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Defence Lawyers for Samsam Ahmed Du’ale Detained

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Defence Lawyers for Samsam Ahmed Du’ale Detained

- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 18:16


Hargeisa – Four defence lawyers for Samsam Ahmed Du’aale, the accused child who had been in detention since August this year, were today arrested in Hargeisa, Somaliland.


Defence lawyers were charged with contempt, and the judge presiding over the case immediately handed out 3 years imprisonment to be served concurrently for each of the four defence lawyers. Other reports indicate the prosecutor had asked for their arrest, and the judge obliged.


Defence lawyers, Yusuf Isma’il Ali, Mohamed Said Hirsi, Fawzi Sh. Yonis, and Abdirahman Ibrahim Aalin are said to be distraught and are being temporarily held in Hargeisa’s central police station. Unconfirmed reports indicate they will be transferred over to the notorious Mandhera prison where they will serve their sentence.


Samsam Ahmed Du’ale, a 17-year-old student from Bosaso in the neighbouring Puntland State of Somalia, was allegedly plotting to assassinate Somaliland’s Vice President, Ahmed Yusuf Yasin. Samsam was later detained, tortured and raped while in the custody of Somaliland’s CID.


Her medical condition is said to be deteriorating as she has not being receiving due care and proper medical attention during her imprisonment. Faisal Mohamed, a cousin of the victim whom I contacted confirmed that Samsam’s condition is poorly and has been deteriorating. Family members are concerned about her state of mind and are uncertain if she will ever recover from her ordeal.

Unconfirmed reports also indicate the arrest of Ali Kar, a human rights activist with Samatalis, a non profit organisation based in Hargeisa.


The average person in Hargeisa is not only repulsed by the case, but the secrecy with which the government is handling the case and the irregularities surrounding the victim is said to be of suspicious and anomalous. Many people in Hargeisa believe that the Vice President is tacitly influencing the case with the prosecutor representing the government being disingenuous and entirely in contempt of the law in trying a case where the victim is being arraigned, and the guilty party is being defended.


Subsequently, as the news of the arrests surfaced, I sat down with a group of young people debating the case which is on the lips of everyone in Hargeisa. The validity of the case is being questioned, and the precarious, not-so-mature legal system of Somaliland is tried in Hargeisa’s households. It seems no one in their right-mind believes the 17-year-old would get a fair trial, nor will her persecutors be brought to justice.


The story first broke in August when the security guards at Somaliland’s Vice President’s residence arrested Samsam Ahmed Du’ale who came to Hargeisa to visit her relatives – Somaliland’s Minister of Sports is her uncle from her mother’s side.


Mohamed A Ali


Freelance Journalist

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Qareenadii SamSan Axmed Ducaale Oo Maanta Lagu Xidhay Magaalada Hargeysa, Iyo SamSam Oo Saaka Maxkamada Lakeenay.


Hargeysa( u doodaya Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo ka koobnaa afar qareen ayaa maanta xabsiga loo taxaabay, qareenadan oo saaka markii maxkamada la keenay Samsam Axmed Ducaale la socday.



Saaka saacadu markay ahayd 10:00 ayaa waxa maxkamada Hargeysa ee gobolka la keenay SamSam Axmed Ducaale oo si xoogan oo ilaalinayo una ilaalinyaan askar , waxaan markii maxkamada laga furay dacwadii Iyada oo uu guddoomiye ka ahaa maxkamada qaadiga lagu magacaabo C/raxmaan Hayaan, waxaan halkaasi joogay oo SamSam Dacwada ku soo oogayey Xeer ilaaliyaha Maamulka Riyaale Xuseen Qaalib.


Markii maxkamadii Furan tay ayaa waxa ka dhexdilaacay buuq iyo sawaxan, dhawr qof oo meesha fadhiyey ayaa xeer ilaaliyuhu qaadiga ka codsaday in uu hoolka ka saaro ama xidho, Afarta Garyaqaan Ee Samsam oo kala ah:

1. Dr. Yuusuf Ismaaciil Cali

2. Dr. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi

3. Dr. Fowsi Sh. Yoonis iyo

4. Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ibraahim Caalin ayaa qaadiga u sheegay in aanu Xeer ilaaliyuhu xaq u lahayn in uu qofkasta isagu u jawaabo maadaama uu qaadigii maxkamadu fadhiyo.


Hasa yeeshee qaadi kumuu qancin hadaladii qareenada , wuxuuna si lama filaan ah u amray in Qareenada la xidho, ka dib markii uu Codsaday xeer ilaaliyuhu.


Arrintan ayaa layaab ku noqotay dadkii goob joogayaasha haa, iyada oo la filayey in la guda galo arrinta meesha loo yimi ee SamSam qadiyadeeda ahayd, waxaana markiiba muuqatay in la doonayey in lama jaro habaabiyo.


Ilo-xog-ogaal ah oo ku dhaw madaxtooyada Riyaale ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in aanu mamaulka Riyaale aanu diyaar u ahayn natiijada ka iman karta gabadha yar ee mudda lagu hayey xabsiyada Hargeysa islamarkaana jid dil iyo fara xumaynta loogu daray in aan si fudud loo fasaxi karin, isla markaana waxaa ay intaasi ku daryaan in madaxweyne ku xigeenka Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin uu dabada hayo arrinta Samsam mar hadii isaga gurigiisa arrinta foosha xumi ka dhacday.


Xaaladan Cakiran ee Samsam Axmed Ducaale la xidhiidha ayaa wax ku adkaatay mamaulka Riyaale sidi uu u maarayn lahaa, iyada oo lagu sooeedeeyey in ay basaasaysay guriga madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamulka Riyaale, arrintaas ilaa iyo hada lagu soo cadayn kari waayey.


Hargeysa Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Somaliya

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Smith, now I absolutely believe that Sland's government is the only enemy of the Sland people. It's a pity how most of the Sland people are acting like livestock and support their 'fa-qash' leaders like Riyale (NSS Berbera), Qaybe (Barre's last foreign minister), Ismail Yare (spy to Barre), Faysal Warabe (spy to Barre) and Du'ale.


This is the dilemma of this poor people. Or at least how they think. Keep Riyale and act all happy and jolly, but die slow. Or rise up against Riyale, breaking democracy and peace and die quickly?

Either way a federal state within Somaliweyn is the answer for them.


Xadhiga La’la Beegsaday Afartii Garyaqaan Waa Talaabo Lagu Duudsinayo Xuquuqdii Ay Lahayd Samsam Axmed Ducaale.

Somaliland.Org Editorial — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 24 November, 2004



Xadhiga La’la Beegsaday Afartii Garyaqaan Waa Talaabo Lagu Duudsinayo Xuquuqdii Ay Lahayd Samsam Axmed Ducaale.


Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa waxa in mudo ah ka socday Dhegeysiga Dacwad xasaasi ah oo Ciqaabeed oo lagu soo oogay Gabadh yar oo 18 jir ah. Sida la sheegay, Samsam Axmed Ducaale, 18 jir, oo ka timi Magaalada Boosaaso, waxa loo xidhay eed la xidhiidha in ay tagtay Guriga Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somaliland, iyada oo uu Xafiiska Xeer Ilaalinta Dawladdu ujeedadooda ku sheegay in ay basaasayeen Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka, isla markaana doonayeen in ay waxyeelo u geystaan isaga iyo gurigiisa.



Haseyeeshee Qareenada difaacaya Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo tiradoodu tahay afer garyaqaan ayaa sheegay in gabadha yar oo ah dambilaawe u socotay si ay u soo booqato Dad ay qaraabo yihiin oo Hargeysa deggan in lagula kacay Kufsi iyo jidh-dil intii ay xidhnayd ee Boolisku gacanta ku hayay.



Dacwadan ayaa soo jiidatay dareenka iyo indhaha dhinacyo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Ururada u dooda Xuquuqda Aadamiga, kuwa Bulshada rayidka ah iyo hay’addo Caalami ah oo daneeya Arrimaha Carruurta iyo Xuquuqul Aadamiga, kuwaas oo isha si weyn ugu hayay dacwadan ay ku eedaysan tahay Samsam Axmed Ducaale.


Waxaase mudadii dacwadan dhagaysigeedu ka socotay maxkamada jirtay cago juglayn iyo xadhig ay xukumada Somaliland ula tagtay qaarkamida Hay’adaha Xuquuql Insaanka, ee iyagu u yimid in ay dacwadaa dhagaystaan.



Waxayna arrinta Samsam cirka iska shareertay, xiisad siyaasadeedna ka abuurtay Hargeysa, bishii October, kadib markii boolisku qabqabtay, isla markaana muddo saacado ah la xidhay hawlwadeenno ka tirsan ururrada waddaniga ah ee u dooda xuquuqda Aadamaha iyo mudane ka tirsan Golaha Guurtida oo dhegeysanayey dacwadda gabadhaas oo ka socotey Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa, taas oo kaga cadhaysiisay ururrada Xuquuqul Insaanka iyo kuwa kale ee Bulshada Rayidka ah, booliska iyo xukuumaddana ku cambaareeyey xadhigga masuuliyiintaas iyo inay ku xadgudbeen xuquuqda muwaadiniinta iyo shuruucda dalka.


Warbaahinta dowladdu maamusho ee Radio Hargeysa iyo wargeyska Maandeeq ayaa iyaguna noqday kuwo iyagu lagu weeraro ururrada Bulshada Rayidka ee Somaliland, iyagoo isticmaalaya weedhaha caadada u ah (Stereotype) ee ay warbaahinta dowladdu had iyo goor ugu jawaabto mucaaridkeeda ama cidda wax ka sheegtay, isla markaana ku tilmaamaya ururrada Xuquuqul Insaanka Somaliland kuwo ay ka dambayso cid kale ama u adeegaya cadowga Somaliland iyo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf.

Waxaase oo dhan waxaa ka sii daray dhacdadan maanta ka dhacday Hargeisa, ee Garsoorihii dhagaysanay dacwadan lagu soo oogay Samsam uu kula kacay afartii garyqaan. Garwadeenadan oo iyagu u tafo xaytay in ay difaacaan inantan yar ee ilaa iminka waxa ay galabsatay aanay cidina garanayn. Kufsi iyo Jidh dilna la filayo in ay kula kaceen askartii iyo NSS tii Madaxweyne Rayaale, mudadii ay ku xidhnayd jeelka Hargeisa.


Hadaba iyada oo markani aanay ahayn, markii ugu horaysay ee aanu ka hadalno dhibaatiyinka loo gaystay inantan Samsam Axmed Ducaale, ayaa falkan ugu danbeeyay u aragnaa in uu yahay mid xad gudub iyo amar ku taaglaysi ah. Waxaan shabakada Somaliland.Org canbaaraynaysaa xadhigan foosha xun iyo xukunkan qayrul dastuuriga ah ee lala beegsaday Afarta Garyaqaan oo kala ah:


1. Dr. Yuusuf Ismaaciil Cali

2. Dr. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi

3. Dr. Fowsi Sh. Yoonis iyo

4. Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ibraahim Caalin


Xukumadi waa in ay deg deg ku sii daysaa Afartan Garyaqaan. Hadii ay taasi dhici waydana waxaa rumoobaysa tuhinkii horeba u jiray, kaas oo ahaa in Samsam Axmed Ducaale danbi laga galay, talaabadan ugu danbaysa ee ay xukumadu iyo xaakinkii dacwadan dhagaysanayay ay qaadeena tahay talaabo la doonayo in arintan lagu daboolo.


Gabagabdii, Waa in shacabka reer Somaliland ka dhiidhiyaan dulmigan iyo xadgudub kan ay maamulkii Riyaale iyo hay’adihiisa sirdoonku ay kula kacayaan dadka. Dawladuna ogaataa hadii aanay xaqdhawrin sharciyada iyo qawaaniinta dalka u yaala, in cida ugu horaysa ee waxyeeladu ka soo gaadhsyaa ay noqonayso Xukumada lafteeda.


Maamulka Shebekadda Wararka Somaliland (


© Somaliland.Org 2004



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Nationalist (but i dont know what canjeelo is) says:


Smith, now I absolutely believe that Sland's government is the only enemy of the Sland people. It's a pity how most of the Sland people are acting like livestock and support their 'fa-qash' leaders like Riyale (NSS Berbera), Qaybe (Barre's last foreign minister), Ismail Yare (spy to Barre), Faysal Warabe (spy to Barre) and Du'ale.

The article says:


The average person in Hargeisa is not only repulsed by the case, but the secrecy with which the government is handling the case and the irregularities surrounding the victim is said to be of suspicious and anomalous. Many people in Hargeisa believe that the Vice President is tacitly influencing the case with the prosecutor representing the government being disingenuous and entirely in contempt of the law in trying a case where the victim is being arraigned, and the guilty party is being defended.


Subsequently, as the news of the arrests surfaced, I sat down with a group of young people debating the case which is on the lips of everyone in Hargeisa. The validity of the case is being questioned, and the precarious, not-so-mature legal system of Somaliland is tried in Hargeisa’s households. It seems no one in their right-mind believes the 17-year-old would get a fair trial, nor will her persecutors be brought to justice.

Nationalist, i guess you thorough reading is not up to scratch. The average person in S/land wants Riyalle and his crew out. Or have you been 'told' to the contrary? :rolleyes:

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Northerner don't make a fool out of your sorry self and tell me when I said that I didn't know what canjelo was. I didn't know what laxox was, but I have heard of it. There were others who were lost with the word laxox as well.

To your emotional outburst; I suggest you take some 'How to read?' classes mate! Haven't I said that most Slanders want to get rid of Riyale? For goodness sake you didn't have to read between the lines to get the message. I added the fact that by getting rid of him would require to resort to undemocratic and peace damaging actions. By wich the people of Sland are in lockdown by Riyale and Qaybe whom pocket millions of dollars, while Warabe continues fooling the Sland people with his irrational rhetorics.

Don't let politics play with your emotions mate.

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Hooray to the people of Somaliland.At last we are seeing the true voices coming through fighting for justice refusing to accept the ditatorial attitudes of Riyaale and Co.I am quiet happy to see reason and the good culture of the people of s/land at last!

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:D Laxox is actually canjeelo :D


The main problem lie with the house of parliament who are either naive or downright ****** . Letting Riyalle and crew run loose :rolleyes: , the ppl are gradually turning against UDUB and i hope this leads to something positive but 'peaceful'

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The main problem lie with the house of parliament who are either naive or downright ****** . Letting Riyalle and crew run loose , the ppl are gradually turning against UDUB and i hope this leads to something positive but 'peaceful'



They have my prayers and support in that regard.I must say however that whatever they do they should not Resort to violent expulsion of the current regime as that does not solve anything it just makes it worse.The best way is to impeach them or something similar in that regard.Even more important is maybe peaceful demonstrations...but i take that back based on what riyale dod in borama i think maybe that is not such a good idea.

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I think and hope Silaanyo stands up and makes a point, as he cant be arrested by the UDUB govnt. He should address the issues with the support of the ppl.

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The people should address this issue and the ones regarding unlawful detention. Remember Boqor Bur Madow when he was arrested and the editor of Jamhuriya. Riyaale's government should not use the courts as a tool for their won preservation.


Peaceful protest can do the job here.

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Xadhiga La’la Beegsaday Afartii Garyaqaan Waa Talaabo Lagu Duudsinayo Xuquuqdii Ay Lahayd Samsam Axmed Ducaale.

Somaliland.Org Editorial — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 24 November, 2004



Xadhiga La’la Beegsaday Afartii Garyaqaan Waa Talaabo Lagu Duudsinayo Xuquuqdii Ay Lahayd Samsam Axmed Ducaale.


Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa waxa in mudo ah ka socday Dhegeysiga Dacwad xasaasi ah oo Ciqaabeed oo lagu soo oogay Gabadh yar oo 18 jir ah. Sida la sheegay, Samsam Axmed Ducaale, 18 jir, oo ka timi Magaalada Boosaaso, waxa loo xidhay eed la xidhiidha in ay tagtay Guriga Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somaliland, iyada oo uu Xafiiska Xeer Ilaalinta Dawladdu ujeedadooda ku sheegay in ay basaasayeen Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka, isla markaana doonayeen in ay waxyeelo u geystaan isaga iyo gurigiisa.



Haseyeeshee Qareenada difaacaya Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo tiradoodu tahay afer garyaqaan ayaa sheegay in gabadha yar oo ah dambilaawe u socotay si ay u soo booqato Dad ay qaraabo yihiin oo Hargeysa deggan in lagula kacay Kufsi iyo jidh-dil intii ay xidhnayd ee Boolisku gacanta ku hayay.



Dacwadan ayaa soo jiidatay dareenka iyo indhaha dhinacyo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Ururada u dooda Xuquuqda Aadamiga, kuwa Bulshada rayidka ah iyo hay’addo Caalami ah oo daneeya Arrimaha Carruurta iyo Xuquuqul Aadamiga, kuwaas oo isha si weyn ugu hayay dacwadan ay ku eedaysan tahay Samsam Axmed Ducaale.


Waxaase mudadii dacwadan dhagaysigeedu ka socotay maxkamada jirtay cago juglayn iyo xadhig ay xukumada Somaliland ula tagtay qaarkamida Hay’adaha Xuquuql Insaanka, ee iyagu u yimid in ay dacwadaa dhagaystaan.



Waxayna arrinta Samsam cirka iska shareertay, xiisad siyaasadeedna ka abuurtay Hargeysa, bishii October, kadib markii boolisku qabqabtay, isla markaana muddo saacado ah la xidhay hawlwadeenno ka tirsan ururrada waddaniga ah ee u dooda xuquuqda Aadamaha iyo mudane ka tirsan Golaha Guurtida oo dhegeysanayey dacwadda gabadhaas oo ka socotey Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa, taas oo kaga cadhaysiisay ururrada Xuquuqul Insaanka iyo kuwa kale ee Bulshada Rayidka ah, booliska iyo xukuumaddana ku cambaareeyey xadhigga masuuliyiintaas iyo inay ku xadgudbeen xuquuqda muwaadiniinta iyo shuruucda dalka.


Warbaahinta dowladdu maamusho ee Radio Hargeysa iyo wargeyska Maandeeq ayaa iyaguna noqday kuwo iyagu lagu weeraro ururrada Bulshada Rayidka ee Somaliland, iyagoo isticmaalaya weedhaha caadada u ah (Stereotype) ee ay warbaahinta dowladdu had iyo goor ugu jawaabto mucaaridkeeda ama cidda wax ka sheegtay, isla markaana ku tilmaamaya ururrada Xuquuqul Insaanka Somaliland kuwo ay ka dambayso cid kale ama u adeegaya cadowga Somaliland iyo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf.

Waxaase oo dhan waxaa ka sii daray dhacdadan maanta ka dhacday Hargeisa, ee Garsoorihii dhagaysanay dacwadan lagu soo oogay Samsam uu kula kacay afartii garyqaan. Garwadeenadan oo iyagu u tafo xaytay in ay difaacaan inantan yar ee ilaa iminka waxa ay galabsatay aanay cidina garanayn. Kufsi iyo Jidh dilna la filayo in ay kula kaceen askartii iyo NSS tii Madaxweyne Rayaale, mudadii ay ku xidhnayd jeelka Hargeisa.


Hadaba iyada oo markani aanay ahayn, markii ugu horaysay ee aanu ka hadalno dhibaatiyinka loo gaystay inantan Samsam Axmed Ducaale, ayaa falkan ugu danbeeyay u aragnaa in uu yahay mid xad gudub iyo amar ku taaglaysi ah. Waxaan shabakada Somaliland.Org canbaaraynaysaa xadhigan foosha xun iyo xukunkan qayrul dastuuriga ah ee lala beegsaday Afarta Garyaqaan oo kala ah:


1. Dr. Yuusuf Ismaaciil Cali

2. Dr. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi

3. Dr. Fowsi Sh. Yoonis iyo

4. Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Ibraahim Caalin


Xukumadi waa in ay deg deg ku sii daysaa Afartan Garyaqaan. Hadii ay taasi dhici waydana waxaa rumoobaysa tuhinkii horeba u jiray, kaas oo ahaa in Samsam Axmed Ducaale danbi laga galay, talaabadan ugu danbaysa ee ay xukumadu iyo xaakinkii dacwadan dhagaysanayay ay qaadeena tahay talaabo la doonayo in arintan lagu daboolo.


Gabagabdii, Waa in shacabka reer Somaliland ka dhiidhiyaan dulmigan iyo xadgudub kan ay maamulkii Riyaale iyo hay’adihiisa sirdoonku ay kula kacayaan dadka. Dawladuna ogaataa hadii aanay xaqdhawrin sharciyada iyo qawaaniinta dalka u yaala, in cida ugu horaysa ee waxyeeladu ka soo gaadhsyaa ay noqonayso Xukumada lafteeda.


Maamulka Shebekadda Wararka Somaliland (


© Somaliland.Org 2004



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In English

Human Rights Lawyers Imprisoned In Somaliland By Joe De Capua

Washington 25 November 2004

Voice of America — --- — 26 November, 2004



Human Rights Lawyers Imprisoned in Somaliland By Joe De Capua

Washington 25 November 2004


De Capua interview with Rakiya Omaar

De Capua interview with Rakiya Omaar

Listen to De Capua interview with Rakiya Omaar



A human rights group says, “The administration of justice is non-existent in Somaliland…as the human rights situation continues to deteriorate there.†The group, Africa Rights, is making the charge following the arrest and three-year imprisonment of four lawyers.


The case centers on a 17-year-old girl, represented by the lawyers, who is accused of terrorism, espionage and conspiracy. The girl says the charges are false and that she was repeatedly raped by police while in custody. She says she only came to Hargeisa to visit with relatives of the vice-president. The guards at the vice-president’s home said she looked and acted suspicious. The girl’s driver was also arrested.


Rakiya Omaar is head of the group Africa Rights and was in the courtroom when the lawyers were arrested. From Hargeisa, she spoke to English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua about the case.


She says the arrests followed an exchange in the courtroom that was triggered by the prosecutor accusing a human rights worker of making an outburst. She says someone in the courtroom coughed, that is all, and it wasn’t even the man accused by the prosecutor. Ms. Omaar says when the lawyers argued that the prosecutor had no authority to order the man charged, the judged sided with the prosecutor and ordered the lawyers detained. In the meantime, the trial of the girl has been indefinitely suspended.


Africa Rights is asking the Somaliland government to release the lawyers immediately and unconditionally; resume, without delay, the case against the girl and her driver; remove the judge and the prosecutor in the case; and begin an immediate and impartial investigation into the handling of the case by the prosecutor and judge.

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