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Radio Daljir talks about Xasan Turki's death

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^^^Nayruus, make sense will you, the clan courts wont give you any progress no more than Omar Jess made with Aydeed.


So progress entails allowing the likes of Baree, Morgan to be warmly welcomed in the region and be given every opportunity to exploit the locals as well as to heavily degrade the land and allow a huge influx of immigrants whose sole purpose is to displace the locals and compete for the resources :confused: .

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Informative on what basis Jenerale, cause it said what they wanted to hear or that is it a genuine reporting story? In the former, I care less cause qof walna cadawadissa asey u tala,as for the latter it was clearly not a genuine reprting story, more or less like a amateur school play pretenting to be newsmen. hence their story is not informatice cause their act of reporting is not authentic. That is my point sxb , I dont care whether you lot jump up and down on hearing Turki is dead or not, but please do bring Daljir as an evidence, it stinks.

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^^The delivery was not polished in the western sense, thats a Somali problem, but the substance was not bad, for me the rumours of Turki's death was just that, this gives it more weight and it has become a talking point, is he dead or not?

Also the report was no different to the countless death reporting of other fugitives on major netweorks like CNN, FOX and the BBC.


Who do you mean by you lott?

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I wouldn't be surprised if Radio Daljir picked the story from Somalia Online politics section and made something out of it, since it is an open secret how this radio station's website is connected to SOL.

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War Axmed Gureeyoow, I thought Libaax was just quoting the Moqdisho reporter but did not add any flavor to the story.


Daljire may not be creditable or any different than dayniile & idamaale but I see not significant change brought to the country by Turki’s death. Whether the story is fabricated or not, it would not change the atmosphere a bit.


What are you alluding Paragan?

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I think the bellow article will rest the case.

Kismaayo: Amiirka Maamulka Islaamiga Jubbooyinka Sheekh Xasan Turki iyo1200 ciidamo ah oo labo habeen kahor soo galay magaalada Kismaayo!!!


Amiirka Jubbooyinka Sheekh Xasan Turki oo in muddo ahba kuhawlanaa kulumo iyo muxaadarooyin diini ah oo uu lalahaa dadka deegaanka degmooyinka jubbooyinka iyo waliba sida ugu wanaagsan ee dhaqan celis looga sameyn lahaa maleeshiyo beeleedyada jubbooyinka si loogu biiriyo ciidamada midowga maxaakiimta ayaa habeen labaad dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Kismaayo.


Sheekh Xasan ayaa waxa lasocday ciidamo kor u dhaafaya 1000 oo isugu jira kuwii Raaskaanbooni qeyb kamid ah oo waday tabaro iyo dhaqan celin iyo kuwa kale oo badankooda laga soo uruuriyay deegaanka Joore ama degmada Badhadhe.


Ciidamada ayaa waxaa magaalada laga dejiyay fadhiisimo ay kamid yihiin Dekadda, Garoonka iyo waliba iyadoo laqorsheynayo in ciidamadan qaarkood magaalada banaanka looga saaro oo ay fariisin rasmi ah kasameystaan deegaanka Beer-xaani oo in muddo ah haraadigii Barre Hiiraale ay dad shacab ah oo jidka marayay kuwax yeelayeen.


Dadaka kudhaqan goballada Jubbooyinka ayaa gebi ahaanba taageero buxda siiyay midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga soomaaliyeed, isla markaasna isku raacay difaacidda dalka iyo diinta iyo ladagaalanka Cadowga Ummadda Soomaaaliyeed.



C/laahi Sheekh,



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^^Horn, this site seems to refute the story...


Warar been abuur ah oo ay qoreen website yadda abdullahi yuusuf oo sheegay


Warar been abuur ah oo ay baahisay website ka oo ka mid ah kuwa inta badan abdullahi yuusuf beenta u baahiya ayaa sheegay in sheekh xassan turki lagu dilay dagaalkii bu,aale taas oo been abuur ah warkaas oo aan sal & raad toona lahayn waayo ka dib dagaalka ayaa waraysi waxaa la yeelatay idaacadda Hornafrik.



Arinta la yaabka leh ayaa waxay tahay waxa ay ka helaan wargaysyadda abdullahi yuusuf been abuurka & propaganada ka dhan ah muslminta soomaaliya gaar ahaan maxkamadah islaamiga ah ee ku guulaysatay inay 6 bilood guduhood ku nabadeeyaan koonfurta soomaaliya.



Ma diidanin in uu geeriyoon karo sheekh qof kasta markii loogu talagalay ayuu geeriyoonayaa kuwa kan waxay ahaayeen kuwii been abuurka 3 maalmood ka hor ka jeediyay website yadooda in sheekh xassan turki & Sheekh Adan Xashi Cayrow lagu qabtay diyaarad si khalad ah ugu dagatya magaalada Nairboi ee xarunta wadanka kenya taas been abuur cad noqotay & owr ku kacsi mudadiisii ay dhamaatay waxaadna moodaa in abdullahi yuusuf & saaxiibadiisa fadhiidka ku ah Baydhabo ay awoodi waayaa waxaan ka ahayn been abuur & shirqoolo ay ku guuldarayasteen .




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Amiirka Juboyinka thats so funny..

As for Radio Daljir is it less credible than the story of the death of col Frataag by Qadsiye and propgated by Mogadishu based websites?

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You would assume many other news sites would pick up on that story, no?

No i assume that you will follow up storis from 'Saxiix' :D


Amiirka Juboyinka thats so funny..

whats the difference btw Amiir and Gudoomiye?

Duke was your kin given the leadership in Lower shabelle or Jubooyinka.


Know all the punt**.com would be citing him as the Amiril muminun and you will be the most vocal about how impartial the ICU are :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Paragon:

I wouldn't be surprised if Radio Daljir picked the story from Somalia Online politics section and made something out of it, since it is an open secret how this radio station's website is connected to SOL.

Paragonoow, I wish that was the case. Free Xayaaysiis would go something like this: Dhageystayaal wararka la isla dhex marayo forumka Somalia Online ee loo yaqaan Caano Geel waxay sheegayaan in ...... :D


Back to the topic. I hope this news is false. Turki is an honest, good-hearted leader. He cares so much about Islam which is why politics always takes the back seat on most of his decisions and thoughts. If he did pass away, Ilaahay jannadii ha geeyo dambigiisana ha dhaafo.

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