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Another media manager assasinated

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Somalia: Media Executive of Prominent Radio Station Assassinated in Mogadishu


The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is deeply shocked by the Assassination of Media Executive of Prominent and Popular Radio station in Mogadishu.


Bashir Nor Gedi, Acting Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of Shabelle Media Network was this evening, 19 October 2007, assassinated at his home in Wardhigley district of Hamarjadid neighborhood by unknown gunmen, according to his wife and his relatives.


The leadership of Shabelle Media Network confirmed the assassination of Bashir Nor Gedi. The Chairperson of Shabelle Media network Abdimalik Yusuf condemned this hardhearted killing. After Shabelle Radio broadcasted the assassination of its boss, the Radio stopped airing its normal programs and started airing verses of Holy Quran for grief of the death, according to Shabelle management.


The assassination of Bashir Nor Gedi seems to be premeditated attack, according his family members and eyewitness. Bashir becomes the eighth media person killed in Somalia since January 2007.


"This is intentional killing that has political motives" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. "It is totally intolerable and sends clear message to each media person that his or her life in risk because of his or her media activity". "We have been appealing to political groups to end killing of media people, but no group listens". "Now is the time the international community should take urgent actions instead of statements expressing their distress and condemnation".


Shabelle Media Network has been experiencing attacks on its journalists and its premises recently. Senior journalists of the Radio fled from Mogadishu.





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^Alla Yarxmahu. A deadly week for all corners of the country.


How many more innocent lives be lost before it gets any better??

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