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Siadists, Sool and Burco conference

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I can see you love war ...... that is why Muqdisho is restless and ppl are dying for nothing.


NSPU don't represent the people in Sool and Sanaag bari sxb .... they don't even know them to tell you the truth.


Everyone is free for his believes and the majority goes with Somaliland sovernginity ,,,, cry or laugh i'll just watch you turning into red when the recognition comes Insha Allah.

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I don't love war, I am fulay remmember? :D


ps. We have had this discussion before and if I remmeber it clearly SOL secessionists couldn't bring valid arguments for secession. No need to have the same discussion everday.


The NSPU represents me and all Northerners that don't agree with secession including the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn.


Miep miep :D

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Correction: Oodweyne.


As the falsifications of history continues, Oodweyne made the terrible mistake of specifically speaking of individuals. Hassan Dahir Afqurac and Mohamed Abdi Hashi were both in Kismayu when that infamous shir took place in Burco. I know this because, as a young boy ; I served tea to one of the chaps as he came to our house in Farjanno for with my father AHN.

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Don't lie Fahiye ,,, the world is just a lil village now :D



Me, it is not about a valid arguments, it is about your understanding. No one can make a surgery, go to your brain and put it some information sxb :D


The sun is just in front of you ,, it is only you who can't see it.


Again, the people of Sool and sanaag bari did not choose them, elect them and as i said don't even know them.

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Jacaylbaro the man fahiye has said afqudac and maxamed cabdi xashi were in Kismayo during that conference. Now give us a proper response sxb instead of just saying he is lying. Do you have teh register? any pictures? anything to disprove what fahiye is saying? if not why are you claiming he is lying?


About valid arguments for secession, it doesn't make you less of nin rag ah to admit you don't have any valid arguments.


ps. the NSPU is not claiming to be the government of SSC. So they don't need to be elected. The NSPU's job is to counter the secessionist lies and myth building and if you ask me so far they have been very successful.

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They never been successful and the last evidence is the failed conference they held in the US .... everybody knows the results sxb.


About Fahiye saying he was serving them in kismayo ,, if you read that again he said he was a young boy serving tea for them. Don't tell me he wrote down the date he served them :D ,,, is it before they came to Burco or after they finished the conference ?


Of course a young boy can't do that sxb ....

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Young boys can't write is that your latest claim? You have never been to a school I guess.


Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

About the valid arguments,
will help you a lot.


If not ,,, then sit, listen and watch as we move forward.

In the thread under the link you posted the secessionist claims were ripped apart sxb with relative ease. Stop boring me man, I have work for that, entertain me.

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Oh the triviality of the defeated lot is becoming ever so preposterous.


I lived in Mogadishu and when the USC boys started killing anyone who had the blood of Sheikh C/raxmaan ismaail running through their arteries, as such we had to flee to Kismayu. That my dear boy was the year 1991-- and now I become an grown up man who actively reads about saga that is Somali politics, I have come to know with absolute certainty both gents were absent from that ill-fated Shir.


The fabrication of oodweyne (his last one being that he was present at the Shir; as we all know then he was working for that once an esteemed instiutiution that bear her majesty’s title Royal Mail as a sorting boy in the environs of Wembley.

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Originally posted by Nacaska:

I would like to thank Awdalnews for allowing a much-needed debate among Eastern Somalilanders of different political affiliations.
It is a grim reminder of our dead-end political situation when this discussion cannot take place inside our local media since Sool regional websites, along with our Garaad, have simply become a mouth-piece for the Puntland leader of the day.
In the case of our media, constant bullying and several arrests made them so servile that they are the only ones painstakingly reporting the most uneventful of Puntland cabinet gatherings.

If the people of SOOL, their websites along with their traditional Garaad are for Puntland, supporting the unity and the current TFG, what is there to be annoyed, what is the fuss and why all this tention. It's clear that Sool, Sanaag and Cayn have made their choice and decided to stay in the union like Togdheer and Waqoyi galbeed are trying to seccede, Awdal is for the union as well, so nimankiina qabiilka isku aruursaday easy with the BS and that nonesense propaganda.


PS: What is this NSPU?

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OK thanks, is it open for new members? Can I join? Since Im intrested in anything that brings about peace and Unity.

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