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Increase AU Somalia Mission

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Increase AU Somalia Mission


New Vision (Kampala)


March 23, 2005

Posted to the web March 23, 2005



AN AFRICAN Union-mandated peacekeeping force is yet to deploy in Somalia as debate continues on its composition.


Uganda will send a battalion. Somalia's various factions, though, are contesting the nationalities of some of the other peacekeepers, coming from IGAD, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development. Some factions are opposed to forces from the other IGAD countries Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya.


They contend that these three have had partisan involvement in Somalia at one time or another over the last 15 years, and so they do not trust their troops to be impartial in pacifying the country.


Somalia has been a dysfunctional state for the last decade and a half.


Local militias have held sway as warlords filled the vacuum created by the absence of central government. Even now as a government of sorts takes shape, it is functioning from exile, in Nairobi, where even the parliament is sitting.


It will be important to win the various factions' co-operation if the country is to truly settle.


Their concerns should not be simply swept aside. IGAD, and the AU, should have a give-and-take attitude in tackling Somalia's problems. The militias are still powerful, and while their power has to be reduced, it should be borne in mind that a previous effort to pacify the country proved reckless and bloody, because the foreign forces did not take time to understand the dynamics of Somali society. US forces had to retreat tail-between-legs.


The starting point now would be to listen to the various Somali interest groups. Of course, not everything they say or stand for can be accepted as it is. But there is a lot that can be learnt from them; just listening should also give them a sense of belonging to the goings on, and engender goodwill.


And if at all engaging troops from the contested neighbouring states is proving untenable, there is no reason why the AU should be adamant. Soldiers can be sourced from elsewhere on the continent. The pacification of Somalia remains paramount.

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UPDF Deploys in Somalia Late April


The Monitor (Kampala)


March 24, 2005

Posted to the web March 23, 2005


By Grace Matsiko



The UPDF begins deploying in Somalia next month, according to a programme drawn by the military command.


Military sources say about 750 soldiers from the UPDF 401 Infantry Brigade will be involved. The troops are currently undergoing intensive military drills in Mbarara ready for deployment, The Monitor has learnt.


Army and Defence spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza, on Tuesday confirmed the deployment.


"That's the plan," Bantariza said. The deployment is expected to be on April 30. Bantariza said the military command is yet to appoint the commander for the Ugandan peace keeping force.


The force will be under the African Union multinational force to help stabilise Somalia as well as enable the exiled country's government relocate from Nairobi, Kenya to Addis Ababa.


Sources said, Col. Clovis Kalyebara, the UPDF Director of Operations in the Army Commander's office, is expected to command the UPDF contingent in Somalia.


Former UPDF spokesman for the northern region, Lt. Paddy Ankunda based in Gulu was appointed spokesman for the Somalia mission.


"I deployed him to be the information officer for our forces in Somalia" Maj. Bantariza said. Unrest has reigned in Somalia since the overthrow of President Siad Barre 15 years ago.


Thousands of people have been killed as a result of starvation or fighting while others have been displaced and live as destitutes. To date there is no recognised government in Somalia.

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