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Setback in Asmara, ONLF OLF distance themselves from foolishness

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The supposed Asmara alliance of the defated Clan Courts , the OLF and the ONLF has come unstuck even before it came out publicly.


Aferwarki has failed to keep on board publicly the two notable rebel movements against Ethiopia. Both OLF and ONLF have no doubt learned of the folly of Asmara, and the defeat at the end of last year, one can guess has been a hard lesson which they have yet to overcome.

While the Qad merchant and the mouthpiece continue to delude themselves. These groups are moving away from the alliance which wants to keep Somalia in turmoil.


Well done to them I say.

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Meanwhile, two Ethiopian rebel groups fighting for self-determination have vehemently denied joining Somali Islamists and former Somali parliamentarians in an Eritrean-based coalition, opposed to Ethiopia and the interim government here.


The rebel groups, ****** National Liberation Front and the Oromo Liberation Front,
say they have no desire to interfere in Somalia's 16-year-old civil war and they said they would never be a part of any coalition with political groups in Somalia.


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9 June 2007


The Voice of America (VOA) recent report citing unnamed sources alleging that ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) has entered into a coalition with political entities in Somalia is far from reality and well within the realm of fantasy.


For nearly two decades, the TPLF regime has been engaged in an deliberate effort to misrepresent our struggle to the international community in a bid to divert attention from the legitimate grievances of thepeople of ******. This misrepresentation has included efforts to portray the ONLF as a religious organization instead of a nationalist organization and TPLF statements aimed at leaving the impression that the scope of our military operations extend beyond ******.


The ONLF wishes to make clear to the international community that we are not, have not been and will not be a party to the ongoing conflict in Somalia as a matter of policy and principle. In that regard, the ONLF is not, has not been and will not be a part of any coalition with political groups in Somalia. The only coalition that the ONLF is a proud member of is the Alliance for Freedom & Democracy (AFD). The foundation of the ONLF policy toward Somalia is that Somalia should be left to the Somalis and that the Ethiopian army should immediately and without condition, pull its troops out of Somalia.


The TPLF regime will have to face the reality that they must deal with the legitimate representatives of the people of ****** and abandon their failed military strategy in ****** and ongoing brutal crackdown against our civilian population. The TPLF must accept direct talks with the ONLF in a neutral country and in the presence of a third party arbiter with no pre-conditions placed on either side if there is ever to be a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the conflict between the people of ****** and successive Ethiopian governments.


The TPLF must also accept the call for an all inclusive conference made by the member organizations of the Alliance for Freedom & Democracy (AFD)


****** National Liberation Front (ONLF)

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Now we have looked at the rebel groups of Ethiopia, who is left?


Oh I forgot that world power Eritrea here is an Eritrean view of the country.


Eritrea: It’s not custom v. law, there’s simply no rule of law

11 Jun 11, 2007 - 4:49:12 PM


And where is there is no rule of law, it is preposterous to speak of people not being restrained by law? What we have
in Eritrea is rule by barrel of the gun
for where else does a one-man, one-party government draw its authority when the national constitution has been furloughed for now 10 years, democracy has been publicly declared luxury item, dissent and hence political opposition is treasonous, justice is imaginary, rule of law is taboo, press freedom outlawed, right of appeal blasphemous and parliament is a wishful thinking, but from the barrel of the gun?


Under such repressive and oppressive rule, all and every prohibitive measures taken/proclaimed in whatever form by the interim governmental authorities in Eritrea are rightly perceived by the people as arbitrary dictates of the military rule not as the will and wishes of the people regardless of purpose and intent.

The opposition have no clothes.. :D

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Oh I forgot that world power Eritrea here is an Eritrean view of the country.

Why do we need to know about Eritrea's political system? Eritrea doesn't occupy Somalia, Ethiopia does.



The opposition have no clothes..

I think you're missing who the joke is on here. Self-determination groups you've been slighting ever so gleefully have made their stance abundantly clear. The ONLF just recently kidnapped Chinese oil workers stealing their resources. THe ONLF and OLF don't need you or VOA, they speak for themselves on the ground.

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Adeer I dont much care for Ethiopia and their opposition, what I am interested in is "Somali Oppsoition" these ****** dont have any clothes.


The OLF, ONLF struggle is none of my business and was even before my countries civil war.


I respect their noble stance today.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Adeer I dont much care for Ethiopia and their opposition, what I am interested in is "Somali Oppsoition" these ****** dont have any clothes.



The OLF, ONLF struggle is none of my business and was even before my countries civil war.

Then get your priorities straight. One minute you're attacking Eritrea then you take gratuitous swipes at the ONLF and then you make 180 degree u-turn by attacking the Somali Opposition groups fighting against Ethiopian occupation.


Now you wanna talk about the Opposition to Ethiopian Occupation, I'm fine with that. My position is simple: I'm for self-determination and anti-occupation. The current political problems Somalis face today are corollary byproduct of Ethiopian occupation and prior Ethiopian interference in our internal affairs. Melez invaded Somalia several times since 1991 and armed one group against another the whole time. Now he comes back with bigger force and american backing but to simply continue his old failed policy of supporting one faction against another.

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I have never heard a "Somali Nationalist" say the O.N.LF struggle is none of my business. Anyway O.N.L.F and O.L.F wouldn't be foolish enough to publicly link themselves with a group on the international terror list. The O.N.L.F in particular has a pretty good lobbying system in Western countries, hence why neither of these organizations have been put on the terror list. But I would guess there is some sort of collaboration between these groups.

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Allamagan, obviosuly you are an indicator on who is a Somali nationalist. :D


Geel-Jire, the ONLF struggle will loose support if they align themlselves with loosers like Xasan Dahir who wants to sue this struggle for his own good.


These movements ahve realised their interest does not lie with being isolated and that even Adis Ababa wants them to be in line with the courts so they can say its "Al Qaeda" thus they have played a good hand by not joining this clown group in Asamara.


My earlier point is that while I deeply care for Somali's every where those in Djibouti, NFD and the ****** one has to prioritise what could these Somali groups do for the those in the republic throught the civil war period. The answer is nothing much other than hosting a conference in Carta Djibouti.


Its high time we took care of our burned house, then we can be of use to our brothers.


Good luck to the ONLF, but my priority is restoring order to the republic of Somalia which will be a beacon of hope and open its arms to all Somali's, insha Allah.

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DOXA: Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed: "Waxba kama jiraan Isbahaysi mucaarad ah oo aan ku dhisnay Dalka Eritrea hadalkaasna waa been"

Posted to the Web Jun 14, 09:48

Doxa (PP) – Guddoomiyihii Maxkamadihii Midoobay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo haatan ku sugan Magaalada Doxa ee Dalka Qatar ayaa sheegay in aanu jirin xisbi mucaarad ah oo lagu dhisay Asmara kana soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Ethiopia.


Sheekh Shariif oo wareysi kooban siiyay Shabakadda Asharqalawsat ee ka soo baxda London ayaa been aan sal iyo raad la hayn ku tilmaamay wararka sheegaya in isbahaysi ka dhan ah Dowladda Federaalka iyo Ethiopia lagu dhisay Asmara.


“Waxaan innagu qabnaa fikir gaar ah oo ah in dalka ay ka baxdo Ethiopia, ee ma ahan fikirkeenna in aan isbahaysi xilligaan sameynno” ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo la hadlayay Asharqalawsat.


Shariifka ayaa carrabka ku dhuftay in Maxkamaduhu ay fikir gaar ah qabaan, wuxuuna sheegay in aanay jirin xisbi ay isku fikir yihiin oo ay la galeen heshiis ah inay dhisaan xisbiyo ka dhan ah Somalia iyo Ethiopia.


Guddoomiyihii Maxkamadaha wuxuu sheegay in iyagu ay weli qabaan fikirkoodii ahaa inay dalka isaga baxdo Ethiopia, wuxuuna sheegay inay markaas diyaar u yihiin inay wadahadallo la yeeshaan qof walba oo Soomaali ah oo nabad iyo wadahadal u diyaar ah.


Mar uu ka hadlay dhanka Shirka dib u heshiisiinta Qaran ee dib loo dhigay qabashadiisa, ayuu sheegay inuusan kaas ku tilmaami karin shir, balse ay tahay in marka hore dalka laga saaro Ethiopia, dabadeedna loogu yeero wadahadallo daacad ah.


Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa dhawaan sheegay in kulammo ka dhacay dalka Qatar ay ku aasaaseen isbahaysi, kaasoo ka hortagaya Dowladda Federaalka iyo Ethioipa, waxaana hadalkaan uu burinayaan hadalkii hore ee Sheekh Shariif.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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One who supports Tigray troops inside Somalia should support them in Ocadenia. One who legtimizes their presence in Somalia should also acknowledge and support the territorial soveriegnity of Ethiopia and her actions in combating "terrorism" both in Somalia and the so called Ocaden. In other words whats the difference between the Tigray trops in Ocadenia and Muqdisho? nothing, both are occupiers!

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