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The Zack

Tiresome Zenawi: Stronger sub-clan is negotiating with us

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The Zack   

Meles Zenawi is now feeling the heat from the ONLF forces. In this video he claims that some Somali sub-clans (and he even names them LOL) are stronger than others in the region. He says the weaker clan is fighting him. My response to him is, if the "weaker" sub clan is kicking your butt this good, what would you expect from the "stronger ones" LOL


He also calls the UWSLF former terrorists :D:D , he is like " they had no other options but to lay down their guns". (on another video).


Watch it right here..


Fast forward to 2:24 to hear when he is bad mouthing the UWSLF that signed the agreement with him. FF to 5:24 to hear the clan names LOL. Ninku wuu asaasaqay.


P.s. AT&T, ninka yaa beenta about reer dhagaxbuur u sheegay?

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Yup, Meles is losing it sxb. He fully failed to Keep that region under control with force, he know started using money. He sent out a team of "delegates" with huge amount of $$ to some states in the US to convince people to stop supporting the ONLF. They are actually trying to buy people LOL. Bal weynu arki meesheey ku dhamaato.

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Meles way ka dhaamatey!



Sheekadiisu waa nin gowracan geedo kama waabto. Ma arkeysay markuu reerka ku mashquulsanaa xoqashuu ku waashey ilaa ood ka baqdo inuu bidaarta iska mudhxiyo....waa nin been sheegi caadadiis inuu xoq xoqdo.


Hadii laangaabkii Meles jiif iyo joog saas ugu diidey maxaad umaleyn markuu laandheeruhu soo galo?


War ninka yaa saas ukala barey reerka, tolow ma Ibraahim dheeraa mise waa Shakuul mise waa Iley?



Midkuu rabo ha ahaade e koley ninkanu waa nin Zubeyr c***r ah uun waayo cagdheertii kale iyo adeerkoodtoona waxba uma ogola!

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Odayga wuu isku qasmay wallee, siduu u xoqanayo anigaba waan arkay, ninku wuu daalay go'naheen ee muu is dhiibo. Waxaad mooddaa oday somaliyeed oo qabiil qabiil kale ku dirahayo. Kulahaa jufada O ugu badan maba dagaalanto, jufada ku xigtaan la heshiiyay :D:D:D



**La kala miiranye Allow Malez ha i raacin**

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halka kaga haya karbaasha waad gaadhasiin goalkina inshallah,, War Melez zanawi ictraafka somalilaand wuu ka baqa it will make him powerless lol bal idinku so karbaasha anaga xita xidhiidh hagaagsan hada tplf ma lihin siday dawlada cusub u dhalatay bal weynu eegi

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He's cunning individual well versed in Somali clan politics and knows how to exploit it!



Xaaji...Zenawi will recognize Somaliland when Ethiopia falls apart.Till then, the status quo serves him just fine.

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looooooool@Rer-Is.aa.q baan ishaynaa. loooooooooool.


Who are these most senior ONLF leaders and commanders?


Mohamed Ismael

Caddani Hirmoge

Abdikarim Sh. Muse

Sheekh Deeq

Cabdiraxmaan Maaddeey


Miyeyna aheyn the second largest group (rer cab.dille) :D


Waxan boqol jeer oo hore ayuu yidhi. In 2007 when addressing the regional cabinet over a video conference,a nd in 2005 elections when he was talking to elders.


It worked in Somalia and he si trying to do that. Let us wait and see. But I know we will hear the same thing some years back. This policy of divide-and-rule is what they have been practicting on the ground for so long. The only new thing these days is 'the diaspora front' which they opened. Sheekadaasi way soo gaaban doontaa.


Meles's army in Dhagaxbuur are divided along ethnic lines. Those who set Sulub Abdi Ahmed free from maximum security prison in Harar were Oromo. The ONLF is buying supplies and bullets from the army itself. Ciidan laxejeclo u dagaalama ma jiro, the few Tigreans who are in the army are mostly in leadership position and busy with what the whole of Ethiopia knows them for: Womenising. Markaa the guy is upset how things on the ground are not working.


Somali oo dhan ayaa Meles hoos fadhida markaa he just can't understand how a small clan is giving him all this headache. Their Embassy guys in Nairobi waxay ku odhan markaad is aragtaan "Kismayo aan idiin qabano ee na daaya, iyo somalidu way idin neceb tahay ee miyaydaan taa ogeyn?" Sheekadaa riqiiska ah cid la wad wada ayey Dhagaxbuur (one of the most enlightened zones of the region) ka waayeen. Maxaabiistii la sii daayey xataa intii reerka aheyd way ka reebeen. But the resolve is getting stronger and stronger.


But it is also true that with a bit more resource and mobilisation, the struggle could get transformed. Afdheer (what he calls the biggest clan that wasn't involved) waa runtii oo way hurdaan. But he is wrong about the second largest clan. They are the backbone and by far the highest number of foot soldiers in the ONLF are from Fiiq zone.


The Zack


Ninka hadalkiisu waa wax fiican. Guuleed Casowe of Cakaaranews didn't report this yet. Lool. I guess he is upset. He is from Dhagaxbuur. :D:D Waxaa la ii sheegay inuu lahaa "waa maxay maxan uu odaygu ku sheekeeyey?"

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*Abdikarim Sh.muse ma aha RA waa Rer Dollo.


Waa runtaa Fiiq ama Gobolka Nogob waa meesha hormuudka u ah Xoriyada Dhulka.


A&T Ciidamada Afdheer haday dugsiyada dhameeyeen markaa in kastoo gaabiyeen hada si fiican ciidan ahaan baa loo gaadhsiiyay.waligoodba laakiin Afdheer kaligood istaag weeye hada laakiin way garteen oo dhulkii lagu dagaalamaye iyo kooda waxaa hormarsan kan dagaalada iyo nabad la'aanta lagu sheego.bilaash bay la hurdeen, Hargeele tuuloyinka dagaxbuur bay la mid tahay.


Libaana webigii baa fataahay markaa ciidamada lama gudbin karo laakiin wararkaan helayo hada inyar inyar baa loo gudbiyaa.


Shiniile waakii dee Erar iyo Afdem iyo Hawaash ka dhaceen dagaaladu iyaga si tartiba oo nidaamsan buu u gaadhayaa halganku.

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Meles's desperation is getting worse by the day. He embarrassed himself and made himself a fool in front of the world, Ethiopia and most importantly the Somali people in Western Somalia. In this video, he seemed that he was just saying what he has been told to say, the man needs some better advisers LOL.Ina Illeey baa ka waalay. Isagaa kugu yiri anaa qolyahan reer Dhagax-Buur kusoo dhex koraye waa laan gaab :D:D . Like Abdilatif mentioned earlier, his gesture and facial expression showed that he was really embarrassed of what he was saying.


Waxaanse la yaabay qoladan Macow soo ceeb kuma aha in loogu yeedho qabiil mise ceeb-ba ma yaqaanaan.


Ina Casoowe wuu xanaaqsan yahay dheh :D:D bal aan aragno waxuu soo qoro.

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Meles Zenawi Incites genocide again in Og'aden

Response to M Zenawi’s Press Conference of August 11, 2010


August 16, 2010


On August 11, 2010, Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, in a bid to mislead the international community, stated in a press conference that a particular clan in the Oga’den is fighting against his government and implied that his regime will militarily end this conflict. His similar declaration on June 11, 2007 resulted in the killing of thousands of civilians, burning of scores of villages and unlawful detention of thousands of defenseless civilians. Last week’s statement was a direct message to the army and the government-armed militia once again to aggravate the already bleak human rights situation and to commit genocide in Oga’den. Evidence to the later is the fact that he singled out one particular clan in Oga’den, a genesis of genocidal motives. Meles’s declaration of war to one clan or community in Oga’den as the enemy of the state parallels the Nazis identification of the Jewish as the enemy of the states. The Ethiopian government’s complete control of all media outlets and it virtual control of all federal and local political, military and economic resources, the jamming of all opposition and banning international media in the area further enhances the possible consequence of genocide in the Oga’den.


Article III-c of the international convention on Genocide states that “Direct and public incitement to commit genocide” is punishable under international law. Meles Zenawi as the head of government of Ethiopia has publicly declared that a particular group of people under his rule is fighting him and as such, he is directing his Army and security forces to focus their reprisal against that particular group.

The Prime Minister also endorsed the unlawful killings, rape and torture of civilians by government affiliated militias at the press conference by saying “The most important change has been in the willingness of the people of the region to fight for their peace. That has been the key decisive development of the past year or two. They had been prepared to fight for their peace; they had been prepared to die for their peace. And that has changed the whole equation in the region”. Meles deliberately wants to use local militias in a bid to distance himself-the perpetrator, from the responsibilities of the crimes committed, despite organizing, training, funding and directing it. Genocide watch lists the use of local militia by governments as one of myriad of ways States commit genocide. Another disturbing aspect of the Prime Minister’s interview is his shameful stigmatization of the Somali people, labeling the whole Somali nation as tribalists. His colonialist attitude, the divide and rule, is clearly demonstrated by his compartmentalization of the Somalis in Oga’den into tribal boxes and claiming that he reached an agreement with this or that clan. In 2007, he said ‘the Ceyr”, a clan in Somalia, alone is fighting against Ethiopia during his invasion of Somalia. Such despicable statement followed by a heinous crime is the behaviour of dictators not a rational head of a state.


The very nature of Ethiopian colonial rule increases the determination of Oga’den people’s struggle for their rights and enhances their unity against the genocidal policy of TPLF regime. Therefore, any attempt to use colonial tactics of divide and rule will be a futile attempt. Meles want to use the same tactic he employed in Somalia where he armed clans and warlords against each other and has led to the murky situation and unending civil war in Somalia. The International community and the West in particular, must have a clear understanding of these tactics by now and the take necessary measures to counter it.


Meles has denied in the past the existence of ONLF but is feeling intensification of the popular struggle of the Oga’den people led by ONLF. Meles’s rant is a signal of his government’s desperation of defeating ONLF, which has forced him to go an extra mile to create its own version of ONLF. The creation of a fake ONLF owned by the government is not new to Ethiopia Ethiopia’s ministry of Federal Affairs, in its “A week in the Horn” bulletin dated on 11.09.2009, in response to Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, lamented that “Much of this merely repeats claims made by HRW and bears no relationship to reality. It all shows little knowledge of the history of the ONLF, in participation that of a majority of ONLF members are in the political processes in the Somali Regional State after 1994/5 or of Somali political processes in general". Since 1995, the Ethiopian government has declared the demise of ONLF on many occasions or organizing a group that "opted to participate peacefully in the political process in Ethiopia”. Creating and entering into bogus peace deals with organizations that only exist in the government’s imagination will not deter ONLF from the pursuit of justice, equality and self determination for the Somali people in Oga’den.


ONLF is an organization that represents all Somalis in the Oga’den and is striving to achieve the right to self-determination through an internationally supervised referendum. Meles Zenawi’s desperate attempts at contracting his own ONLF will not contribute to a peaceful resolution of the long-standing conflict between the Oga’den Somali people and Ethiopia. Instead, it will harden the resolve of the Oga’den people to struggle for their rights and will further obstruct any chance of peace in the Oga’den.


Such drama that the Ethiopian regime engages in can only be explained as a cheap trick to divert attention from the mounting pressure from the international community on its appalling Human Rights record in the Oga’den and other parts of Ethiopia. This was coupled with its loss of face that resulted from orchestrating the so-called election that produced 99.6% “victory” for a party that claims to adhere to democratic value, and the apparent failure to register military and diplomatic gain in the Oga’den arena.


Finally, ONLF calls upon international community to condemn Meles Zenawi for dabbling in clan politics and inciting genocide and committing crimes against humanity. It is time for the international community, specifically the UN, US, Russia, EU, AU and peace loving nations to hold him personally accountable for his war crimes and this malevolent conduct in Oga’den.



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