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General Duke

New York: Sharif Hotel no deal was made with Djibouti what ?

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New York: Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo beeniyey heshiiskii uu Jabuuti ku saxiixay wasiir ka tirsan dawladiisu.

28. september 2009


New-York(AllPuntland )- Madaxweynaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ku sugan dalka Mareykanka, lana hadlayay Idaacada Codka Mareykanka ee VOA-da ayaa difaacay talaabadii uu Wasiir ka mid ah dawladiisu ugu saxiixay dawladda Jabuuti, heshiis ka hor imaanaya mid uu galay Raysalwasaaraha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Md, Cumar C/rishiid Cali Sharmaake.


Shariif ayaa sheegay in aysan waxba ka dhaxeyn heshiisyadaasi, isagoo sheegay in kii dalka Jabuuti lugu saxiixay loo dhigay si qaldan, isagoo sheegay in aysan dawladda Puntland waxba hubsan oo ay Idaacadaha ka eedeeyeen Wasiiro ka tirsan dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uusan Ibi heshiis lagalin dawladda Jabuuti, balse uu Shir Jaraa’id oo kaliya la qabtay Wasiir ka tirsan dawladda Jabuuti, wuxuuna hadalkan dhabar jab weyn ku noqonayaa iyo kala hadal dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Wasiirka Kulluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda ee Soomaaliya Prof. Ibi ayaa xaqiijiyey galintaanka heshiiskaas, oo uu sheegay in uu yahay mid dan u ah Umadda Soomaaliyeed, isagoo sidoo kale soo qaaday saameynta heshiiska uu galay iyo heshiiskii lugu saxiixay magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Madaxweynaha dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa xaqiijiyay in aysan waxba ka jirin ayna been tahay heshiis lagalay, taasoo ka hor imaanaysa hadalka Wasiirkii sheegay in uu saxiixay heshiiskaasi, waxaana hadalkan aad uga yaabay dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed oo la socday xaaladahaasi.


Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Md. Cumar C/rishiid Cali Sharmaake ayaa dhawaan sheegay in heshiiskii uu lagalay dawladda Puntland uu yahay, mid sax ah oo aysan jirin wax ka qaldan, isla markaasna aysan jirin doonin cid ka hor timaada, wuxuuna sheegay in uusan saameyn ku laheyn heshiiskii magaalada Jabuuti lugu saxiixay, balse uu Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu shalay sheegay in uusan aheyn Heshiis, balse uu u ahaa oo kaliya wada hadalada labadaas Wasiir dhexmaray.


F. C. Maxamed


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Heshiiska Puntland


Sharif ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay heshiis uu dhawaan Ra'iisul Wasaare Cumar C/rashid la saxiixday maamul-goboleedka Puntland, wuxuuna sheegay ineysan jirin in heshiiskaas lagu xadgudbay, sida kasoo yeertay qaar kamid ah masuuliyiinta Puntland.


Wuxuu nasiib darro ku tilmaamay inay jiraan dad mar walba weecinaya ujeedada wanaag walba oo ay dowladdiisu sameyso.


Wareysiga madaxweyne Sharif


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Originally posted by General Duke:

What did the Americans tell good old Sharif Hotel?

The told him that he must respect the State of Puntland, isn't?

War hehde wax isku fal you dont have a case in here. get ready to welcome the President

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^^^lool.^^^lool. Juje adeer, the Americans must have blown his bubble, since this is the first time he admitted there was no deal struck in Djibouti, contrary to his long silence and the utterances of fake “Professor” Ibbi. :D


Juje, respect the state of Puntland adeer its the only thing that protects your cousin from the idiotic vultures. ;)

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Juje, respect the state of Puntland adeer its the only thing that protects your cousin from the idiotic vultures.

I suppose the 'idiotic vultures' are your cousins.

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Sheekh Shariif oo ka hadlay heshiiskii Puntland

28 Sep 28, 2009 - 12:54:38 PM


Garowe Online on Facebook Madaxweyahja Somalia Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed oo socdaal ku maraya Mareykanka ayaa ka hadlay markii ugu horeysay heshiis dhexmaray DF iyo Puntland, isagoo ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa talaabo horay loo qaaday.


Sh. Shariif ayaa gaashaanka ku dhuftay in heshiiska Puntland ay ka horyimaadeen wasiiro isaga xiriir la leh, wuxuuna sheegay in hadaladaas ay warbaahinta kasii daayeen xubo si khaldan wax u fasiray.


"Heshiiskii DF iyo Punland dhexmaray wuxuu ahaa mid lagu adkeynayo xiriirka dowlada iyo maamulada ka jira Somalia, mana jirto cid heshiiskaas jabisay iyo cid jabin karta" ayuu yiri Sh. Shariif oo saxaafada la hadlay.


Madaxweynaha Somalia oo ka hadlay heshiis ka dhacay dalka Jabuuti oo muranka saldhig u ahaa ayaa sheegay in taasi aysan heshiis ahayn, isaguna uu goobjoog ka ahaa, balse uu ahaa isafgarad dhexmaray 8-dal oo ay Somalia ay ku jirto.


"Ma jirin heshii ay DF la saxiixatay Jabuuti, wuxuu kulan dhexmaray wasiiro ka tirsan labada dal, wuxuuna ku saabsanaa xero lagu tababaro ciidanka badda oo laga dhiso Jabuuti" ayuu yiri Sh. Shariif oo xusay in isaga aysan la ahayn in taasi ay burburin karto heshiiskii Puntland lala gaaray.


Ra'iisul wasaare Sharma'arke ayuu ku tilmaamay mas'uul qaaday talaabo horumar leh oo wanaagsan oo lagu xoojinayo xiriirka Puntland iyo Dowlada Somalia, isagoo sheegay in haddii ay jiraan qodobo la dhaliilsan yahay oo heshiiska ku jira si hoose loo dhamehnayo.


"Waajibka saaran DF waa inay ka shaqeyso isku soo dhaweynta shacabka Somalia, heshiiskii aan la saxiixanay Puntland, wuxuu qayb ka yahay heshiisyada lagu adkeynayo amaanka xiriirka Somalia" ayuu yiri Sh. Shariif.


DGPL ayaa dhawaan sheegtay inay ka go'ayso Somalia haddii aan la fulin heshiiskii lagu gaaray Gaalkacyo [August 2009], kaasoo ka koobnaa 15-qodob, waxayna ka digeen in xukunka laga qaado Ra'iisul wasaare Sharma'arke oo gobolka kasoo jeeda.


Sh. Shariif oo la weydiiyay aragtidiisa ku wajahan Somaliland ayaa ku jawaabay inuu ugu hambalyeynayo amaanka ay deegaanadooda ka sameeyeen, isagoo xusay inuu ku faraxsan yahay, isagoo aan meesha ka saarin inay ka mid tahay Somalia.



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I think dadkaan oo dhan afkooda iyo dhagahooduba isma maqlaan.

madaxwaynuhu sigooni buu u hadlayaa.

Raysalwasaaruhu wargooni buu sheegayaa.

Ibina wargooni buu sheegayaa.

Waaba yaabe keebaa runsheegaya?

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Somalia president endorses Puntland agreement

29 Sep 29, 2009 - 10:06:02 PM


WASHINGTON, D.C. Sep 29 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's interim president has endorsed an agreement with the Horn of Africa country's Puntland State government for the first time since the deal was signed last month, Radio Garowe reports.


Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the Somali president who is currently in the U.S., said the agreement signed between Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake and Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole in August was a "positive step in the right direction."



Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed

"The agreement between the [Transitional] Federal Government (TFG) and Puntland was to strengthen relations between the Federal Government and administrations existing in the country," the Somali president said.


He noted that a deal signed by TFG Fisheries Minister Abdirahman Ibbi in Djibouti, which stirred controversy with Puntland, was an "understanding among eight countries" in the region to strengthen cooperation in the anti-piracy campaign.


"The duty of the [Transitional] Federal Government is to works towards uniting the Somali people and the agreement with Puntland is part of this," explained President Sheikh Sharif, who praised the relative peace in the northern Somali enclaves of Somaliland and Puntland.


The TFG-Puntland deal allows the latter to remain an integral part of Federal Somalia, but gives Puntland the authority to attend international conferences, sign development and commercial deals with foreign partners, and establish a Somali naval base in Puntland.


It is the first time President Sheikh Sharif has publicly spoken about the Puntland deal since Prime Minister Sharmake signed it in the Puntland city of Galkayo on Aug. 23, 2009.


Puntland, located in northeast Somalia, maintains its own government, parliament and security forces and has pledged to remain part of Federal Somalia.


The region is stable and relatively peaceful, while much of south-central Somalia including the capital Mogadishu is engulfed by an insurgency that threatens to overthrow President Sheikh Sharif's interim government.

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Originally posted by Dhuujiye:

I think dadkaan oo dhan afkooda iyo dhagahooduba isma maqlaan.

madaxwaynuhu sigooni buu u hadlayaa.

Raysalwasaaruhu wargooni buu sheegayaa.

Ibina wargooni buu sheegayaa.

Waaba yaabe keebaa runsheegaya?

Lol...I guess it all depends on dhegaha aad ku dhegeysatid iyo qaabka ay hadalkaas maskaxdu kuula


I think kulligood ma wada khaldana ee qaar baa qaldan ee aan sugno marka hore in xogta dhabta ah la helo inta aan dacaayad shabakado dowladda aysan horboodeyn neceb soo qorin, waxaa habboon inaan runta ogaanno.

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