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Real Talk: The Repackaged TFG

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It has been two weeks since the changing of the guard. Most of the discussions about the TFG (v2) still seem to have an oddly celebratory tone or focus entirely on particular individuals. Let us look at the big picture again in terms of what led up to the current state of events, what is going on now, and the direction in which things are headed. It is time to start having more critical discussions about the 'new' TFG and its 'new' mandate.


Everyone knows what the TFG is, how it come into being, what it is built upon, and the role it has played since its inception. Everyone also knows what the so-called 'opposition' is, how it was created, and why. As I see it, the repackaged TFG is a coming together of the existing shaqaale gumeysi and a slew of eager new recruits who proved to Isbahaysiga Gaalada--during their months-long trial period--that, like the puppets already at its disposal, they too could be entrusted to kowtow and do its bidding. That is what got all of them into the positions they are in today: their roles as existing agents of foreign interests or their willingness to be ones.


The aims and interests of Isbahaysiga Gaalada have not changed. Its strategy and some of its pawns have. It still wants to gain control over Somalia or, if nothing else, keep the fruits of what its people have been fighting for (the fruits of the Jihad) out of reach. All the more so now, as the Tigray-led mercenaries fled and almost all of the central and southern regions are back in the hands of the Muqaawama. So, in a move right out of the neo-colonialist handbook, it has allowed the various lackeys who were collaborating with it and accommodating it to inherit the puppet regime it created and still wants to impose on Somalia.


In terms of why all of those people have been brought together under the TFG and exactly what they are expected to do, I think it is obvious. They have been contracted to combat, dismantle, and isolate the groups at the forefront of the Jihad. The coalition of warlords failed. The Tigray-led mercenaries, with the TFG (v1) on their backs and AMISOM by their side, failed. The latest strategy is one of reviving the Ashahaado La Dirir under a new (religious) cloak. It has been in the works on the ground, having manifested itself in Gedo and Galgaduud, and in the media, where gumeysi kalkaal propaganda machines play a big role in the effort to vilify and discredit the Mujaahideen.


The repackaging of the TFG and the changing of its top-most figurehead is very fitting, then, considering what has been going on. While the secularist-types in the so-called 'opposition' generally seem to avoid talking to the media and being in the spotlight, the former ICU men among them act as the public faces and continuously play up to the 'moderates' vs. 'extremists' idea (a divide and rule tactic on the part of IG), which is exactly what the Ashahaado La Dirir revival is based on. The 'opposition' was playing a role in that scheme well before they joined the TFG. Having helped lay the groundwork, they have now been put in the driver's seat and no two sensible people have to ask each other why. They have been recruited to spearhead a new counter-'terrorism' onslaught with the pretext of eradicating the 'anti-peace', 'extremist' groups.


Exactly what will transpire remains to be seen. If the news from the last two weeks alone is any indication of what is to come, the signs are not reassuring. I will leave it at that for now.


What are your views on the repackaged TFG and the mandate of its new (puppet) administration? The idea here is to speak truthfully about what is going on and think realistically about the direction in which things are headed.

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Good analysis;


I guess most of the SOL members are consulting with their respective clans to gage a common stand on this piece.


It seems that free thinking capacity is a scarce commodity among our people.

So, I guess it will take a few months before you get a serious discussion;


on the other hand there is the risk of flooding it; one liners, copy and paste; smile here and there; angry face.

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^ Waranloow, dadku xaafadihii hala soo tashtaane daa mise sidii Amin Camir shariifku inuu inkaaro miyeey ka cabsanayaan! :D


looool @ repackaged TFG

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Alamaganow, beryahaan waxaa soo baxayey dad aan maskaxdooda ku shaqeeynin. Waxaad arkeeysaa dad iska aamusanaa ama cambaareeyn jirey "dawlada da-ba******ka labaad ee soomaaliya" oo hal maalin si wadajir ah bogagan ku soo qoro inaay taageersanyihiiin dawladda.



Waxaase yaab leh in qaarkooda aay yiraahdaan " maadaama madaxweynaha blalalaland uu sheegay inuu taageersanhay dawlada (asagoo eegeyaa doorashada Dr. Cumar Sharmarke) waxaab taageerayaa dawlada hoteel jiifka ee soomalia."


Meedey maskaxdoodi?


Allamaganoow; riwaayada ugu qosol badan oo aan maanta maqlay waxaay ahayd; in madaxweyne Dr. D(aboole) [inta ka horeeysay maanta Faroole ayaan ugu yeeri jiray laakin uma qalmo magaca faroole)uu shir jaraaid qabtay oo ku cadeeyey in uu dacwo ku soo oogi doono Amin Caamir.


Markaad aragto nin madaxweyne isku sheegayo oo aan u dul qaadan karin "kaftan" balla soo socot-oo heegan ahaw; gaashaanka qaado!

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This is not Real Talk.




Someone who uses the term ''Isbaheysiga Gaalada'' without any definition or justification of the use of that term cannot engage in Real Talk.


Before I present my view, which is somehow like yours without losing my head with PR terms and making a fool out of myself, I want YOU to define the term ''Isbaheysiga Gaalada''.


Answer these questions if you really want to start a Real Talk and critical discussions:


Isbaheysiga Gaalada in the sense that all those men who are in the paper goverment are Gaalo?


Who are you to make a Muslim a Gaal?


Who gives you the authority to accuse a devoit Muslim of been a Gaal?




Answer those questions.


After that I will present my sound analysis of the situation.

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Asking that something be defined or clarified is understandable, but there is no sense in demanding answers to bizarre questions with a latent accusation that I judged or labeled other Muslims as kufaar. What Muslims, devout or otherwise, did I accuse of being kufaar or say something even remotely close to that about? You are expected to take me to task on what I actually said, not on what you assumed I meant by jumping to wild conclusions.


The words Isbahaysiga Gaalada are self-explanatory. I use the term as a reference to the collusion among the non-Muslim powerbrokers who control the processes and instruments of domination we see being used against Somalia and other parts of the Muslim world. Rather than repeatedly name each so-called world power, regional or international organization, and client regime that plays a role, I say Isbahaysiga Gaalada for short. Any self-professed Muslims who serve that system are distinguished separately, but rightfully, as stooges.


I hope we are clear on that.

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