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Islam from an Scholastic Point of View

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School season is around the corner, and its one of these times of the year when many students from Kindergarten to college go back to classes right after the holidays.


This Season, teachers and professors will be busy explaining to new and returning students about what is expected of them in school, such as the policy of grading, homework and attendance. Some professors are tough and rigid, while others are easy and understanding to excuses, some of them even give rewards to students who are known as Frequent Liars by considering to grade their late homework, usually marking their homework assignments with a Big zero.


Some of these teachers and professors have taught the same course for the past twenty years. They know from first glance students who will make it and those who will emerge with wet grades, I mean, grades below the C level.


The experienced professor knows with certainty, that a certain percentage of students will ignore his advice and would chose to go against it, so he confronts the class and tells them that an average of five students in this class will flunk, four will get a D, eight students will get a C and only three students are expected to earn an A or a B. Amazingly after the Thanksgiving Turkey Feast, when most students pass the sobriety test, they prove the Professor right, and it is not his fault for the result, it is their nature that agrees with past data of human behavior.

In a similar way, we professionals or businessmen, are in a learning process, not in Class rooms, but in the School of hard knocks. were mistakes are not erasable and those who grade our performance are not likely to give us a second chance, specially if they subscribe to ISO 9002 certification process. Soon after graduation you will realize that your good days are over, and that you are expected to deliver your dues on time, all the time.


Procrastination may only add a negative valuation to your credit, which at the end will cost you your job, and worse yet, if you are not careful enough to add a real measurable value to your organization, chances are that you will be directed to the exit door.


In a parallel universe, we are being graded and monitored, not by a teacher, nor by an intelligence agency who can only record the obvious at best, but we are being monitored and measured by an invisible entity that has an access to our internal thought process and motives, as well as our actions and words.


These entities do not take a coffee or a cigarette break, they do not share feelings, they are not biased, they execute orders that no one can override, and at the end, they produce a report card so detailed, you wonder how have all your actions or the lack of found its way to these SIJIL so meticulously. Like employee appraisals, when the employee has to sit with his manager to assess his contribution to the company the past year, in this parallel universe, we are appraised for our entire lifetime contribution to the purpose behind our existence.


Like a careless student, If you did not understand what is expected of you, the probability that you deliver your dues is exponentially low, if not impossible. So it is one thing to understand the assignment, but it is another grueling task walking our talk.


In this parallel universe of ours, which we ignore, time is ticking away, and our yesterdays future is our present today, but we do not perceive it that way. We are busy continuously borrowing from our present never to pay it back, only to realize later that we have overdrawn our future account.


Looking back enviously, we can see how many things that we were able to deliver for an easy credit, have we missed thoughtlessly.


Like the Egyptian Poet Mutanabbee, said


" Wa lam ara fil naasi cayban, ka tarkil qaadiriina calal tamaami"


" I have not seen a worse defect in people, than when they fail to complete a task they are well capable to deliver"





2002 eNuri Sofwano Series

We Captivate Your Attention, To Activate Your Imagination

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Allow na furo!


reminds me of an old munkar song was played at meelaha biyo gaduudka lagu waraabo:

"I always feel like somebody is watching!

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Its that time of year again, back to school season, the fun and vacations are over for most Nomads, as registration for classes begins, and the business season takes off with trade conventions for businessmen.


Therefore, it is a good time to prepare for good results by planning well ahead of time. Likewise, Ramadan is around the corner, 45 days away, so we need to look at our calendars ahead of time and see how the best days of ramadan are corresponding to our schedules, exams or business meetings and engagements.


So, share with us your seasonal resolution in case your grades did not shine last year, or in case your worship suffered due to poor aliagnment of your personal commitments with your spiritual requirements.




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Since I posted this piece, the planet circled the sun three times, no one knows of how many joyful turns around the sun remain for us all, it was in Rajab, some 6 weeks before Ramadan, now the Hejira year has caught up with the Gregorian, I pray that when the spirit collection schedule catches up with us, that we are on good standing with our maker. Amin

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