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Islam the Misunderstood Religion

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Read what Ex-Prime Minister of Malasia Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had to say about different sects within Islam. Very interesting read, I thought...



Islam the Misunderstood Religion


4/29/2005 - Social Religious - Article Ref: IC0504-2682

Number of comments: 49

By: Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

IslamiCity* -



As salaam alykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu


Dear Brothers and Sisters


I would like to congratulate the organizers on the 10th Anniversary of IslamiCity for their effort. I would like to thank them for this opportunity to speak to my brothers and sisters in America.


A few years back I spoke to a small audience of Muslims and non-Muslims in Oxford University regarding Islam and how it is misunderstood not only by non-Muslims, who think of it as an oppressive religion but also by the Muslim who claims it is the greatest religion which would save mankind but have not saved it. We can easily explain why the non-Muslims misunderstand Islam. But why did I say that the Muslims also misunderstand Islam.


The basis for stating this is simple. We all know Muhammad the Prophet brought only one Islam, just one. But today we have all kinds of beliefs which claim to be the Islamic faith but the beliefs are so different and so inconsistent with each other that each condemn the others as not being Islam or Islamic, condemn to the point of labeling them as apostates against whom they are willing to fight and to kill.


For example we are seeing today Sunni Muslims fighting and killing Shiite Muslims every day, each claiming the other is not Muslim. There were no Sunni or Shiite during the time of the Prophet .



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That was superb..I think Shias and Bohras have even defied Islamic teaching to an extent they pray when they feel fit for praying.. smile.gif nacudhu billah


They pray to a man..whom they claim is their IMAAM..they beg him and make him like a living God..christians wanted something like this to happen..


There were no Shias during Holy prophet mohamed's Time..if they were there..why would they not appear and the prophet would give them an answer or direction.


It appears there was a political equation that has not been solved.The shias wanted someone from Ahlu-bait or what they call 'their man'to succeed the Holy Prophet..When all senior sahabas and other muslims met after the prophet's death(Allahu rahma)..they voted the prophet's trusted and best freind..and That is when Shia started spreading with discontent..


They are now realizing and coming back to the Real ISLAM..go to IRAN and see them..most of them(the ones who moved out of SHIASM.. shifted to Arab countries fearing persecution coz they realized their fault.


but they are still our Brothers... smile.gif

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Bashi Thanks for this, this man is one of the real Islamic learders in our era.


think Shias and Bohras have even defied Islamic teaching to an extent they pray when they feel fit for praying.. nacudhu billah


They pray to a man..whom they claim is their IMAAM..they beg him and make him like a living God..christians wanted something like this to happen..

The Rendezvous, this is not proper way to call for ISLAM, when you insult others they will insult you too and stick their creed more and more in addition they will hate you more and more as you did, instead why don't you recognise this fact from an expert.


These enemies of the Muslims do not care whether those they define as Muslims are Sunnis or Shiite, followers of which of the imams of the Sunnis or Shiahs or the innumerable imams whose interpretations have resulted in the emergence of the different and differing sects of Islam. To the detractors and enemies of Islam and the Muslims, they are all Muslims, followers of the same religion and therefore deserving of the oppressive treatment meted out to them.

....and try to reconcile your Brothers in order to build a strong nation.

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The break up of the Muslims is brought about by the Muslims themselves, by their own learned ones who made the interpretations, sincerely and faithfully sometimes but self-serving in many cases. It is they, these interpreters of Islam who have broken us up into so many antagonistic sects. Unless we admit this and stop blaming others, we will not be able to make any corrections, to bring the ummah back together again.

I agree with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. There were no shias or sunnis at the time of the Prophet(saw).

Unless we start uniting and stop calling each others names we will always be under oppression. Unity is the key whether we are sunnis or shias. Whenever we hear or read people who talk about their sect been the only guided one and calling others non muslims then we should challenge them and ask them to give us proof of their believes. The biggest threat in the muslim unity is not from the non muslim but from some sects trying to impose their views on the rest of us. Whether we liked or not we are all following Sheikhs or Imams. Look at the different threads all of them follow Sheikh so and so or Imam so and so. Why can't we follow what we think is right and respect each other without insulting each other.

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