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General Duke

Nur Cade' government blamed for security vacume.

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Wax qabadka xukuumadda Nuur Cadde oo la dhaliilay

Baydhabo (HR Media) Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka federaalka qaarkood ayaa maanta waxay cambaareyn u jeediyeen xukuumadda federaalka ee Nuur Xasan Xuseen Nuur Cadde.


Xildhibaan Maxamed Isxaaq Afaraale oo ka hadlay kulan maanta uu isugu yimid baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda Prof. Geedi ay lumisay magaalooyin badan oo ay dowladda kmg ah xukumeysay.


Waxa uu sheegay inay jiraan deegaano badan oo ay dowladda kmg ah ah maamulin.


Xildhibaan C/rashiid Maxamed Xiddig oo ka mid ah mudanayaasha baarlamaanka ayaa hoolka baarlamaanka ka sheegay in Ra’iisal wasaare Nuur Cadde uu ka bixi la’yahay duulimaadyo uu ku tago dalal badan oo casuumaad uu ka hel.


Xildhibaan Xiddig wuxuu kaloo sheegay inaanu jirin wasiir ka tirsan xukuumadda Nuur Cadde oo shaqo ka haya dalka gudihiisa.


Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee dowladda kmg ah Muxyidiin Maxamed Cali oo shirka fadhiyay ayaa iska difaacay dhaliisha loo soo jeediyay.


Cali Ilyaas Cabdullaah



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And this was on:posted February 20, 2007


Originally posted by General Duke:

[QB] ^^^Dates are not that important, I would say a couple of months from now things will look rossy for the Somali people and their government.Mogadishu security will improve with the arrival of the AU forces in the next couple of weeks.

From that point on wards there will be some tough measure taken to bring real order to the city and root out the groups making the bombings.

1. There will be real disarmaments, of all the clans of Mogadishu


Insha Allah..




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That's right, your uncle thinks that all the forces that used to be fighting him in Mogadishu are all out of town into the country, and that's why things have calmed down there.


The thing is, your uncle is dumb. The reason fighting in Mogadishu calmed down wasn't because of "the crackdown", but because everyone agreed to withdraw from Bakara market, where most of the UIC funding comes from.


When Crackdown v2.0 kicks off, the grim discovery will be made that, oops, in fact there are even MORE UIC and Shabab fighters in here than there were before! And hey, where did they get all these military vehicles from?

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Arm Chair adeer:

You are clever and a veteran of wars is dumb. The opposition have no fighting strategy that is working. Theirs is guerilla warfare which is not useful in holding any territory. The TFG armed forces have not been chasing ghosts, losing many if their fighters and armor. The clan factions you speak of have been fighting, running around village to village and losing a greed deal of managers including their top brass. Their leader Sharif Ahmed has even found this strategy wanting and its failures is highlighted in the division and discord between this group. If they were winning then their would be greater unity than this.

As for the Bakara, its not that important, the air and seaport of Mogadishu have been working overtime and have been in government hands since December 2006.

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maybe cabdullahi yusuf should become the prime minister as well. that will instantly end the security vacuum

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