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Xaaji-Correction-Muslim Harar was never part of Christian Abyssinia. It was incorporated into Ethiopia in 1887 after the Battle of Chalengo.Harar were never classified as Ethiopians.



The confusion here is people using Ethiopia (modern day state) and Christian Abyssinia interchangeably.


Ethiopia was only established after Christian Highlanders (Abyssinians) slowly expanded to the South and subjugated the Oromo, Somali and other southern peoples.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Ethiopia was only established after Christian Highlanders (Abyssinians) slowly expanded to the South and subjugated the Oromo, Somali and other southern peoples.

Wether you call them ethiopians or abyssinians, they have been ruling those ppl for a long time. Why dont you just accept that? the world has accepted it, Somalia goverment has accepted it, the united nations has accepted it.

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Che i never said The Amirs of harar were part of Christian Abyssinia, i just pointed out they were not Somalis But Ethiopians or hararians what ever u want to call them.

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^Hararis had Somali rulers as well and the city has Somali population.


It seems you guys are nitpicking history to fit your world view...lool



The ultimate question here is Ethiopia colonizer-the simple answer is yes and history attests to that.

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Yes, Ethiopia is a colonizer. But its the legally recongnised colonizer of all kind of diffrent peoples, like Oromoa, Afar, etc. The Somalia govermewnt recongnised it.


Even your beloved Al Shabaab recongizes it, otherwise they would fight Ethiopia and Xabashi's in stead of fighting and murdering poor Somali's.

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Xaaji-Not historically!


Come one, just come with it. It's Ok to ignore history if you think it win favors from Zenawi but it don't insist on ignorance and misinformation.


Even Zenawi's introduction of ethnic federalism admits the historical injustice and the fact that the Ethiopian constitution allows secession in theory of course!

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Xaaji-Not historically!


......the historical injustice.....



you cant seem to choose. Is or isn't Ethiopia the historic colonizer of particular regions?

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It seams you dont seem to comprehend what Al shabaab is all about and how they are the enemy of the Somali people. And the enemy of that same blue flag you are carrying.

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PPL, please learn history very well. THERE WAS NO COUNTRY CALLED ETHIOPIAN BEFORE 1955. THERE WAS ABYSSINIA NOT ETHIOPIA. It was Emperor Halie Selassie of Abyssinia who created the name Ethiopia with the advice of his European allies, he borrowed the old Greek name for the ppl of the African continent south of the Sahara. He did so for fear that once the republic of Somalia comes to existence that it may incite trouble for the Muslims under Abyssinian rule who where all called Somalis after Ahmed Guray unified the Muslims in the horn of Africa. he wanted a name that would trick and make the Muslims under his rule feel that they are part of the Abyssinian empire. BTW, there is no such thing as Somali as ethnic group, it was colonial concocted idea which was meant to divide the all the Muslim in the horn of Africa to make them easier for conquest. weather you know it or not the 1st ppl that were called Somali were the Adaris the rest of us jion it after Ahmed Guray expanded his domain in all direction of Muslim territories. The Somali name 1st appeared during the wars between Adal/Iffat and Abyssinia. It appeared in the Abyssinian lamentation songs after they were defeated. They were calling Somalis the ppl of the Emirate who merged together Adal/Iffat, and guest who the majority of those ppl were at that time, the Affar and most of the territory of iffat was what is the region known as danakil regions. the rest of of what we call somalis join in as the battles progressed and the Emirate dominion expanded and more smaller Emirates join in the fight and became under complete control of Adari led Emirate. At that time for the Abyssinian Somali were all Muslims that inhabited to their NE/E and South/SE. It was the European colonials whom assisted the Abyssinian in devising this treachery which has befallen on all Muslims on the HOA. It was they that came up with this division, and only succeeded with the help of the nomads of the east and north. the 1st dethroned the more settle and organized muslims of the west and south, then convinced the nomad they and they alone are true somalis while at the same time removing the true rulers of the nomads from power and installing their own choosing puppet rulers among the nomads. Once they succeeded in that they told the nomad you never had a unified country, then continuing they set one group of nomads against the other. And the story goes on till now that is why all of U here are debating the existence of Somalia as country prior of the arrival of Europeans. One thing is true Somalis of nomadic descent especially the masses had never know a unified country, because they just like other nomad society in the world the affairs of the state never touch them except in times of wars with foreign nations and day to day affair were between the chief of the nomad clan and the emissaries of the state. As we all know today's clan leaders who claim to have been ruling the same clan for generations, less we forget, are lairs they only came to power through betrayal and direct nomination of the colonial masters. Without that betrayal somalia might have been in a different position that it is today, but sadly we are where we are and those defending the idea of somalia not being a nation before are the children s of the descendants of those that betrayed their country, and have no interest of getting to the bottom of the real history of somalia because it might shed light to what their grand parents did during and after math of the scramble of somalia. So they have to defend at any cost the new version of the history written by their masters. we all know history is always written by the victors, and somalis and their nation were defeated over 100yrs ago.

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Like I said ppl like you are defending their treachery at any cost. If you really want to know if there was a country called somalia go and educated your self by going to the major libraries of the world. It's like saying was there a country called Italy prior 1800s..if you believe it existed then so does somalia in form or another, all you have to do is seek knowledge and then you find it, just don't be offended if you find out your clan was part of the weapon used to destroy the nation called somalia. If you find that out just accept it. it does not mean you did it, unless you continue the same path as your ancestors. I'll be the 1st to admit that some of my clan help the colonizers directly or indirect due to their lack of knowledge of their religion and culture, but at the same time others with in the same clan defended their country with every thing they had. I'm sure a lot of other clan were divided similarly. If you look at it somalia today history repeated it self some are defending occupation and divisions while others are fighting back with everything they got, and who every wins tomorrow will write the history of what they have accomplished making them self the heroes of the day. We all know which side you are so far, but you have time to change other wise I have no time to argue with the enemy see you at the battlefield and if you win you continue to write your version, and if I win I'll make sure to make the corrections of the mistake of today and yesterday so tomorrow my great grand children have a nation of their own not live a perpetual refugees scattered globally.

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Can you provide any sources for the existense of a Somali State prior to 1960?





By the way Banadir has been founded and established by Arabs, persion, bantu's. Somali's roped, raped and destroyed it. that is a historical fact. or do you deny that?

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