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Daily analysis of the news in Somalia!

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This is a thread dedicated for people who want detailed and analytical and not biased analysis of the situation in Somalia and the news that is coming from it!


I shall ofcourse analyise the news, which always seem as they're put forward to us, everything that happens happpens for a reason but most people don't know!


I shall be extremly analytical and non-partisan at my political commenting inshallaah!


This is a public service designed to help you understand the news and the situation in Somalia inshallaah!

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Well today it seems to be a 'quite' news day, no major headlines!


But there are couple news items we shall analyise inshallaah!


1. The reopeneing of the banned media outlets of yesterday!


2. Gheed's confirmation that African Peace troops will arrive in the coming two weeks!


3. A motion that is proposed to impeach the speaker of the parliament that is said to be brought into parliament for tommorrow!


4. Warlords deadline of handing over their weapons!


5. Meles Zenawis brief visit to Kenya!


6. The arrest of a major ICU member!


7. Cadde Muuse's visit to the UAE, Animal wellfare's Minister of Puntlands visit to Djibouti!


8. The demonstration that took place in the North-West of Somalia.

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Well let's begin with the first news item!


Brief background information:


Yesterday the government has closed down three radio stations in Mogadishu and the the Al-Jazeera TV office in Mogadishu!


A urgent memo from the National Security Agecny was passed on to the said media outlets to stop their broadcasting activities immidiately which they all adhered to!


Furthermore they were asked to come to the NSA's headquarters for further 'enlightment' the following day which was today. Today they were allowed to continue their activites as normal!I hope this is enough for the background info!


1. Why were their banned in the first place and what purpose does it have for doing so for only a period of 24 hours, is the government incompetent?


The purpose behind the ban was not designed to permanetly close those media outlets in question but it was a symbolic sign that things have changed in Mogadishu. No longer is the media allowed to broadcast what they wish without considering the insentivity of what they're broadcasting!


The above mentioned medias were working each as a partisan mouthpiece for various clans and warlords and they werer primarily fiananced by those groups for their political advantages!


The outlined media outlets were kindly reminded that the situation has changed and that now a government is operating in the capital and that they had to change aswell because it seemed they were still in the past of serving their former benefiters and profiteers!


Often in life the little symbolic gestures have a great effect for one to achieve what he disired to do! The clever people you mostly symbolic gestures that are not drastic but which will give a lasting reminder for people to behave in a particularly and responsible behaviour!


After the discussions of today head of the NSA Mr. Darwiish gave a verbal license for the banned media outlets to restart their broadcasting activities as normal!


The government of now hopes that those media outlets will not broadcast/air sensitive political messages to its audience that are seem to go against the security interest of the nation and the captial in particular!


The said media outlets agreed that of now they will behave responsible and that they will be held accountable if they error!


Just like the BBC errored when they broadcast sensitive news against the former scientific security advisor to Tony Blair a certain Mr. Kelly!


It was a success and warning at the same time because the media outlets now know what the games rules are and if they do not adhere to them what it consiquences would be!


Parents do it all the time, if you don't behave responsible then will take away the televison or the play-station for a short time and if they give it back after a period of time even if it is after a short time of one day, the kids will know if they'd misbehave again what the consequeces will be and next time if they really really behave badly the parents will have the right to take away the TV/X-BOX for a longer period of time or they could programme it to be used for 1 hour per everyday because it is their rights!


If you're not responsible then you have to tast the consequences but because we're all adults now and the media outlets know what is required of them they will not make further mistakes I hope in order to prevent their closures again!


Small symbolic gestures are the best ways to get what you want and the TFG has succeed in it!


The stage is set and the rules are there for all to see and acknowledge!


Information minister Dinaari categorically refuted that the ban had nothing to do with the Emergecny laws that are in place in Somalia!


I hope that helped!

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Prime Minister Gheedi today confirmed that African peace troops will come in less then two weeks and take responsibilty off the current Ethiopian troops stationed in Somalia!


The international group has urged member states of the UN to contribute financially and logisitically to that operation. Already promises are from the United States of America who are the prime sponsors of this African Peace keeping Operation!


Together with their European parteners and other countries, the operation will go ahead very smoothly inshallaah!


The US doesn't want to make a mistake again and now has put in place what is needed in order to make this time succeed the operation, which horribly went wrong during the early 90's and the UN had to withdraw from Somalia in 1995!


Today the situation is much different and South-African president Mbeki said he is willing to support a peace-keeping mission to Somalia!


African Peace mission team together with western logisitcs and fiancial support will start in the coming two weeks inshallaah and the Ethiopians will leave after their arrival inshallaah!


But the question is will that keep the oppostion quite?

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A motion of impeachment will be brought tomorrow inshallaah to the parliament to impeach the speaker of parliament Shariif Hassan Sheikh Adan!


Deputy speaker Mr. Boqqore said that he wasn't aware of such a motion but he said if it was true then no one is above the law and if the parliament succeeds in impeaching the speaker that no one is above the law and that parliament has the right to do so!


Mr. Louis Michael from the EU said that such an act would 'further' widen the political rift in Somalia and that it needed to be stopped!


Shariif Hassan particularly enjoys support from Italy and through it the EU!


He has been very ineffective during his time of speaker and most of the time outside in the country opposing the stance of the government!


Already people from Shariifs clan and constituecny have started to put forward their campaigns and are lobbying amongst the parliamentarians for that post!

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Pi inshallaah with the grace of Allaah I shall do so!


I hope aswell that all the good people that want this government to succeed and a return of Somalia to do the same and keep up their good works aswell inshallaah!


Your country needs you!

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