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Transition to nowhere and to nothing

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Transition to nowhere and to nothing




October waa tee, waa tuma?


No, I am not singing that Siad Barre song. I am talking about October itself, the month that always brings misery and disappointment to our sordid affairs. October has never been good to Somalis. It is a month when unimaginable and shocking things happen to Somalia.


October is not like June when French and British Somaliland colonies gained their independence from the colonial powers. October is not like June when the Islamic Courts were successful to defeat the satanic alliance of warlords who declared war on our Ulemma, religious people and held hostage almost two million people in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. October is not like July when two Somali colonies united to form the republic.


Alas! October is the month when Siad Barre, the father of all dictatorship and warlordism came to power. October is the month when one of Siad’s apprentices and soldiers came to power afer 30 years of mutiny and rebellion.


October is the month when Abdullahi Yusuf, a man who is confessed rebel warlord, clannish ringleader, and known authoritarian ruler of a clannish fiefdom was selected by the enemies of Somalia, mainly Ethiopia, to lead a government of transition made up of all the evil warlords and petty opportunists who destroyed Somalia to pieces


It is now October 10, 2006, 730 days after the crowning of such loathed warlord as the TFG president of Somalia in Kenya. What a disaster! who wants peace in Somalia? who cares about Somalia?


Warlord Yusuf was selected over a number of other warlords, most of them from Mogadishu, who had a history of violence and failures to get along, who were known to put together treacherous ploys of sabotage and sedition. The Mogadishu warlords were known backstabbers who benefited and profited the anarchy and mayhem they brought upon innocent Somalis.


Yusuf was selected as the president of our wretched country because of his record of violence and dictatorship. What a qualification! All you need to rule Somalia is to shed blood, kill and maim. None will dare to question your crimes against humanity and your clansmen will cheer you as they see you as a personification of their pride and ascendency.


Warlord Yusuf had seniority over all other warlords. He had a supposedly overreaching influence on other warlords of his camp. He was known to outwit and crush his rivals by force and by coercion.Warlord Yusuf's lead was boosted by being the head of the Ethiopian backed SRRC faction.


Warlord Yusuf was a colonel, a rebel, a head and the chief of a regional fiefdom. He is thought to be tough man who could bully and coerce other warlords and his clansmen to at least form some semblance of rule and law in his clannish territory.


Now it is his second anniversary as the warlord/President of a transitional federal government.

The verdict is out: the TFG of warlord Yusuf accomplished nothing. No peace, no reconciliation. Forget about reconstruction of the country. That was not even his mission.


Warlord Yusuf is the weakest link in a weak government that has no legitimacy and support from its citizens.


Warlord Yusuf has nothing to show off; He did nothing tangible for two long years of inactivity and disorder. He never came to his capital city, Mogadishu. For a year, He was a president of Somalia, in name only since his seat was a hotel in Nairobi. His TFG clique spent a whole year in luxurious Nairobi hotels.


The TFG’s select few: the president, the PM and his cabinet subordinates were dubbed “stylish con artists†by the international diplomatic corps in Nairobi. They looked haughty and satisfied until the Kenyans were fed with the large entourage of loud and obnoxious pretenders. Then Yusuf and company started wandering around in the country. They split in two groups and the sham international community was busying itself to act as a go-between the Mogadishu based and the Jowhar based wings of the TFG. They spent time bickering and wandering around the world in search of handouts.


Now one wing is gone thanks to the courts. Now it is all a new ball game. There is another active and revolutionary wing composed of religious bearded men. the defeated warlords came home to where they belong in the warlord government or either are in the Ethiopian colonized Somali region of ****** where they are being armed and trained to launch guerilla attacks on the Islamic courts.

The Islamic courts are fighting tooth and nail to make sure peace and stability prevails in Somalia and striving to build a new era of trust and vigor for our war-torn societies. However, it is a different case for the TFG. They are in the business of subversion and squander with the help of our historical enemies, namely Ethiopia and Kenya at their disposal. While the Islamic courts are establishing peace and empowering Somalis through dialogue and consultation to exert their influence in order to pave the way for durable peace, the TFG leadership concomitantly continues to derail those earnest efforts and to create confusion among Somalis.

What happened to Yusuf? His life is in danger. He escaped a suicide bomb attack. At least he is luckier than his late brother.


Now the leader of the TFG is in retreat in small city and when he ventures out, he is being carried in a bullet-proof limousine, gift from the Libyan government, which his Prime Minister accused of supporting the powerful Islamic courts who day after are proving to be the real force in Somalia and who behave like a real government. The Octogenarian president is about to be flown to London for his annual medical check-up and to make sure the liver transplant works fine. Remember Ghedi was attacked twice and he too escaped the attacks but unlike Yusuf who is being bankrolled by Puntland taxes and support, Ghedi is doing fine by defrauding that money and other handouts from the international community to enrich himself and his cohorts.

The TFG loonies willingly and unquestioningly obeyed the rules and instructions of the Tigre junta. They excelled the art of bickering and squabbling. They painted an ex ADC warehouse, got plastic seats, put up a huge board on the walls of that dilapidated warhouse portraying the three TFG stooges. They welcomed all the warlords into the small city of Baidao. They disbanded and killed the local indigenous RRA militias and in their posts, handed to the non-native clan militia of the TFG warlord/President. The PM embezzelled funds, estimated of $500,000 to purchase the biggest villa in Nairobi from the widow of late SPLA rebel leader John Garang. They put up a farical theatrics of motions and non-confidence plays. They kept flying in and out of Baidao to Nairobi, to Addis. They showed up and in participated in every little regional and international event. The PM, an ex-veterinarian even took off for Paris to atten the intenrnational animal husbandry meetings of cattle-herders and ranchers from Europe and Latin America. He was credited to be the highest ranking official in the conference.



I ask those who support and cheer for Yusuf and may weadd Ghedi, to look fair and for the sake of being accused of clannish bias, what has the TFG accomplished for the last two years?

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