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General Duke

Gen Saciid Dheere named Puntland supreme comander..

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Supreme Commander. :D


Some people do love titles and ranks, he Duke. :D


Duke, how many high ranking officers do you have in the family (Generals, Captains, etc)?

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that rich, comming from a man who calls himself General.


- historically speaking saxib, when it comes to real somali history duke and his people were 98% goat herders who after independence joined the army like abdullahi yusuf and siad barre. They couldnt read or write, that why they joined the army, until they thought they were big men, they started picking on the innocent and helpless.


then Allah released the lions on them......all they got left now is titles. no honour, no state, no country, just titles. if i was from bosaso i would call myself


His Royal Majesty President, General, Libax Sanka Tabto o cali Dhere,



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Duke no offence but you and your people are like a ***** cat looking at itself in the mirror, although seeing a lion and thinking your a lion, your still a little ***** cat saxib.


No where in the history of the muslim or somali nation have your people done anything if anything it is becuase of them that Somalia imploded.


comparing yourself to mongolian hoards is laughable. considering even the Southern Somali's inhabit more land in Somalia then you do.


Look into somali poetry saxib, which is the most genuine historical source, before independence and you slithered xaram into office, you were a subjegated minority in your own land, and if allah returned you to your former state after the fall of your uncle say alxamdullilah.

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