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Snatched in Sooqa-Xoolaha: Another dhabo-dhilif bites the dust.......

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Abaarihii 11:30 galabnimo ee shalay ayaa waxa
toogasho gaadma
ah lagu dilay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Police ka kooxda Imbagathi ee xabashida u shaqeeya oo lagu magacaabo
Faarax Xasan Maxamed Dhamme "Faarax Aglal"
deegaanka suuqa xoolaha ee magaalada Muqdisho

Faarax Xasan Maxamed Dhamme "Faarax Aglal" iyo dhowr askari oo kale oo aan la sheegi karin tiradooda ayaa la xaqiijiyay in
ay ku dhinteen weerarkaasi gaadmada ah ee shalay galab lagu qaaday

Faarax Xasan Maxamed Dhamme "Faarax Aglal" ayaa isagu ahaa
ninkii ugu horeeyay ee galay masjidka weyn ee tabliiqa
ee "Al-Hidaaya" isla markaana culimadii iyo ardeydii ku jirtay
xabsiga u taxaabay oo qaarkood aan wali sal iyo raad meel ay dhigeen aan war laga heyn

Sarkaalkan ayaa la sheegayaa dadkii yaqaanay in ay aad
iskugu dhawaayeen Maxamed dheere
isla markaana uu ka tirsanaa ciidamada waxa loogu yeeray
"argagixiso la dagaalanka"
, waxaana uu hadda ka hor ka badbaaday qarax miino oo lala beegsaday gaari uu watay oo marayay agagaarka Ex-Control Balcad ee Magaalada Muqdisho.


Jahanama ku soo dhawaaw, Faarax'ow. Soo joog sooma-lagaa waynin ? I think you just caught the proverbial soo jeef. You thought you were a badass striding into Masijids and locking up unarmed scholars and students of knowledge ? Looting and confiscating the Masjid's properties ? You thought Adeer Zenawi's tanks would protect you ? Maxaa ka rabtaa hee...How you like it now ? smile.gif Shit ain't sweet when you're laying on the ground, all shot up and choking on you're own blood, is it now ?


Noo sheeg, Faarax'ow...What was going through your mind in those last few minutes of life ? Did you say "Qaala Rabi'irjicoon" ? Did your life 'flash' right before your eyes, all the dhac, the dhil, the kufsi, you committed, both as a wild-eyed Moooriyaan and wearing the uniform of a Xabashi b!atch ? Perhaps you thought back to the role you played in 'the drill', and how you laid waste to a city of 2 million. Proud of urself, yaa Farax ? smile.gif As a 'native' of the city, perhaps you were the jasoos who informed the Ethiopian gunners where to direct their Katyusha rockets.....towards the neighborhoods...the dugsis....the hospitals. Hatred-ka ma heer-kaas uu kaa gaaray ?


Now, lemme ask you a Q. Maybe a bit personal laakin humour me, sxb. At this final hour of death, as you lay there quivering in a pool of blood(yours this time, lol, ain't that ironic Faarax ?)......Where the heck is your Tol ????????? The Tol you worshipped with every fiber of your being, The Tol you willingly killed for and in whose name you now die. Where is it now ? Nowhere to be found :eek: A rude awakening, indeed.


Moreover, what legacy have you left your family ? That of a Dhabo-dhilif traitor who stands shoulder-to-shoulder(or to be more accurate, on his knees prostrating) with the Xabashi enemy ? That of a willing partaker in genocidal war crimes ? That of a base persecuter of Ahlul-Cilm and the noble imams and scholars of our Masaajid ?


Can't say I'm sorry, Faarax-ow. You just got had. And it was long overdue in the coming. You had a million and 1 chances to turn back from this path, but you persisted. You were no naive illiterate camel-herder recruit, but a high-ranking officer who reaped the bitter seeds of death that he sowed.


And for that, I say this: Mac Sonkur, Faarax. Congratulations. One less dhabo-dhilif scum on the ground.


To the thoroughbreds who carried out this operation: Respect & Honour, my brothers. Keep'em coming. Show those of the traitorous bent that there is no rest or respite to be found as Ethiopian lackeys.

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Saan ka daa, widaayoow.


Ninba maalintiis ayee soo gishaa. There are as many reasons as why some join ciidamadda ama dowlad ku sheega itself. Dadka qaarkood baahi ayaa heyso, oo shaqana ma jirto. Daruufaadka iska adag.


Ninkaan in ilmo yar ka tagay oo agoon ah ayaa laga yaabaa, marka ma'aha inaa ku alalaastid geeridiis, si walba haloo kala aragti duwanaadee. Hadduu ahaan lahaa the big shots, like Max'ed Dheere iyo wixii lamid ah, waaba la kasay.

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MMA, perhaps you missed this part of my post

You had a million and 1 chances to turn back from this path, but you persisted. You were no naive illiterate camel-herder recruit, but a
high-ranking officer
who reaped the bitter seeds of death that he sowed

I take no particular joy in the death of the average soldiers, be they Xabashi or Dhabo-dhilifs. For the most part they are poor geel-jires recruited to serve in their Tol militia. Or Ethiopian peasents forced to serve in their country's military. The 'way of the gun' is all they know and understand in the harsh unforgiving enviroment of post-1991. That does not excuse their actions, but sheds light on their motivations.


But with "sarkaal sare's"(Senior officers, military & civillian), it's a whole different ballgame. These are policy-making men with full knowledge of their actions, it's consequences, and the stakes of the game they play.


Macalinkaan Faarax Aglal ladahaayo may have left behind orphaned kids and a widow, but so do millions of Somalis that have been brutalised by the Ethiopian invasion and subsequent occupation.


Who cries for them ? Taas bal ka soo fakar.

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Kashafa, waa ogahay, walaaloow, laakiin honestly waxa Xamar ka socdo inaa inta ku sheego ma rabo, mar marka qaarkood waxee ku dhaqmayaan dadkaas kasoo horjeedo dowlad ku sheega, you too wouldn't have believed.


Anyone baahi heyso oo isleh meeshaa maanta shaxaad kasoo heli kartid telefoon qarsan hanjabaad ayaa loo soo diraa, hadduu telefoon lahayna fariin socoto.


Wiil dhalinyara ah oo guriga aabaheey joogo ayee ku dhacday taas bishii hore. Qof qabanqaabiye sare ka ah ayaa ugu yeeray meeshii lagu sheegay shirka dib u heshiinta beenta ah ka socday in uu iska imaado oo shaqo yar laga siin doono, oo $20 ka helaayo. Haye uu yiri. Laba bari markuu aaday, the third day a discreet call was made to him, threatening and warning if he does not stay away, in meydkiis jidka laga soo qaadi doono. They are not joking. They have a list, told him so he is on the list and on the top. Markuu a couple days guriga ka bixin cabsi daraadiis, they called him back, saying, "Congratulations for heeding our warnings and that you are from now on are a free man, not on the targeted list anymore."


Waxyaabahaas iyo wax ka daran ayaa ka dhaco, that I don't want inaa ka sheego meeshaan.


I call that misplaced priorities, targeting dad waxee cunaan iyo nolol maalmeedkooda raadsanaayo.

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^^ I agree with that, to a certain extent. Targeting low-level 'nabad-doons' or shaxaad-raadis when you have the bulk of the occupying enemy and the leadership of the TFG, does seem to be both a tactical and strategical mistake. The case could even be made that it's morally wrong(although I disagree with that last point)


One big caveat tho: We're not on the ground in Somalia. We don't know the socio-political-military dynamics that's causing the Resistance to adopt their current tactics. What might seem to you and me to be folly(or even injustice) just might be the exact right thing to do. I'm not saying let's have blind faith in the Muqaawama, but I am saying that since they're on the ground and we're not, and since they are privy to information and projections that we don't have, that we should put our trust in them. Teddy Roosevelt said it best here:

It is not the
who counts; not the man who
points out
how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again;
because there is not effort without error and shortcomings
; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat

We, the onlookers, the pundits, the fadhi-ku-dhirirs , happen to be the critics. We don't know what it's like to be in the arena. We don't know what it means to be gladiator, a thoroughbred. Everything human, including the noble cause of resistance, is subject to mistakes, errors, and shortcomings. And so, when mistakes do happen(and they will), it should not weaken our resolve and belief in the Muqaawama, the Resistance.


Whatever the case may be, let us never forget that we are the critics and that they are the gladiators in the arena, fighting the good fight, for deen-ta, for dal-ka, and for dad-ka. For us. You, me, ayatha, asaga and the unborn generations of a Free Somalia.

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another bites the dust

You took me for everything that I had,

And kicked me out on my own


Are you happy, are you satisfied

How long can you stand the heat

Out of the doorway the bullets rip

To the sound of the beat


Another bites the dust.

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MMA collaborators should be discouraged and if this is a way to discourage them, then so be it. gaajo should be no excuse for collaborating. The only way for this occupation is going to be succesful is if Somalis work with the xabash. The common good and the future of our country is bigger then individual lives sxb.

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