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Meaningless Hunger: Ramadan

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As-salamu alaykum


Every year Muslims around the world face the joy and (for some) trials of fasting once a month. Before its debut, zealous faitful welcome the month with open hearts exercising salutations amongst themselves. We flog to the masjid in massive numbers where as the masjid is empty for the 5 obligatory prayers, subsequently leading the same lives when ramadan passes. Is ramadan more of a cultural attitude then spiritual? Have we lost the true spiritual meaning of Ramadan? is enthusiasm and love without understanding sufficient to attain Allah's pleasure?


according to one tradition, the prophet(salalahu alayhi wa salam) said" Indeed many gain nothing from ramadaan save hunger."


This hadeeth sparks numerious questions:



1. why arent these people benefiting from their fast?


2. what are the criteria for a meaninful fast?


3. Is ramanda merely not eating and drinking?


4. If you sin All day is your fast really valid?


So Nomads, from your own experience does Ramadan have more of a Cultural significance then spiritual?


please share your thoughts...

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Waleikum Salaam Brother Salafi,


Starvation as a state is either self inflicted or caused by lack of food. In the case of lack of food, you find that the body naturally from its reserves provides glucose and other nutrients to tend to the ever so wanting body. If this state continues for long the body, reaches a point where there is no return and you have death at your doorstep.


Why do I say this, Our fasting in the holy month of ramadhan is similar the analog(but self inflicted) being that the soul searches for resources to survive as for once the body is in denial. Thus as we know we are adviced to read more of the Quraan, do good and pray Tarawiih prayers so that the soul doesnt die and lose its luster.



As for your questions.


1.Most probably people instead of increasing acts of Ibadah and shunning bad, people just continue as usual paying attention to their material needs than spiritual well being.You do find the cultural aspect sweeping in to>>An opportunity to have a family meal together then people get into long discussions instead of going for Taraweeh or head for the special Ramadhan fun events(Happens in Turkey, you can watch it on Tv if you dont want to go out)


Ramadhan is expected to be a training period for the soul, you control your desires the mind rules, you pray on time, shun evil, do good,open fast with family, freinds and travellers, pray Tarawiih as a collective Ummah (fosters brotherhood) this is the spirit. And the acquired training should continue after Ramadhan. Instead you may find people, do good while fasting then once they open their fast they 'rob' the fast by doing wrong deeds.



2.Criteria? I may have to check it up but this is what I do and beleive in,


that Allah sees me, my every action will be recorded, thus cut down in doing wrong deeds, control my tongue, do as much good as I can, work more as active as I can be(sometimes not fruitful but still push myself).Increase acts of Ibaadah,try not to show people that Im fasting not using it as an excuse(Im in a country where deliberately figures of authority may offer you something to drink for the first time, happens every Ramadhan).Invite friends over whenever I can.


The thing with Saum is its a gift to Allah, you may fool people your fasting but He is the only one who really knows.


3. No there is more to that,

We are to control our tongues >>Adviced to withdraw from people who may be provocative and tell them I am but fasting.

Control our human urges(copulation)> Until after sunset its Halal.

Help others and do good.

Be good hosts if you have the means especially to the needy.

Be more appreciative of others as your not the only one fasting thus become considerate of the faults of others.


4.Im not sure on that one. The quality of the fast maybe devalued. But depends on the type of sin too.


Good questions, guess I need to do some rereading. Jazkallah kheir. Looking forward to read other nomads replies.

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^^ Very useful, indeed.


A quick question for you: Is it true the missing days tripple, if you don't make them up before the next Ramadan?



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You gain three things from Fast in my view


1)You remember who gives you Rizq i.e ALLAH

2)You become humble as you realise how weak you are as a human being and increase Ibadah

3)You realise that others dont have as much as you do and you never look down on them but instead you help them i.e Sadaqah you also therefore dont stray into the path of Kibr

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