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ICU: The Safety of Mogadishu's residents paramount

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The ICU had good intentions from the start and has proved so with their decision to vacate Mogadishu.


Even with the grave situation facing his movement, Sheek Sharif's mind was with the welfare of the people. He has shown himself to be a man of supreme courage. Courage to do that which is right. He has proved himself to be a born leader. The world both Arab and non-Arab were impressed by the gentle manner, clarity of mind and political astuteness of Sheekh Shariif. Knowing full well the cruel characteristics of anarchy, he showed unrivalled mercy and far-sightedness; announcing that "we need our soldiers to return to their positions for the sake of the people"; he continues, "even if your positions are transferred to the government, you must stay where you are and make sure Mogadishu is as safe as it was before ."


The purity of these words are such that only the blessed companions of the Prophet ( s.c.w) and particularly that of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq come to mind. In one of his earliest Khutab's as a Caliph, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq uttered these noble words, "the weak among you are powerful in my eyes...and....the powerful among you are weak in my eyes". Indeed the suffering populous of Mogadishu were more powerful in the eyes of Sheek Shariif than the advancing armies.


To be sure, Sheekh Shariif's movement had alot to gain from defending Mogadishu, and it would have raised their stature. Sheek Shariif took this noble act of placing the good of Mogadishu's residents before that of the ICU. The fast developing diplomatic manoeuvres were all in favour of the ICU. Sheek Shariif with his impressive insight, knew this more than most. Prior to the decision to vacate Mogadishu in order to avert unnecessary suffering to the people; political developments were as follows: Firstly, the defunct AU had just reversed its earlier ill-advised position and was calling for Ethiopian troops to pull-out immediately; secondly, pressure was building in the Security Council and any action taken there would have certainly further eased the situation in favour of the ICU; thirdly, the Kenyan government was attempting to convene a meeting between the ICU, AU, AL and IGAD, a meeting which looked promising. All in all, the ICU's impressively co-ordinated and highly complex withdrawals were starting to pay dividends, all they had to do was to hold Mogadishu for a few days and surely the political pendulum would have swang their way.


Having considered the preceding developments; this act of Sheek Shariif to avert bloodshed in Mogadishu by withdrawing his forces, at a great cost to the standing of the ICU, appear even more impressive. Averting the pain and suffering of the people was paramount to Sheekh Shariif, even if it meant defeat for his movement. Indeed with these actions, Sheek Shariif brought into reality the prophetic words of Sheek Caweys, when the latter vowed that "the good of the Somali people is more important than my personal interests".


As the battle intensified and the enemy drew closer, the words of Sheekh Shariif become even more awe-inspiring; telling Al-jazeera television that “they did not leave the city to chaos”, but rather that they left it "to avert heavy bombing because Ethiopian forces are practising genocide against the Somali people".


Only when the dust settles will we come to realise and appreciate just how magnanimous this decision taken by Sheekh Shariif to vacate the city of Mogadishu is. Sheek Shariif will surely come to be immortalized in Somali history, he along with Sheekh Caweys have taken their rightfully earned positions alongside Axmed Gurey and Muxammad Cabdille Xasan.


N.B. Sheek Shariif and Caweys should not be written off as yet. Praise be to Allah who has once fulfilled his promise and will once again, no doubt fulfil his promise to all those who work good.

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^Aamiin Inshallah.


Abdullahi Yusuf and his thugs would never have been capable of such a noble act. In fact, Uncle Yey allowed Mogadishu to be bombed!. One wonders whether he was at all consulted before that criminal act of bombing Mogadishu airport and shelling sorrounding neighbourhoods was carried out.


Shir jaraa'id ah oo lagu qabtay magaalad Muqdisho habeenkii kahoreeyay bixitaanka Maxkamadaha, qodobadaan ayeey soo saareen:


1. waxaa Waajib Muqadas ah in la ilaaliyo Mabaa'diida iyo jiritaanka qaranimada Soomaaliyeed.


2. Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka waxa ay ogol yihiin in Umada Soomaaliyeed ay aayaheeda ka tashadaan, una diyaar garowdo sidii ay xilkaas ula wareegi laheyd


3. Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed waxa ay aaminsan yihiin ama ay go'aamiyeen in aan wadanka ama Caasimada aan laga sameyn wax fowdo ah.


4. Ciidamamada Maxaakimtu waxay Mas'uul ka yihiin Amniga iyo Xasiloonida Caasimadda Soomaaliyeed ee Muqdisho.


Mid kale oo maxkamadaha sameeyeen waxeey aheed in odayaasha iyo waxgaradka deegaanada kala duwan lagu wareejiyo qaar kamid ah hubka Makmadaha.


Qodobadaan waxeey xaqiijiniyaan in Maxkamadaha mar walbaba uu fikirkooda ahaa sidii loo badbaadinlahaa shacabka xamar.


Afarta qodob oo eey Maxkamadaha soo saareen waxeey noqon doonaan kuwa waxbadan laga qori doono, markii taariikhda Maxmadaha qoritaankooda labilaabo.

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these traitors called for a war then they fled to Qatar.

If i see them i will personaly post them to Guantanamo.


they think that hiding in Juboyinka will save them.

they are the most tribal minded organisation i have ever seen.

If they knew taht they were cowards they simply shouldnt have incited and declared war.

A war that i lost relatives when these loonies were busy planing on escaping.

shame on them.

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^ I'm sorry to hear that you've lost relatives in this war. Muslimiinta kudhimatay dagaalkaan ilaahay kuli janatal firdoos haka waraabiyo.


The aim behind this post is not to defend anyone in particular. However, the ICU's decision to vacate Mogadishu in order to saveguard civilian lives, is one that should be commended. The genocide that Sheekh Shariif predicted would have certainly taken place, were it not for the ICU's decision to place the welfare of civilians above their own goals. It's the TFG thugs that have shown total disregard for the civilians.


In addition to the initial post, we have since had more details pertaining to the ICU's decision to withdraw from Mogadishu. Abdirahman Janaqow, the deputy head of the executive council of the ICU, has elaborated on the point in question by saying that "we have taken the decision to leave Mogadishu because of the safety of the civilians ," he added that their troops were now "heading to somewhere they think they can fight with their enemy and kill them one by one without fighting among the civilians ".

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:


these traitors called for a war then they fled to Qatar.

If i see them i will personaly post them to Guantanamo.


they think that hiding in Juboyinka will save them.

they are the most tribal minded organisation i have ever seen.

If they knew taht they were cowards they simply shouldnt have incited and declared war.

A war that i lost relatives when these loonies were busy planing on escaping.

shame on them.

I an very sorry to hear that my friend.

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Why spare Mogadishu and not KISMAYU?

Why spare Mogadishu on a press release then hand heavy wepons over to the streets?

They talk a good game but their actions differ.

There where the men who used to parade children and women and make idle threats against everyone. When it came to it they ran away?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Why spare Mogadishu and not KISMAYU?

They talk a good game but their actions differ.

You know well that there are conflicting reports as their actual destination. Stop trying to score cheap points.


Originally posted by General Duke:

Why spare Mogadishu on a press release then hand heavy wepons over to the streets?

In fact, the ICU took great care with their weaponary. All weapons that the ICU decided to leave behind were handed over to the elders. These elders were charged with the task of securing those weapons and keeping it out of the wrong hands.


I answered this point very clearly in my second post.


Originally posted by BiLaaL_07:

Mid kale oo maxkamadaha sameeyeen waxeey aheed in odayaasha iyo waxgaradka deegaanada kala duwan lagu wareejiyo qaar kamid ah hubka Makmadaha".

Do you not read Somali?

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^The events relevant to my post have been verified by numerous media outlets. The ICU left Mogadishu in order to limit civilian casualties. Are you mad because the criminals you support are doing the exact opposite?

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^Facts don't mean anything to you do they? I repeat, the Courts turned the weapons they were planning to leave behind to chosen elders from different districts of Mogadishu. If these elders were unable to safeguard these weapons, the ICU are not to blame. Mind you, part of the reason why these elders were unable to safeguard the weapons trusted to them, was due to the fact that some of the former warlords appeared on the scene before elders had any chance to calm tensions.


Your thugs stood by as Mogadishu was bombed. In a short yes or no answer, did you support that bombing, and if not, why do you continue to support those who were complicit in such an act?

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Every single place that has been struck from the air had foreigner in it. That was an absolute red line for TFG.


Another one was not a single town or city saw ethiopian armed forces.


Yet another one was that battles were being pulled away from populated areas.


The ICU had more foreigners than somali in all the battles near Baydhoa.


The TFG never used more ethiopian forces than its own National Forces.


You can speak to your friends, relatives or members of the Somlaia National Forces.

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The only reason ICU did not fight for Mugadishu is this:


“Our children were getting annihilated,” said Abdi Hulow, an elder with the powerful ****** clan. “We couldn’t sustain it.”


The elders did not trust the military strategy or leadership of ICU. If you lose trust in the capability or confidence of your leader the battle is half lost already.


Kismayo was given to Alqaeda and Eritrea (along with whomever Oromo or ONLF they brought). TFG faked a move to through Gedo and the ICU froze. They tried to bring eritrea and more Alqaeda from Kismayo to reinforce BurHakubo, the reinforcement was destroyed on the road. Bur Hakobu was gone to TFG.

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