminalizing deforestation.


I must also congratulate Makhiri Media outlets in their efforts of social awareness.


Thanks Nassir

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