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Ode to Oodweyne

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Ode to Oodweyne


Spouting adjectival superlatives, the raconteur, has made a habit of storming into any thread, assailing opinions that are not in conformity with his, ridiculing personalities with rants full of blighting effluvia, and drawing a long list of ‘facts’ that are mysteriously known only to him.


Worse, a ceaseless torrent of words and phrases -which like a hard fruit that fills a toothless man’s mouth, one moment churning inside the left cheek to create bumpy nodes, another moment hurriedly posted to the right cheek, rights jaws for similar fate- is considered a measure of one’s knowledgeability about issues, one’s polished-ness, and one’s insuperable reasoning power.


Just because someone bellowed hard with a knocking sense of infallibility, doesn’t mean he is on top of the issues. That addressing critics with some measure of equanimity is relegated to the cesspit in his world, won’t help either.


Which brings us to one unforgivable plunder by the rhetorician: After scoffing at what he saw as historical enemies and detractors of Somaliland- for merely decrying the handing over of an asylum-seeking Oromo to Ethiopia, we have been subjected to unsolicited lecturing of basic Law, with the claim that an extradition treaty exists between sovereign Ethiopia and the non-entity Somaliland.


Despite several calls and pleadings to Oodweyne to produce proof of it, before we go into other matters that equally matter, the man has disappeared and is yet to oblige an answer to what me and many others here in SOL would like to know.


For the answer, will save us the trouble of debating legalistically, when there is no such law to be debated upon. Supreme law is not a matter of prospect or conjecture, please! They are implacably hard facts on national parchments. The debate could still rage on the other aspects of the issue, politics, morality, and religion, though.


His feeble arguments for the continuation of this false state, itself in loco parentis status anyway, is a replica of what Xaaji Xundjuf puts down in two lines, with the candidness, splendour and bliss of ignorance. (More or less the following rationale)


-We fought to liberate ourselves and hence accepting a reunion with south Somalia is tantamount to surrendering the victory to the enemy. And after all, how dare can we ever think of entertaining the idea of returning to the suffocating republic after what has been done to our tribe. (the grievance motive). Rwanda is a counter-example of how to move ahead.


-The Southerners are biologically deficient in instituting democracy and good governance, and hence it is not worth to be with them anymore. (simply not scientific)


-Historical reference to the pre-July 1, 1960 status. {So what? Are all the clans in the then British Somaliland ready to the proposed divorce?}


As much as they are Partisan, the following statement by the NSPU is not refutable.


“…represents merely the leaders of one clan in some parts of northern Somalia (former British Somaliland), which in taking advantage of the collapse of the Somali state, unilaterally declared in May 1991 the secession of the area from Somalia, and adopting a former colonial name of Somaliland, an area inhabited by five Somali clans. These secessionist and clannish leaders have been struggling for an international recognition and for this, they have been relentlessly propagating hackneyed collection of claims such as that all the clans in northern Somalia were behind the secession when in reality only some sections of one clan subscribe to this secession”.


-Who are we to unite with? -Good reasoning (but with no sign of conditionality in the declarations of Independence).


Yet, Oodweyne considers the voice of the people from the North- outside the ‘tribe’ that has to get all that it wants, as irrelevant. To him, they are the wretched lives that must be sublimated to dismal statistics in the range of what is to be considered ‘below significance levels’.


But, this post is not to debate the Somaliland Independence issue. It is to protest Oodweyne’s endless delectable lies and illusions, and his constant muttering of imprecations, as if that alone will devastate the numberless enemies he sees. I denounce his methods of argument, which would only find satiety if one importunes with him for release from the captivating but vapid proclamations. I stand side-by-side with victims of his incantations of self-greatness, and turpitude.


I pledge my pen and anger, the only estate I call mine.

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What oodweyne would say to this:


My dear lad you have it would seem by some peoples thinking gotten to the nous of the matter-moreso- Used my preeminent ESL english to detract from my worthy postings on such matters.

I shall as usual ignore any pertinent issues you may have raised and shall instead dear lad invite you to a cup of cha and invite you to a moment of sequestered reflection so that you might see the many/ myriad issues with you attempt at a post.



who are the really who are they, please tell me.



A&T you have been a member since February, although you always have something intreasting to add to any discussion trust me it will be pointless to debate on the style of certain members postings.


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Originally posted by Deputy:

What oodweyne would say to this:


dear lad
you have it would seem by some peoples
thinking gotten to the nous of the matter-moreso- Used my
ESL english to
from my worthy postings on such matters.

I shall
as usual
ignore any pertinent
you may have raised and shall instead
dear lad
invite you to a cup of
and invite you to a moment of
so that you might see the many/ myriad issues with you attempt at a post.



who are the really who are they, please tell me.



A&T you have been a member since February, although you always have something intreasting to add to any discussion trust me it will be pointless to debate on the style of certain members postings.


Whats funny is, you mimicked his style to the T and he did the exact same thing on this thread. :D

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This is what Xiin said as a compliment.


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aw Tusbaxle halkaa ka wad awoowe!


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Reer Hargeisa, if you think so, fine. :D




Will we ever get an answer for what we have been looking for? Proof of the extradition treaty?


I know it is asking too much of you to confine your limits to a simple yes or no, but please YES or NO?


The rest, as usual, was fun to read.

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Redsea, why o why would you take a quote from another thread and apply it here [in an attacking] fashion, sir?


A&T, there's no such extradition treaty addeer, if they have one with Ethiopia, they may aswell have one with the Shabaabs and extradite an adulterous woman to Muqdishu so they could stone her to death. Or a thief to get his hands cut off.

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Originally posted by AT:

His feeble arguments for the continuation of this false state, itself in loco parentis status anyway, is a replica of what Xaaji Xundjuf puts down in two lines, with the candidness, splendour and bliss of ignorance. (More or less the following rationale)

Absolutely waad asiibtay, infact Xaaji Xunjuf made two words comment that made more sense then the entire Seccessionists. If I remember correctly the only post the man made since the incident said, its them meaning Alshabaab and added they are Evil, Lool. Now that's short, precise and makes better sense than our Oodwayne pages of text that lack all forms of wisdom. Or the likes of JB, NG, Suldaanka and the rest that go about its our 'Freedom, RECONGINTION or DEMOCRACY' line of reasoning.

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That is coz he said what you like to hear ...... them (alshabaab) Evil. How lovely.


should he say Him (Yey) Evil ? .... bal waxaad odhan lahayd ha la eego ,, :D

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Ganging up on Odweyene is the new fashion. :confused:


If you cannot read or understand his use of language, then that is not his fault, everyone is entitled to write however they please. Some of you write like 2year olds, while others cannot string together two lines in any debate, and we as the readers tolerate it or ignore it. So just admit it, you guys like him addressing you and writing responses.


Boasting that you cannot write or understand what he writes, just makes you look retarded, because the simple answer is then you have nothing to say to each other, nor can you argue or criticize any of his ideas because you failed to grasp and understand what he was saying in the first place.


The language or style he uses is neither here nor there, and it is boring to keep bring it up. I for one like the fact he highlights points because it makes it easier to skim read and remember what he is trying to emphasis and then you can agree or disagree.


It is expected that A&T surrounds his points with his usual five star jumps from post to pillar, but at least his thread is heading somewhere, regardless of how it get there, what I object to is the trail of people following Oodweyne around threads like they are in school with their retarded two lines. Please ciyaal suuqnimaad iska taayah.


P.s. Most of us would rather read a well thought out and argued 5 page nacnac as its been termed rather than two lines which have neither purposes, argument or a point to make, jotted down in two/three different languages (yes txt slang is a language).

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^^^Don't be silly, he does not need anyone to defend him, but I think he just does not like innu laa tirisaad people who simply cannot comprehend something as simple as different styles of writing.


I am avoiding work and little bored, hence I can afford to humor them today. I’ve been seeing these same individuals in other threads crying about his English for a while now. I mean what is that all about, since when was political debates reduced to tit for tat about your English is better than mine.

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