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It is compulsary to adopt a madhab (Islamic School of Thought) ?...

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Wa alaikum salam brother Mujahid,


According to most scholars of the past and present it is by far recommended that a sunni muslim follow a specific madhab from the four schools of thoughts. Since the light of Islam (prophet mohamed p.b.u.h) isn't with us then it would be necessary on our behalf to search for someone who would explain the hadiths and the tafsiir more adequately. Allah (swt) has given us the inheritors of the Rasul (Scholars) to explain things that normal human beings can't comprehend. Therefore its keen that we follow a specific madhab since that all four school of thoughts are following the Sunnah and the magnificant Quran. They only differ in some aspects, hanbali being the most strict in all of the four and its actually the school that most saudi's practice. I'm assuming that when it comes to some Islamic judgments most somali's follow Imam maliki's pupil. I personally would not comprehend most of the Islamic knowledge that is around if it weren't for the early scholars of Islam who devoted their time to help the next generation of muslims. Therefore its necessary that you do adopt a specific madhab, but its not necessary to follow a specific one.


My knowledge on this subject stops at this point, I hope I have helped but do discuss with someone more knowledgable in this field.


Allah knows best,

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The question then is How do you chose what to follow if you don't have enough knowledge?

Are you your own shiekh/Imam? If you said Yes to the latter, then this is what many of the agnostics and kuffars say too. They say that they follow their own spirituality and take a little bit of what they like from every religion aka A deluxe pizza. Truth is this means that they would be committing Shirk because they are so engulfed in their hawa (their ego's) so much so that they think that they are better then all the religious traditions, subhanallah!!!

This goes for many muslims too.

You can not choose your way in the deen. You need a guide. You need to follow inshallah a shiekh/Imam and adhere to their advice 'He who has no Shiekh, the Shatan becomes his Shiekh'

and I'm not talking about a dead sheikh but a Living Shiekh/Imam.

You can not pick and choose Shiekhs according to what you agree or disagree with them (as many muslims do).

Schools of Fiqh and Schools of Thought (Aqeeda) are different. Schools of thought are a way of thinking .The two main schools of thought in Islam are the Sunni adn Shia and within are many subschools such as the Ashari's, Mutuzalayites, Salafis,Ithanashari (12 Imams), Ghazzalis (I think!) and so on. Then there are the tariqa's that look at things from a 'Bigger Picture', a more metaphysical and intellectual outlook towards the deen and life. Since we live in the West now, its difficult to follow one school of fiqh. Inshallah, an Imam/Spiritual guide/Shiekh would be able to discern whats best for his followers.

This inshallah is a great topic and when that requires more indepth discussion which I hope we can continue with time, inshallah.

People always ask since there are sooo many views in Islam, which one is right and which one should I follow? Remember this, Islam is not an Individual religion but a religion based Community (Jammat).

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in short answer to your question mujahid is that ''No'' it is not compulsory to follow a madhab but as a muslim you have to look islam in the perspectives of the quran and prophet mohamed's teachings which is what these Imaams may allah have mercy on them tried their best to eloborate. Sometimes they differ and sometimes they dont and we should be follwing the one which with the most strong eveidence, not he happened to be certain imaam. That is my two cents. thanks

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