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Originally posted by General Duke:

A Somali Col. for a division of flesh eating Tigray?

Wax lagu faano miyay tay taasi?

whom flesh have they eaten thus far?


Xaabashi,if you are what you claim to be,i would urge you to vomit your nonsense somewhere else,whether those filthy 106th bridage are tough guys or not,they will be given bloody nose..mark my word.

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Buur Cad   


Xaabashi,if you are what you claim to be,i would urge you to vomit your nonsense somewhere else [/QB]

This is a somali forum and if one has to go somewhere else, it should be you. The self-declared gooni-goosato is you, not me.


Mr Red Sea, you in particular, are the most spineless nomad on SOL. Your speak on both sides of your mouth. You right foot with Somaliland and your left foot with Somaliwayn.


whether those filthy 106th bridage are tough guys or not,they will be given bloody nose..mark my word.

If they get bloody nose, it will be from a brave little clan, who fight for what they believe, not from a spineless charlatans.




war Nuunoow waxaan kaliyah ka rabaa in la i yiraahdo ninkii geesiga ahaa oo inta Itoobiya xoog ku qabsaday hadana dumarkoodii isku qaboojiyay.

Alle- Ubaahne 10/27/06

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Red Sea, I was being ironic, and asked a question? No need to be so jumpy..


"If they get bloody nose, it will be from a brave little clan, who fight for what they believe, not from a spineless charlatans"


That was a great rebuke to the secesionist, spineless as ever who talk big but want to outsource their war on Somali governance to

the clan courts...

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

The Raya obviously haven't meet the Somalis!!!!

The Gabriel Brigade met with the Somali Commandos,and none of them went back.I don't think Ethiopia would ever have a stronger brigade than Gabriel.

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Originally posted by Xaabashi:

^^^those who threatened us are those who claim to be more muslim than the rest, more somali than the rest. The small clan.

How is this any of your business, You are neither Somali nor a Muslim.



Xalane...We might not have those commandos today, but we can still kick some Ethio A-ss.

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Gener Duke Qoute

^^^Worse are those who would, lie using the sacred faith and die for the interest of a clan and the agenda set in Asmara by a Christian.



Kacanka xamar that over run the ruthles warlords was agenda that was created by Christins eh, the hard working elders who were tired of their warlords and paid lot expense removing them from power was planed in Asmara eh, resident of xammar paid high expense like their sons and wealth to remove these shaaydans .


Brother dont be blind all over somalia maxakamd are opening , people are realizing thats only way we can work as somalis togather again ,


i can understand if you dont want one clan dominating somali politics , i can tell you this reer puntland will be equal in power sharing within the icu then reer xaamar , As you can see now some of top officals within the ICu are from every clan in somalia.


TFG must go , they lost our respect , they failed to stablize somalia and come up with agenda that benefits somali people , in addition they failed to take partof struggle againts warlords and ethopia infact they are the force behind the warlords !!!!



My allah help somalia defeat shaydans and their followers!!!!!!!!!!!

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Buur Cad   

Originally posted by Che-Guevara:


How is this any of your business, you are neither Somali nor a Muslim

So what you gonna do about it. Go and tell that to Sheik Aweys.

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The Raya, of Tigre-Amhara extraction, although extremely diciplined are known for their dislike of taking prisoners of war and instead prefer to eat liver (raw of course)of captured enemy soldiers.

Soomaalida ciidamadooda markee gaardinayaan waxee dhihi jireen:


Mas ma cuntaa?




See u cuntaa?




Also Soomaali waxee ku maahmaahdaa "abkeey mas cunoow, xabash nool maas u daahaa." :D

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Originally posted by Xaabashi:

]No wonder the Raya are angry with the Courts.

A militia is not an Army.The courts is a militia.


Che,lol.Anything can happen in war bro,but conventional warfare would have to be out of the equation.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Worse are those who would, lie using the sacred faith and die for the interest of a clan and the agenda set in Asmara by a Christian.

General,its desperation.They have tried everything to make the formation of a state impossible but now they had no choice,Religion was their last desperate choice.But this would be their last attempt.What other attempts would they have later?None!

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Originally posted by Xaabashi:

Originally posted by Che-Guevara:


So what you gonna do about it. Go and tell that to Sheik Aweys.

You are not making any sense. You are suffering from some sort of mental retardation we should be aware of, perhaps from all becteria infested human flesh you have been digesting.

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