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Maryan Mursal Oo Ka Cadhootay Somaliland

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Hargeysa (Qarannews)- Fannaanada caanka ah ee Maryan Mursal Ciise, ayaa xalay cadho kaga guurashay magaalada Hargeysa, iyadoo u sii jeeda magaalada Berbera oo ay maanta ka dhoofayso.


Fannaanada Maryan Mursal ayaa la sheegay inay ka cadhootay Abwaan Maxamed Warsame Hadraawi oo ka cudurdaartay dugsi ay ka dhisaysay xaafadda Daami ee magaalada Hargeysa oo ay isaga ugu magic-dartay, isagoo dhawaan sheegay in ay jiraan dad badan oo isaga dalka ugu mudan oo ku fiican in loogu magic-daro, balse arrintaasi ay si weyn uga cadhiisiisay Maryan Mursal, taas oo keentay inay si kedis ah uga ambabaxdo dalka iyadoo aanay gaadhin waqtigii markii hore u qorshaysanaa inay tagto, waxaanay maanta subaxa hore Madaarka magaalada Berbera ka raacaysaa iyada iyo laba wiil oo ay dhashay diyaaradda Xorriya Airways, isla markaana waxay beddeshay diyaaradii markii hore ay ku qornayd inay raacdo oo ahayd Daallo Airline.


Fannaanada oo aannu xalay isku daynay in aannu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhno si aannu wax uga weydiino bixitaankeeda kediska ah iyo cadhada la sheegay intay ku tagtay, ayaanay noo suurtogelin.


Sida ilo xogogaal ahi sheegeen xubno miisaan leh xukuumadda ka mid ah oo isugu jira wasiiro iyo saraakiil kale, ayaa isku dayday inay dejiyaan Fannaanada Maryan Mursal, isla markaana aanay dalka ka tegin, haseyeeshee waxa la sheegay inay Maryan Mursal codsigoodaasi ku furtuurtay.


Fannaanada Maryan Mursal oo muddo bil ku dhow joogtay Somaliland, kadib markii ay ka timi dalka Ingiriiska oo ay ka soo qaaday hees ay Somaliland ku ammaanayso, waxaana loo soo dhaweeyey si weyn.


Tagitaanka Maryan Mursal ayaa yimi xilli aanay siday sheegtay shacabka Somaliland u qaban bandhig faneed ay hore u ballanqaaday, isla markaana aanay la kulmin qaybo badan oo ka mid ah bulshada, gaar ahaan dadka laga tirada badan yahay.

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I heard the same on HCTV. What happened? What is the relation between Hadrawi's suppossed reluctance and her anger.


If it true, I think it has no relation to anger. She simply wants to go back to another business. it has been a profitable show.

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Ma runbaa oo hadraawi way isku dhaceen! I mean anyone else yes. laakiin Hadrawi inuu si xun ula dhaqmay ma filayo.

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She is just an insane woman. Her visit to Somali land has got nothing to do with Hadrawi. If she had a personal problem with Hadrawi, that has got nothing to do with those who welcome her and the people of Somali land. Waa nooca la yidhaahdo laba dhinac daaq. She should have stayed in Hargaisa than becoming another Xaabsade....

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The big question is Hadrawi maxaa isu geyn karaba? I think she is using this to escape the bad attention she has been getting from the Somaliweyn camp of late. Roob kalaa meel kale ka da'ay show?

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Yes Abtigiis, she is just justifying her exit strategy. In fact, she should have stuck to her decision of choosing Hargaisa than the rest of Somalia. She was welcomed nicely, she was given a wonderful reception. Hence, she should remain and remain decisive. Maxaa ku jaban haday Hargaisa tagto ileeyn ma gaaloobine lol. Aduunka waxaa ugu xun, qof hadba dhinac u cararaya. Hadda cidina aamini mayso smile.gif she lost her credibility. Khalaas!

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I think it is simple. Hadrawi does not want nothing to do with the fabricated and well orchestrated money making projects of Maryan Mursal.

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Hadrawi is a wise and honurable man. He must have seen something wrong with her projects. Or he doesn't want to be associated with her latest conversion. Ninkaasi waa Somaali buuxa.

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Somaliland kamay cadhoon lol waxay ka cadhootay hadraawi lol laakin hadraawii haduu yidhi dad ba iga muddan inay magaca loogu darro instead of me dee wa gobonimo.

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I think may be she thought Hadraawi did not want to associatte his name with a building built by "untouchable woman", we know the level of discrimination and racism against these honorouble ppl in S'land, never mind the hype we saw on her wlcm, she knows and everyone knows she was only used to highlight the 18th of MAY nothing more nothing less. Best thing would've been if she built an orphanege in her native city of Galkacyo, she would've been treate like a saint there, not "untouchable".

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^ This is pathetic. No sane person can think Hadrawi (of all people) will think like that! Hadrawi is a civilized poet and philosopher. If he says no, it is for other reasons. Not because of what you are hinting at here.


But if she was treated like that by others, it is unforgiveable. Galkacyo or Hargeisa, the discrimination is the same!

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