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SANAAG: Badhan HUGE welcome for Gen: Ilkajiir...PICS

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Magaalada Badhan ayaa Wacdaro ka Muujisay Soo dhawayntii Gen- C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka Jiir [Daawo Sawiro]


Badhan:- Waftigii uu hormuud ka ahaa Gen-ku ayaa si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Badhan ee Xarunta labaad Gobolka, boqolaal ruux ayaa sitay boodhadh soo dhawayn ah, dadkaasi ayaa waxa wajiyadooda ka muuqtay Farxad iyo soo dhawayn, Gen-ka ayaa waxa salaan siiyay Ciidamada Deegaanka kuwaasi oo ku jiray Heegan sare.


Sidaanu kor kusoo xusney waxaa soo dhoweeyey musharaxa dadwayne aad u balaaran oo uu horkacayeen Ururadda Bulshada iyo Qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada iyo waliba Gudiga Magaalada Badhan iyo waxgaradka culumada cugaasha isimada iyo waliba dhamaan dadwayanaha degmada Badhan.


Dadweynaha soo dhoweeyey wefdigan ayaa ruxayey caleemo qoyan iyo waliba halku dhigyo, sawiro iyo waliba Hesso Wadani ah muujinaya xamaasada Magaalada Badhan,

Waxaa sidoo kale magaalada Badhan soo gaarey wefdi Her wasiro ah oo ka kala yimi Magaloyinka Boosaaso Gawoowe isla markanaan ka qeyb qaatey soo dhoweynta Generalka iyo wefidgiisa waxaana wefdiga Wasirada ah hogaaminayey Wasirka Xananada Xolaha iyo Bereha Cali Bureed.

Magaalada Badhan ayaa maanta u ekeyd mid aad moodid iney ka jirto maalin ciideed iyadoo aad arkeysid faraxad aad u badan oo ay dadku hayaan isla markaan ay dadweynuhu isugu tahniyadaynayeen soo dhoweynta Generalka iyo Wefdigiisa.

Dhalinyada Sportska Magaalada Badhan ayaa waxay ka cayaartey door weyn oo iyagoonWatay Dharka Sports ka iyo Sawirada Generalka iyo waftigiisa kuna dhawaqayeey sodhowow .sodhowow.

Magaalada ayaa sidoo kale waxaa xirnaa goobaha Ganacsiga iyo suuqyada laga adeegto iyadoo dhamaantood ay isu taageen Wadoyinka Waween ee magaalada Badhan sidi ay uga qayb qadan lahayeen soo dhoweynta wefdiga.

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^^^Only in their Embassy adeer just like our flag rides high in our embassy in Addis.

Stop the fake nonsence the help your country become normal ya Cyber Jihadi...

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This is a triumph for the Unionists. God Bless Somalia.



New Dawn for Sanaag and the rest of Puntland


Ismail Adan Mohamed Adan


August 18, 2008


Every now and then as it happens, a state or any system of governance encounters an individual whose quality of leaderships can provide what the region of Sanaag and rest of Puntland needs: conflict resolution skills, Military expertise, social responsibility, transparency, accountability and reviving the fragile economy by pledging to transform it into a modern sustainable, free market-oriented economy.


Puntlanders have experienced the destruction of internal wars, mismanagement, corruption, nepotism, and the cumulative effect of failed leadership on their communities and the nation as a whole.


Examples are rather precious and relatively few are available to match his strategy to solve the numerous problems of Puntland, challenges that Sanaag and the rest of Puntland face; his plan is based on four major areas:


Firstly, by improving the security of the region and normalize relations within the stakeholders, law and order will return, which will then enable foreign direct investments; the NGOs and UN agencies will continue supporting the local population who are struggling to make ends meet in a recovering part of a lawless Somalia. The hyper inflation and a string of kidnappings and piracy have added to its ills.


Secondly, by reviving the local economy, the candidate has proposed to create more jobs for the large unemployed youth by undertaking in labor-intensive projects --- financed by the effective management and fair distribution of the tax funds and international aid. Investments in infrastructure such as roads, ports and electricity and encouraging the Diaspora to invest in industrial projects and to improve the agricultural sector of the state will be his other priorities .


Another goal is to introduce policies that will support the destitute, the vulnerable and the IDPs, the handicaps and the elderly who might not have somebody to support them.


Fourthly, the candidate emphasizes in his platform the right use of public funds and the optimal use of Puntland's natural resources. Corruption has been the cornerstone of Puntland's failure. Misuse and mismanagements of the state taxes led the public to withdraw their trust of the administration. And if not taken a different course of action, it will undermine the existence of the state.


The credentials and education of the General Abdullahi Jama Ahmed are many. He studied from a prestigious military academy in Odessa Ukraine in 1973 and obtained his first degree in Military science. He later went to Egypt for his higher education and received a Master in Military Science in 1983. And he went on to study in the US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, a prestigious college where the top American military leaders are trained. Diploma in strategy and decision making was awarded. The eagerness to learn to acquaint new knowledge did not stop there. He further studied and received a degree in accounting and CPA from Bryan & Stratton College at Rochester NY from 2000-04. He held many important positions in the Somali national army until he reached the highest ranking General in 1986.


Gen.Abudallahi is the right candidate to be the next president of the State of Puntland. He left his comfort and family in the US to return to Puntland with less amenities and luxury so he could help build a prosperous, peaceful and stable Puntland.


He needs the support of Puntland Diaspora, particularly those who believe in a new direction and the desire to make Puntland a better place for all Puntlanders. Putlanders are already showing acceptance of this new direction, a change for the better and I hope the momentum will carry on to be a success story for the sake of our existence and tomorrow's children. Let me say thank you to Gen Abdullahi, for his wise decision to bring a change and prosperity to Puntland. Let us wish him good luck for his endeavors and the future of Puntland.


Ismail Adan Mohamed Adan

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