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Somalia spy network exposed

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Al-Shabaab's distrust of foreign agencies operating in our country finds some justification given these revelations. The inept TFG is clueless. It wrongly assumes that the U.S. and neighboring states are interested in finding lasting peace for Somalia.


By PETER MWAIPosted Thursday, December 17 2009 at 18:51


Two officials working with the African Union’s peacekeeping mission in Somalia, Amisom are reportedly under investigation, following reports that they are being used by a Western intelligence agency and South African Intelligence.


According to sources inside the African Union, quoted by a Somali news site,
the officials are involved in gathering intelligence aimed at undermining the Djibouti Process and assisting the West in the war on terror in East Africa.


The two, an intelligence analyst from an East African country in Amisom and a Somali-Tanzanian who works for UNSOA (United Nations Support Office for Amisom) as a Public Information Officer in Nairobi have reportedly been recruited separately to spy both on AMISOM and Somalis.


They are accused of gathering information for America’s Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and South Africa Secret Services (SASS).


A source close to the investigation told the Nation that a routine counter intelligence operation showed a plethora of sensitive information on Amisom operations and its staff had constantly been passed to the two agencies.


“This is very damaging and could potentially harm our efforts to bring peace to Somalia,’’ he said.


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Heh! Rumsfeld's Strategic Support Group (of the DIA) is still active in Somalia? Who knew that would be possible. I guess the DIA are trying hard to counter the CIA's heavy involvement in anti-AS push, eh? Hmmm. Battleground of the 'Services' it is then.

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