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Clear Present Danger to the World

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It is the "Mirror" I know, but spare a thought for a moment in contemplation, should you care, to the abysmal conduit the palpable Dubya and his ardent conspirator, the Gov’nor are heading for taking the bloody world along. One hardly could blame them for that for as is the case here – the winner goes the spoils!


Solution – Slaughter the Muslim children at own pleasure, exert maximum castigation in leisure, disembowel their academia, eviscerate their nubile women, and FU the Muslim leaders whilst you are at it, the somersaultic Mosad-style. Engulf the entire region in flames, arm the Israeles to their teeth with deadly biological weapons to amass graves of Falastian “shabab”, and transport their brightest in slaves-like dhows to the Western capitals only to be applied later as acquiescent instruments to impair the social fabric with intent to dissemble future generations.


And ascertain Muslims feel the pain of their brethrens, the humiliation bestowed upon them, the state of subjection and subjugation of all aspects, the objectless imminence abound, change will neither have been realised, nor deliberated.


Better yet, bring them in droves to the coliseum, the Roman style, and have them oblige in performance for the spectatorial, gore-fancing, reality-show hungry Western femme fetale and transgender beings as slaughtering in the abattoir commences whilst the power-to-be sips lukewarm “caraq” on the polished, comfy terrace!


Oh, then again, why bother – none have the gut instinct to riposte in kind – Alas, their finest will simply crumple like a house of cards!


– The best the Muslim world could come up with are the binLadens (hiding in rat holes) and Sadrs (hiding in mosques wearing robes in times of battle) out of the millions. Thumbs up – GREAT!




Any volunteers!


And perhaps then, and there barely is the remotest chance even then, Muslims might attempt to rise from the ASHES!


As the old saying would have it …. “ Lax Weliba Shilinkay Is Dhigtaa Lagu Gawracaa”





HE is the most dangerous man in the world.


A warmonger. A crackpot fundamentalist. A fanatic and a fool who has only the barest grasp of the killing power of the forces under his command.


His name is George W Bush and his main battle plan is to set the world on fire.


September 11 was a crime against humanity but from Afghanistan to Iraq, and now in Israel, Bush has blazed a purposeless trail of destruction and multiplied the dangers of terrorism a thousand-fold.


The War Against Terror has turned into a war of terror in Iraq as American troops butcher their way through the civilian population in pursuit of an enemy that grows stronger daily with each dead Iraqi civilian.


And in Israel Bush has overnight primed the entire region for a new cycle of slaughter by backing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's illegal land-grab of Palestinian territory and offering the Arabs nothing in return only despair.


Bush seems determined to unite the entire Arab world against the West. Already the mass murderer Osama bin Laden has gleefully vowed to avenge the Israeli assassination of Palestinian Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin.


After September 11 Bush promised to fight terror. But the only promise Bush has kept is the promise of more terror, more terrorist atrocities, like the Madrid bombings, to come.


As the American President Bush is supposed to protect democracy and make the world a safer place.


Bush is supposed to be the leader of the free world, a man who directly follows in the footsteps of such great statesmen as John F Kennedy, who saved the world from nuclear catastrophe during the Cuban missile crisis.


But airhead Bush is no Kennedy.


WATCHING Bush stumble through a live press conference, even when he knows the questions, is like watching a stranded goldfish gasping for air.


Bush is not just out of his depth, he is out of his element.


If it was not so truly frightening you could almost feel sorry for him.


If I was an American I would be ashamed. Ashamed that the greatest nation on earth is so badly led. Ashamed that their commander-in-chief is without purpose squandering the lives of his men, and Iraqi civilians.


And ashamed too of a President who sends men to their death but does not have the courage to attend one single funeral of the 700 US soldiers killed in Iraq.


Iraq and Israel might seem far away but every time you fill up your car you are taking part in the politics of the Middle East. The world economy still runs on petrol and that oil still largely comes from the Arab world.


If anything should ever happen to that flow of oil - civil war in Saudi Arabia or meltdown in Iraq - we would all know about it very quickly by the US$100 a barrel price tag and the three-hour queue down at your local petrol station.


The war against Islamic fundamentalism, the hunt for Osama bin Laden, is a battle for the future of the world. It is a war the West cannot afford to lose. And it is a war in which the clueless Bush is blindly leading us all towards disaster.


As if the quagmire in Iraq was not bad enough, Bush has turned his destructive attention to the other regional hot-spot, Israel.


At the White House Bush summarily dismissed 50 years of Palestinian claims for an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories. Israeli settlements in the West Bank, all illegal under international law, were the "new realities" that the Palestinians would just have to accept, he said.


A couple of months ago I was standing next to one of those realities, an eight-foot high concrete wall, on the outskirts of Jerusalem in the small Arab village of Abu Dis.


Abu Dis is seven miles from the centre of Jerusalem and straddles the 3000-year-old pilgrim road to Jericho. Jesus Christ himself probably walked along the same road on his way into Jerusalem.


But last summer Ariel Sharon decided Abu Dis was no longer part of East Jerusalem and erected an eight-foot high concrete barrier across the middle of the road, cutting the residents off from their homes, their jobs, and their city.


ON the roof of a local garage the Israeli army erected an observation post and threatened to shoot anyone who climbed the wall.


The Palestinians ignored the soldiers and round the corner climbed the wall anyway.


I was standing on the "Arab" side of the wall chatting to Ahmed Bahar, a street falafel seller, when without warning an Israeli soldier lobbied a tear-gas grenade.


There was no shouting. No mob screaming threats. Ahmed saw the hissing gas canister, which landed about 10 feet away, and took off in the opposite direction. I ran after him but not before getting a choking whiff of the stinging gas in my eyes and lungs.


After 10 minutes the wind blew the gas away and Ahmed went back to his falafel stall. The other Palestinians quietly got back in line to queue for a taxi. And life started up again.


Ahmed said he had been gassed hundreds of times. He was past being angry about it. The real thing that bothered him was the disruption to his trade. He wasn't making enough money to support his family.


Getting tear gassed in Abu Dis for no reason is just one of the new realities that George W Bush wants the Palestinians to live with, along with hundreds of other daily humiliations of Israeli occupation. But is not a sustainable reality. Sooner or later some Palestinian will angrily strike back. There will be more suicide bombings, more killings, more despair.


To save the world from terror you have to have vision, intelligence and the ability to unlock the complex political problems.


But the only ability George Bush has is an unerring capacity to make a grim situation worse.


George W Bush is a clear and present danger to the world.


And we are all under threat until this bumbling oaf is removed from office and confined to a remote Texas cow ranch where he truly belongs.


-KEVIN Toolis is an expert on terrorism

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Assalamu Alaikum

Brother you are right

my opinion is divided we fall, united we stand," said former US President Abraham Lincoln. We as muslims need to unite today more than any age and day. We are separated and divided on useless issues and we are so weak that the Western World is playing with our people like bononi. We invite them play with us. It begins with all of us. IF we start with me and you and then friends family community, state, countries and then Allah knows how we can be. We let ppl like Baboon Bush decide laws for israel and Palestine suffers.

What do we feel when we hear about our Ummah dying in Palestine and Iraq and God knows were else. Nothing sit in our computers and simply enjoy life. We can start with a little thing. We must increase the morality and practicing of Islam by Muslims worldwide. We must teach all Muslims their religion correctly. We must support each other in the practice of our religion. We must pay special attention to new Muslims and give them the needed help to grow in Islam. Different Muslim groups or schools fight over NONSENSE. We need to learn to make dialogue together without yelling, fighting or hating and without having wars. The enemies of Islam like to see us fight and sometimes they stir up trouble to drive us to fight each other.petty differences and won’t even work together. gOSH ARE THEY winning to see shiates and sunni's fighting over Iraq. Islam is Islam. You say your Islam and yes you are my brother and my sister. No other.Another big obstacle between Muslims is tribalism and nationalism. that is just plan ignorance. It was said tribe is to recognize your selves not divide yourselves. In becoming one big worldwide family, as Allah meant for us to be, we must create an Islamic culture. We can forget other cultures. Islam is a way of life and it should be our leading culture. Islam has everything we need. If some of us live in the western world then we need to create communities where they can be active and confident. Most importantly we can become strong and united when all Muslims, no matter where they live, stand up with pride and confidence and pass these feelings onto their children. Another way of not only unifying Muslims but humankind is by educating non-Muslims about the true Islam to put down their fears and prejudices as well as being able to invite them to Islam. we must unite together to make the best education for our children. We need the best methods and enthusiastic, hard-working teachers, as well as enthusiastic givers of charity to support schools and teachers, in order to develop the best religious and academic education we can offer our children-- worldwide. Islam is our religion, our culture and our life. The next generations may be our hope and may be the unifiers, if we raise them right. However, we should not just sit and wait for the next generation to do something. We have to work towards this unification now. The result is from Allah. We are only responsible for carrying out our duties. We must be patient. It will take some time. So many Muslims are ready to fight and achieve everything in one day, but it doesn’t work this way. oky enough got go. Brother am with you any day

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Bush will not come back to reclaim the White House a second time, you mark my words. He is a one term president.

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Spot on sis Hasna - but the question remains does the sheep realise where the abattoir is to stay away! I think not!


Horn - I wish that could be the case, but it hardly looks that way - George and Blair are both likely to return!

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^^^ I doubt Blair will ever return.....Ilaahayow Bush yuu ku soo noqonin. aamiin!


Samurai warrior- what happened to Islam's brotherhood? gaalada iyakoo isku diin eheyn bey iscaawinaayaan, maxaa muslimiinti daciif ka dhigay? muslim aqqul muslim soo ma la dhihin doesnt that count for anything?

How come the arab leaders are affraid to help the innocent palestine children? where is this world heading my broda? when will we be able to stand-up for our religion?


you see my broda, there's lots of question but the sad thing is no one can't come up with a solution. When Ciisa (caleyhi salaam) comes back to earth he will be the one with the solution but until then my brother may Allah be with muslims where ever they might be and let us make a non-stop dua in our prayers for our brother's and sister's in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.


At the end,the victory will be our's insha-allah!

keep your hope up and may God make our Iman Solid as a rock! smile.gifsmile.gif

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Caramel_kisses – “what happened to the Muslims?” - good question dear. Wish I knew. Trouble in my opinion is pseudoMuslims are in the mindset that they are still roaming on the arch, eating dates in the desert awaiting Noah to svae the day. Muslims if you will are Muslims by name. Period. None of the tenets of Islam or its doctrine are being observed nor adhered to. And there lies the dilemma.


Perhaps Muslims should await Issa’s return, and till then commit themselves to a life of slavery to the Bushes and Blairs of this world. That would suit more fittingly from the look of it.


I am less convinced by the day that Allah will be with the pseudoMuslims of this world. Strongly am of the belief they are dogged herein, and shall be holed up in the hereafter.


The brain cells and finer veins in the body ache as if rheumatic at the mere thought of the state of Muslims of all locales and creed.





More on the story ....


Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward


It's hard to know what is more disturbing. That George W. Bush misled the public by stating in the months before the Iraq war that he was seriously pursuing a diplomatic resolution when he was not. That he didn't bother to ask aides to present the case against going to war. That he may have violated the U.S. Constitution by spending hundreds of millions of dollars secretly to prepare for the invasion of Iraq without notifying Congress. That he was misinformed by the CIA director about one of the most critical issues of the day and demanded no accountability. Or that he doesn't care if he got it wrong on the weapons of mass destruction.



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Bush either we like or not is just getting started and Kerry God help us i don't think he is any better. We will see what the American People will decide. Not only that this years election will be even better because every vote counts and since we know what happened between Gore and Bush this year election will be in history because i think almost every american who is over 18 will vote.

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