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General Duke

Gen Naji : Clock is ticking towards war..

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Originally posted by ThePoint:

Anyone who participates in the Politics section as much as you can hardly lob clan based insults at another. Much less declare that their 'assessment is closer to reality'. Bal iska amus. If your opinion comes to pass - everyone will see it. Meantime - tone it down.

Where is the caln insult that I made. I made an assessment not insult.



P.S. Duke actaully responded prefectly and I respect his opinion laakiin adigu gudcir baad iska gudaysaa..saaxiib.

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^I hardly have the time to dig everything up for you lad - but saying Duke supports TFG simply because of his 'uncle' is a clan based insult. While you proclaim for yourself a detachment from clan 'support'. The point is tone it down. It's not that hard - simply follow Duke's example as you have said - he 'rsponded perfectly'.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Saxib, You seem to be confusing yourself, I choose to support a national government, weak as it maybe with my clan having only 61 out of its 275MP's with my sub-clan only having 12 MP's out of its 275.


I support this government that was created in Nairobi, which was neutral and in which every Somali clan elders sent their representations and all major players including Abdiqasin took part in its contest.


I support this government that is not based in my clan region, that is based in Baidoa which my clan does not dominate nor is even geographicly located.


I support this government weak as it maybe, that has the support of all Somali's and the international community.


So dear Abwan, is it not you who hates the government, because its President is from Puntland? And resent that my sub-clan's 12 MP's.

So when you read that - all you got was - Duke supporting TFG because of A/Y????? Please! Keep it down lad.

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Did you just wake up?


What the hell is LAD?


Mind is a terrible thing to waste...don’t you agree my friend. Not that I’m saying you're wasting your mind on anything!

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I know you don’t believe this but I would love to see Somali proper with functioning

Even I don't believe that, and your perspective has everything to do with Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

I support Somaliland politically and I care about Somalia in general

Make up your mind sxb, labadasi meel ma wada galan?

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Alright jay..Empathy for the suffering masses. That I can understand. But You do understand any Somali goverment will lay a claim on Somaliland, and most of southerners are not keen on independent Sland.

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Nayruus was on board with the TFG and then defected to Clan Courts when he heard Turki and the Kismayu take over.


You have all the secesionist coming from Burco-Hargaysa-Berbera traingle, including yourself, Red Sea, Northerner, Ayoub Shiekh, Suldanka. All are on board with hating the Clan Courts except when it is facing their old enemy Yusuf, the unionist and Federalist. They would like to see the Clan Courts destroy, Puntland and the TFG while itself getting weaker.


MMA, with his many guises, gets upset when ever the RRA has a bad day and resents any percieved weakness from his clan.


Thus pointing the finger at me alone or Puntlanders is misplaced

The Dukestar,


Macalinka waynaa aaba iska iloobthay, see camal, duqa :D


Waa waa ma maqli jirtay, Soomali oo America ku dhumeen(lost) 1400's-kee, before Christopher Columbus ? Kuwaas aa aniga ka tirsanahay oo represent-garaynaa. Marka, if you alloted qof walba to a qabiil, dee aniga ragga ha iga dhax saarin, widayow. I'm a proud member of Reer Farjinya, lafta Maarilan, oo weliba waxaa isla dagnaa Reer Deesee(waa niman qatar kuwaas, maloo galo). See waye, dhulka waa uu dhalanay, Somalideena o shalay timid aa hadba mid walba dahaayo, Aniga waxaa rep-garayaa the 612 ama the 404 ama the 613 ama the 416.


Respect garay dadka dhulka oo dhashay oo iska leh, and give them their due recognition markee ragga la tirinaayo :D

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Of course they will. But it will come down to what the people of Somaliland want.


Establishing legitimate government is Somalia is the key for Somaliland recognition.




I don’t agree with you. I think both goals are obtainable. You don’t have to hate one idea in order to like the other. I think that is the dilemma most Somalis have these days.

Having multiple Somali nations in Africa is great for us politically and economically. Obviously we can’t get long so why not try the alternative.

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Of course they will. But it will come down to what the people of Somaliland want.


Establishing legitimate government is Somalia is the key for Somaliland recognition.

NO , it comes down to what the people of northwest and norh-central, NOT Somaliland


today somaliland "former british somali colony" is irrelevent


NO one will ever recognize Somaliland, because Somaliland is not legitimate but maybe northwest





I don’t agree with you. I think both goals are

Having multiple Somali nations in Africa is great for us politically and economically. Obviously we can’t get long so why not try the alternative.

Keep in mind that northwest and north central are as well cannot go along, so why try the alternative meaning to not revisit old colonial borders

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^^^Blah, bluh..Haven’t we done this before...waar ninyow waa maxay waxaaso xanaaqii. If you don't think Somaliland exist, fine. You're not the only one but c'mon stop the BS of Northwest this northwest that. That is really getting old. Somaliland is here to be dealt don't have to recognize that. You are one of many.


BTW, Miyaad noolayd waxaan moodayay inaad adeero buusuukaha u qaadayee oo Baydhabo u guurtee

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c'mon stop the BS of Northwest this northwest that.

You should first stop your clan-state of somaliland this somaliland that


because really so-called is only northwest of Somalia not all somalia (s)


or are you still in colonial era thinking that there is British somaliland colony!!


war ingriis bari hore ayuu tagey


^^^Blah, bluh..Haven’t we done this before...

Didn't we done somaliland before? true, its old now


grow up



If Hergeysa and Mogadisho or Hegeysa and Kismayo cannot go along as were argueing, then Hergeysa and Laascaanood cannot go along as well


Reer Laascaanood miis y soaali kku dhamen ma soo fadhiisanayaan


If you think we should respect the will of people of Hergeysa(northwest), You also should respect the will of the poeple of Laascaanood



BTW, Miyaad noolayd waxaan moodayay inaad adeero buusuukaha u qaadayee oo Baydhabo u guurtee

sick man,

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But You do understand any Somali goverment will lay a claim on Somaliland, and most of southerners are not keen on independent Sland.

Before Somali Government and southerners you talking about


There is regions in the north like Sool, East Sanaag ad Cayn that are for unity and against secession

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