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Taako Man

Largest clan in Xamar speaks once again!

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They basically say that they want the fighting to stop and that they want peace and reconciliation and that segments of the larger clan are using there good name and saying this is a clan war of the larger clan. They say they are in support of the TFG and that this is not an A vs.B war. They say that the Puntland members of the Armed forces are their for peace and have every right to be in Xamar and that they fall within the 4.5 framework.



Waxgaradka Beesha (North Xamar) oo kulan ka yeeshay dagaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo sheegay inaanu jirin ****** ku heshiiyay in lala dagaalo Dowladda Federaalka





Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 01/04/07


Kulan degdeg ah oo ay manta isugu yimaadeen beesha (N.Xamar) Waxgaradkooda iyo dhaqankooduba ayay si weyn uga hadleen una falanqeeyeen xaalada siyaasadeed ee manta dalku marayo, dagaaladii afartii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ka socday magaalada Muqdisho iyo dhibaatooyinkii ka dhashay dagaaladaasi.


Beesha (N.xamar) ee kulankaasi degdega ah ku yeelatay Hotel Global ee magaalada Muqdisho ayay gabagabadiisii waxay u saareen guddi ka kooban afar xubnood oo uu horseed u ahaa Afhayeenka dhaqanka beelaha (N.Xamar) Nabadoon Cumar Ibraahim Cosobow iyo xubno kale oo magacyadoodu kala yihiin: Nabadoon Maxamuud Maxamed Jimcaale, Xaaji Ayuub Cumar Cadaan iyo xubno kale.





Kulankaasi kadib shir Jaraa'id oo uu qabtay Afhayeenka beesha (N.xamar) Nabadoon Cumar Ibraahim Cosobow ayaa wuxuu sheegay in beesha (N.xamar) ay dhinac iska dhigtay qeyla dhaanta iyo borobogaandada ka soo yeereysa beesha (Aideed) oo sheeganeysa magaca ****** ayuu Afhayeenku gaashaanka ku dhuftay in beesha (Aideed) aanay ku hadli Karin magaca beel weynta ******, isla markaana waxa uu sheegay in beelaha ****** ay ka kooban yihiin lix beelood loona yaqaano Lixdi ******, sidaa darteed ninka sheegta afhayeenka beelaha ****** ee lagu magacaabo Axmed Daairiye aanay marnaba aqoonsaneyn beesha(N.xamar)isla markaasna uusan matali Karin beel weynta ******, wuxuuna sheegay Nabadoon Cosobow inuu ku ekaado magaca beesha (Aideed) oo iyadu u dooratay afhayeenka.



" Afhayeenka beesha (N.xamar) oo xilligaas shir jaraa'id qabanayay wejigiisu ay saarneyd caro aad u xoogan ayaa hoosta ka hariiqay in dagaalka Muqdisho ka socda uu u dhaxeeyo argagixiso iyo Dowladda Federaalka oo gacan ka heleysa Dowladda Itoobiya.


Nabadoon Cumar Cosobow waxaa kale oo uu shirkiisa jaraa'id ku sheegay in beesha Muddulood ay ka xun tahay in Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed la ijaafeeyo magaciisa iyo magaca beelaha ku abtirsada Puntland iyo *******, "Ciidamada Puntland waa ciidamo Qaran, waxaana lagu qeybsaday 4.5 sida uu qorayo Dastuurka u degsan Dowladda Federaalka, sidaa darted ma loo nisbeyn karo ciidan beeleed" ayuu yiri Afhayeenka beesha (N.xamar) Nabadoon Cumar Ibraahim Cosobow.


Nabadoon Cosobow waxa uu yiri: "Beelaha ****** iyo beelaha ******* dagaal u dhaxeeyaa ma jiro, waxaana u sheegeynaa shacbiga Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha Caalamkaba inay sidaas ula socdaan oo aysan raacin hadalada khaldan ee lagu marin habaabinayo ra'yul caalamka".


Maxamuud Axmed Xasan (Xuurshe)

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I can see and understand the concern of these noble statesmen. But I don't think there is any benefit in xabad joojin. The drill or hunt for these weasels should continue, even if they try to hide behind the name of the larger clan to which Geedi belongs.

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^ They want these elements to stop making this a clan war. They want peace ultimately and that will only happen when these elements are liquadated and prevented from hiding behind civilians.

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Abwan is still waiting for villa Somalia to be taken over by his sub-clan again.


No saxib the world has changed, go demonstrate in West London.

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LOL@ go demonstrate in West London


Their silly tribal demonstrations did not bear any fruit. Now they resort to petty lies, cheap propaganda, and filthy accusations. Soon enough, they'll find out that this too won't bear any fruits. How lower will they stoop? There's no telling.

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^^^Indeed, they lie to themselves just look at the sites such as waagacusub which was claiming for three days that Villa Somalia was over run, and so on..

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^^ LOL @ Waagacusub those dudes were speaking of doing a remake of the Liberian presidential overthrow and whatnot and this other site called was writing that the rebells were praying salaad cisha at the presidential villa lol, it made me laugh a hole lot I have to admit. I'm definitely gonna save these press releases and sell them on Somali ebay or something later on lol, could be a nice investment. I see alot of Bagdad-Bobs in the making!

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lol. Economist you made me laugh a great deal.

The Mogadishu clans have proven they are peace loving, as for the trouble makers we know where they stand..

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i dont realy understand where Abdulahi Yusuf and there supporters are getting the idea that xaamar is divide into two clan ,


salad jeel and rest of stooge do not represent clans of xaamar , where if they did they would have enjoyed comfortable stay in xaamar and not hide behind the ethopians . Salad jeel came into Moqadishu as a cheerleader behind Tigreyen Troops ,


Nabadoon Cosobow is insignificant nabadon sxbyaal . his own tribes mens , cousins and etc are in the fron fighting , how dare his makes such coward statment .


Abdulahi will not bring the people of xammar to their knees with help of Tigrey troops ,


Muqadishu will teach tigreyans a lesson by any means neccassry the new Stalingrad of Africa wait - and - see

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The Nabadoon wuxuu dhaxay UNUKA CEDAAN AAMINI MEYNO WAAA NAQAAN OO WAA BARANAY HOREEY NOO *******, sheekadu inaba caadi maaaha, Qabiilka ceeydiid vs ethopians what is next?



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