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General Duke

Mogadishu: TFG troops take to the streets..

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MUQDISHO: Ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka oo billaabay xalay inay sugto amaanka waddooyinka Muqdisho

Posted to the Web Feb 14, 07:53



Muqdisho (PP) – Ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa billaabay xalay inay sugaan amaanka Magaalada Caasimadda ah ee Muqdisho, iyadoo xalay baaritaanno ku sameynayay gawaarida isticmaala waddooyinkii ay xalay sugayeen ammaankooda.

Ciidammada Dowladda ayaa waxay billaabeen inay sugaan waddooyinka waaweyn ee dhex mara degmooyinka Wardhiigley, Howlwadaag, Hodan, C/casiis, Boondheer iyo Degmada Madiina, waxaana halkasa ay dhigteen jidgooyooyin ay ku baarayaan gawaarida waddooyinkaas maraya.


Sidoo kale waxay si weyn u buuxiyeen iyaga iyo ciidammo Ethiopian ah xaafadaha degmooyinka ay waddooyinkooda ku sugnaayeen ay ula diriraan kooxaha burcadda ah ee caadaystay inay dadka dhac ugu geystaan gudaha caasimadda.


Howlgalkaan ayaa ku soo beegmay iyadoo xalay aysan jirin wax qaraxyo madaafiic ah oo ka dhacay gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho, waxayna caasimaddu xalay ahayd goob nabdoon oo aysan ka jirin qaraxyadii ka dhacay habeennadii la soo dhaafay.


Hal qarax oo aan la garanayn goob uu ka yimid ayaa xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho oo habeen walba ay ahayd mid ay ka dhici jireen in ku dhow 10-qarax ama ka badan, waxaana dadweynaha Muqdisho ay saakay isugu bishaaraynayeen qaraxyo la’aanta ay ku bariday Magaalada Muqdisho.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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MUQDISHO: Ammaanka Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ee Villa Somalia oo si weyn loo adkeeyay


Posted to the Web Feb 14, 17:22


Muqdisho (PP) - Ammaanka Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ee (Villa Somalia) ayaa si weyn loo adkeeyay kaddib markii ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa Dowladda ay ka sameysteen fariisimo goobo ku dhowdhow Xarunta Madaxtooyada oo habeenkii inta badan lagu tuuro madaafiic.




Daafaha Villa Somalia ayay ciidammada dowladda Federaalka fariisimo iyo goobo kontaroollo ah ka sameystaan markii la gaaro maqribka, si ay u sugaan ammaanka guud ee xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo dhowr jeer ay kooxo hubeysan la beegsadeen gantaallada garabka laga tuuro iyo hoobiyeyaal kala duwan.




Ciidammo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda ayaa waxay baaritaanno ku sameeyaan gawaarida marta waddooyinka ku dhow dhow Madaxtooyada iyadoo gaariga iyo dadka saaranba si aad ah loo baaro, waxaana gawaarida intooda badan baaritaan lagu hayaa muddo daqiiqado ah si loo hubiyo gaariga iyo waxa saran.




Sidoo kale dadweynaha ayaa mid mid loo baaraa, waxaana laga baaraa hub iyo waxyaabaha qarxa oo laga cabsi qabo inay ku soo qaatana gosha iyadoo looga baqayo inay qarax ku sameeyaan madaxtooyada iyo agagaaraheeda.




Baaritaankaan xooggan ayaa yimid kaddib markii habeennadii ugu dambeeyay weeraro culus lagu qaadayay fariisimaha ciidamada Dowladda iyo goobaha ay daggan yihiin Madaxda Dowladda iyadoo la sheegay in inta badan goobaha Madaafiic laga tuuri jiray ay yihiin Xaafada ku dhow dhow Agagaarka Madaxtooyada ama Villa Somalia.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Muqdisho: Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo xalay howlgalo ka sameeyay magaalada Muqdisho.

Arbaco, February 14, 2007


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo ay wehliyaan ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa xalay howlgalo ka fuliyay qeybo ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo baarayey gaadiidka isticmaala wadada Tarabuunka iyo agagaarka isbitaalka Xoogga dalka.


Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya ayaa xalay isku fidiyay wadada dheer ee Tarabuunka waxayna amar ku siinayeen gaadiidka isticmaala wadadaas in ay dadka ka soo degaan si loo baaro, mana jirto wax dhibaato ah oo ciidamadaasi ay u geysanayeen dadka.


Sidoo kale ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa xalay lasoo dhigay degmooyinka Shibis, Cabdi Casiis, Boondheere iyo Isgoysyada Xararyaale iyo Siinaay, iyagoo aad u adkeeyay amaanka goobahaasi, mana jirin wax qarax iyo weeraro kale oo xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho.


Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Itoobiya oo hor leh ayaa soo galay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo daafaha caasimada, kuwaasi oo loogu talagalay in ay ka howlgalaan magaalada Muqdisho.


Waxgaradka ku dhaqan gobolka Banaadir ayaa u mahad celiyay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya kadib howlgalo amniga lagu sugayo oo ay xalay bilaabeen.


Dhanka kale waxaa xaafadaha Muqdisho ka bilowday abaabulka ciidamo Madani ah oo xaafad kasta ay ka howlgalayaan kuwaasi oo gacan saar la leh ciidamada dowladda, arintan oo ka danbeysay kadib kulamo ay yeesheen saraakiisha dowladda iyo maamulada degmooyinka oo la isku af gartay in la sameeyo ciidamo Madani oo ka hortaga kooxaha falalka amni xumo ka fuliya Muqdisho.


Cali Sandheere

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Somalia's warlords re-emerge as a threat

By Mohamed Olad Hassan, Associated Press Writer | February 14, 2007


MOGADISHU, Somalia --Somalia's warlords are re-emerging and pose a threat to humanitarian aid deliveries to the needy, the United Nations warned Wednesday, as the government struggles to quell growing unrest.


Breaking News Alerts Rising violence and a power vacuum caused by the ousting of Islamic forces by the transitional government could lead to a return of the chaos that plagued Somalia for 16 years, the U.N. said in a monthly report.


The spiraling violence is also likely to undermine attempts to deploy an African Union peacekeeping mission designed to protect the country's weak, Ethiopian-backed government and train a new army for the lawless nation.


"The re-emergence of warlords also raises serious concerns about the need to ensure principled humanitarian action and a do-no-harm approach," the U.N said. The report warned it was critical to avoid the "coercion and violence" perpetrated by warlords and their militias in the past, as they sought to cash in on aid flowing into the country.


The U.N. estimates around 1 million Somalis need humanitarian aid.


In Mogadishu, the nation's restive capital of 2 million, gunmen are being paid $2 a day to serve as vigilantes, according to businessmen and residents. Fighting here has killed at least 25 people in the last two weeks.


"The government has to take responsibility for security, before they get help from African peacekeepers," said Abdi Mo'ali Husein, a resident who has organized private security efforts.


About 15 private checkpoints have been set up in residential areas and armed militia are being employed by businesses to prevent attacks, according to Ibrahim Omar Sabriye, Mogadishu's deputy mayor.


Mogadishu Police Chief Ali Sa'id Abdi said his officers are working to contain the violence.


Islamic extremists opposed to the government routinely attack official buildings in Mogadishu, as well as Ethiopian troops deployed here.


In December, Ethiopia sent thousands of soldiers into Somalia to help the U.N.-recognized government defeat an Islamic movement trying to take over the country.


The AU peacekeeping force would replace the Ethiopian soldiers, who are widely despised by Mogadishu residents. However, it is not clear if the peacekeepers would be welcome, either, after demonstrations over the weekend by Somalis opposed to the expected AU deployment.


The U.N. Security Council is discussing in New York a draft resolution on Somalia, giving its blessing to an AU peacekeeping force that would serve in the country for six months.


Ethiopia had planned to withdraw its forces quickly, although the growing unrest makes a full withdrawal unlikely until at least the arrival of AU troops.


Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister Seyoum Mesfin met with Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf on Tuesday in the southern town of Baidoa.


They discussed the worsening security situation and resurgence of resistance groups, said a government official who declined to give his name because he was not authorized to talk to the media.


Somalia has not had an effective national government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another, throwing the country into anarchy. A transitional government was formed in 2004 with U.N. help, but has had little authority because it has no real army or police force.




Associated Press Writer Salad Duhul contributed to this report from Mogadishu.


© Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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^^^Which warlords have re-emerged? A nice headline which grabs the attention, but little in substance...


The warlord era is over, no single warlord controls any part or any adminstartion in Mogadishu, Jowhar or any other region.

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"About 15 private checkpoints have been set up in residential areas and armed militia are being employed by businesses to prevent attacks, according to Ibrahim Omar Sabriye, Mogadishu's deputy mayor."



"In Mogadishu, the nation's restive capital of 2 million, gunmen are being paid $2 a day to serve as vigilantes, according to businessmen and residents. Fighting here has killed at least 25 people in the last two weeks."

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^^^Again thats has nothing to do with warlords saxib, the people are taking control of their neighbourhood in conjungtion with the government forces.. Ibrahim Omar Sabriye is the deputy mayor and not a warlord, where are the warlords in the article?

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Waxgaradka ku dhaqan gobolka Banaadir ayaa u mahad celiyay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya kadib howlgalo amniga lagu sugayo oo ay xalay bilaabeen.


Dhanka kale waxaa xaafadaha Muqdisho ka bilowday abaabulka ciidamo Madani ah oo xaafad kasta ay ka howlgalayaan kuwaasi oo gacan saar la leh ciidamada dowladda, arintan oo ka danbeysay kadib kulamo ay yeesheen saraakiisha dowladda iyo maamulada degmooyinka oo la isku af gartay in la sameeyo ciidamo Madani oo ka hortaga kooxaha falalka amni xumo ka fuliya Muqdisho.

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Dadweynaha Muqdisho ayaa waxay ku guulaysteen inay iska dhiciyaan kooxaha habeenkii ka rida xaafadahooda inay iska dhiciyaan, taasoo sababtay in xalay Magalaada Muqdisho ay noqoto meel aanay ka dhici weerarro madaafiic

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^^^anyhow they are not a pro Yey site, but what would you know.. Mogadishu Police Chief Ali Sa'id Abdi said his officers are working to contain the violence.


This man is head of the Banadir police force and is a local with great ties to the population and insight to their needs..

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^^^Yet again what will he say? Look at you for example, you're here 24/7 spreading lies and you're not even getting paid for it. He's just doing the same.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Again thats has nothing to do with warlords saxib, the people are taking control of their neighbourhood in conjungtion with the government forces.. Ibrahim Omar Sabriye is the deputy mayor and not a warlord, where are the warlords in the article? [/quote



Of course he is the deputy mayor who is ADMITTING the problems on the ground in Mogadishu.


The article demonstrates the substance of the problem you don’t need to see the fire when you can smell the smoke. No names needed.

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^^^The article is more about a pay day for the journalist than facts on the ground. He mentions the name of the deputy mayor and police chief, but not a single warlord who has re-emerged. The title suggests its not even a new warlord but the old, but does not mention any?


No was is doubting there is much to be done, but the firts steps have been taken, many millitia are being trained, local police are in their startions taking hits and hitting back, the armed forces are on the streets..


Insha Allah the firts part which is control, of the airport, seaport, police stations and even the presedential palace have are all under the government control. The next phase is to disarm the population and have enough men on the ground..


The warlords are finished, they are now only representing their clans as MP's, and hold no title within the TFG.

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War heedhd eiska aamius hadaba


Wixii kaasoo baxaana adiga waa RUN wixii dadka kale qoraana waa BEEN cadaalad way ka fog tahay waxaanay cadaysay munaafaq nimada kaa muuqata oo ah.. MY UNCLE HAS TO GET TO GO TO THE PLACE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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