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What is SRRC [soomaali?


This misnamed warlord-dominated, loosely-based pseudo-organization [soomaali Reconciliation and Restoration Council :D ] was a Xabash-created baby, and funded by the same Xabash, in March of 2001, whose sole agenda was to undermine dowladii kumeergaarka ahayd ee Jabuuti lagu soo dhisay.


Xuseen Caydiid explaining what SRRC is:


: Why was the Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council set up and why do you not support the Transitional National Government (TNG) of Somalia?


: We saw the country going downhill so we said we are not fighting any more and joined together in March. All the five [main] clans are represented in the SRRC, that is why we have five co-chairmen. Our main enemy is Islamism, fundamentalism. This is our main enemy. The TNG has some clans who are mixed but they are not political parties who control the country. Basically they are just a new faction, but their platform is al-Ittihad, their platform is Islamism because they are not from the tribes, they are imported from outside and funded from outside. There is fighting in Puntland, there is fighting in Mogadishu, so this group is creating civil war. We have been in power for 11 years and this group came in by airplane. We are completely against the TNG. It is a platform for fundamentalism. They are backed financially by the Arabs and fundamentalist states.


: Why should the international community listen to the SRRC when it is the TNG which is in power?


: They are not in power. We have control of Mogadishu, they don’t have the state houses, and they don’t control the port and airport. They don’t control the land. They want to control Somalia through Islamic rule, not democracy, and we are pro-democracy. The SRRC is in power now...


: Will you continue fighting against the TNG as long as they are in government?


: We will remove them by fighting with them. Where is their 20,000 strong army? It is finished. There is still going to be a year of fighting but we have seen the worst. After I came back to Somalia in 1995 I was branded a warlord – a few weeks earlier I had been living in California. It doesn’t cause offence; it is an inherited word, jargon. But yes we have an army, we have an armed struggle, we are not [just] talking...


The relucant, untrusting participant warlords?


Xuseen Max'ed Faarax Caydiid [interior Minister]

C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed [Madaxyare, Father of Stooge madaxweyne ku sheeg]

Maxamed Nuur Shaatigaduud [Finance Minister]

Aaden Cabdillaahi Gabyoow

Cismaan Caato

Max'ed Saciid Xirsi Moorgan

Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow

C/risaaq Isaaaq Biixi

"Sheekh" Aaden Madoowe [speaker of Parliament]

C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil [former "Foreign Minister," now the Deputy of Prime Minister]


Those stooges, including the biggest and Father of Stooge ever Soomaalis seen, in bold names now hold senior positions in this treacherous, non-existent, illegimate dowlad ku sheeg.


And of course the second biggest stooge, Geedi, a Tigrey-brainwashed, holds the prime ministerial position.


Do they think Soomaali people will allow them to sell our collective national soul to Xabash? Ar maxee riyoonoyaan.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:


C/risaaq Isaaaq Biixi

Col Biixi was the head of the SNF which fought against the SRRC. Maxamoud Sayid Adden and a small group of others diverged and joined the SRRC calling themselves SNF/SRRC.


The Ethiopians captured Col Biixi in the Gedo wars and gave him over to Sayid Adden as a "gift" in an attempt to strike two birds with the same stone. One to kill him of course and the other to make sure he was killed by a Somali, reer Gedo hand which would have seen more disunity in the region and non-stopping retributions.


Maxamoud Sayid Adden gave him oodkac instead and sent him off with a pretty maiden for the inconvenience. Axmaaro iyo Sayid Addena dib dambe ismayna salaamin. :D

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