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Makhiris in Seatle Release a Communiqué in Support of Haylaan, Western Bari Elders

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Ku: Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole, iyo xubnaha dawladda Puntland

Ku: Isimmada, Odayaasha, iyo Waxgaradka Puntland

Ku: Aqoonyahannada, indheergaratada iyo ururrada bulshada

Ku: Shacab weynaha Puntland iyo cid kasta oo nabad danaynaysa…


Waxan, haddaa nahay Jaaliyadda ********** ee Magaalada Seattle, ee Gobolka Washington, aan taageersannahay baaqa odayaasha Gobolka Haylaan iyo Galbeedka Bari, ay ka soo saareen Magaalada Dhahar, 08/20/2010, oo khuseeya arrinta dagaallada Galbeedka Bari. Waxannu odayaasha ku waafaqsannahay qodobbada waxku oolka ah ee ay ka soo saareen shirkoodii shanta maalmood uga soconayey Dhahar.


Qodobbada baaqaas ka soo baxay oo sidan u dhignaa:


1) In si degdeg ah ay maamulka Puntland ciidankooda ugala soo baxaan deegaanka ay mar la’aanta ku galeen ee galbeedka gobolka Bari, gaar ahaan deegaanka Galgala iyo tuulooyinka ku dhow;


2) In arinta loo daayo odayaasha beesha ay iyagu kalsooni ku qaba in ay xal nabad ah keeni karaan;


3) Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa waxgaradka Puntland iyo mujtamaca Soomaaliyeed oo dhan in ay arintan soo dhexgalaan oo ay ka hortagaan colaad sokeeye ka dhacda gobolka taas oo cid walba saameyn karta;


4) Waxaan ka digaynaa hadii baaqa odayaasha iyo waxgaradka aan la tixgelin ay arintani wajiya kale yeelan doonto sida ugu dhaqsaha badan, wixii cawaaqib xumo ka dhalata arintaa iyo masuuliyeedeeda qaadayaan maamulka Puntland gaar ahaan madaxda sare ee maamulka.


Dadka Baaqa Ku saxiixan magacyadoo waa sidan:


1. Garaad Cali Yuusuf (Garaad of Western Bari)

2. AY. Maxamuud A. Cabdalla

3. Cabdinasir Maxamed Siciid Diiriye

4. Yuusuf Khaliif Bashiir

5. Nabadoon Cabduraxman Dubbad

6. Nabadoon Ibraahim Shire

7. Oday Cabdirisaaq Aw-yuusuf

8. Cabdullahi Yaaquub

9. Nabadoon Siciid Jaamac Warsame


10. Guuleed Cali Maxamuud

11. Axmed Shire Gaab

12. Sahra Cali Yuusuf

13. Aamina Shire Faarax

14. Foosiya Shire Faarax

15. Awoowe Cabdisamad

16. Axmed Maxamed Xirsi

17. Saalax Yuusuf Dabaraani

18 Cabdisamad Xaraare

19. Ahmed C/raxmaan Bahal Bari

20. Xaaji Maxamuud Ciise Gunti-Xabash

21. Xaaji Axmed Ciise Gunti-Xabash

22. Aammina Garmaqaate

23. Maxamed Axmed Yaaquub

24. Cabdirisaaq Shire Faarax

25. Luul Aw-Yuusuf

26. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Jaamac

27. Isir Timafaras

28. Xaliima Timafaras

29. Cabdinaasir Timafaras

30. Axmed Cawed Faarax

31. Cabdirisaaq Maxamuud

32. Cabdullahi Kismaayo

33. Cabdirisaaq Ismaaciil Axmed

34. Ismaaciil Maxamed Ciise

35. Ciise Maxamuud Ciise

36. Cismaan Maxamuud Ciise

37. Maxamed Aargoos

38. Cabdi Yuusuf

39. Xuseen Maxamuud Ciise

40. Eng. Cali Siciid Madexey

41. Farxiya Timafaras

42. Maxamed Cabdi Cashuur

43. Yuusuf Xasan Jirmo

44. C/risaaq Xasan C. Sagaar

45. Nasra Garmaqaate

46. Shiine Jaamac Faarax

47. Cabdi Yuusuf Qoosh

48. Axmed Yuusuf

49. Fartuun Shaah Macabbe

50. Maxamuud Axmed Yuusuf

51. Yuusuf Maxamuud Faarax Weyne

53. Maxmuud M. Yuusuf Qoosh

54. C/rashiid Cali Macaash


Guddiga Odayaasha Jaaliyadda ********** ee Seattle.



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Duke, was this also fabricated by Makhiri Diaspora? The Chief Garaad of western Bari, who is receiving medical treatment in the U.S has also signed this.

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^^^Any Audio of any of these men? the mistake with the dates gave the game away lad.


There must have been a press conference after the grand clan meeting ended

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

Duke, was this also fabricated by Makhiri Diaspora?
The Chief Garaad of western Bari, who is receiving medical treatment in the U.S has also signed this.



Wipe off your tears and hold yours. Your not a spokesman for Atam's clan, just speak for Faroole.

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^^^lol. Why are you quoting yourself, have you lost it? :D Any Audio of this "important meeting" or its final recomendations? Funny even SPR the local mouth piece is not reporting it, so far.


We need something more tangible than this lad. Also why are they calling for the Puntland troops to leave, I thought according to you the "weak, happless, militia of the clan fiefdom" were chased out a week or two ago? You are all over the place man.

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Your a sick old man, i have more important things to do than to convince you. Your insignificant as i have noted numerous times.

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^^^lol. Alas all the hot air and bravado has come to this? Poor lad you belived all the lies they told you from back home. :D Its funny your group made Faroole look great and thats the real shame in all of this.. ;)


Shock and awe lad, also on your way out, kindly provide the audio or the interview of the men you listed above in the communique.

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^ your true colors are coming out, aint it? To you is all about qabil, but you dont have any respect for what you call a kin.


ohhh your now saying srp did not air this news :D


I thought you were saying on other posts that SRP radio is fake.

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To you is all about qabil, but you dont have any respect for what you call a kin.


That made no sense, if its all about Qabil, Attam is from my Qabil you Hiiraale supporter.

Ilka-jiir is from Attam sub clan and Abdi-Jamal from his sub, sub Clan.


But you just like talking right, how is Hiiraale doing with the new found Gas in Dolow. :D

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^Your a clanist so be a man an come out of your shadows. My words are as ever clear, Puntland is your clan fiefdom, it does not represent me and will be dealt with if they ever claim My clan regions.


Very clear.



On the other hand, i know the hatred you have my Makhiri's but your hypocracy will try to convey otherwise.


As for Gallad, don't try to budge him by-passing his contribution with "Atam is my clan".


Adeer we are separate entities with different history, political outlook, heritage and culture. Get off with your silly claims.

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Lol, Puntland is not mine, but when Ilka-Jiir was running for pres he was singing a different tune. When all the problems were facing Puntland he use to defend it and remained silent in criticizing it! In less then a month he is now saying Puntland isn't his!


Just wait until the next elections we will come back to these threads!

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

^Your a clanist so be a man an come out of your shadows.

It’s that old case of the pot calling the kettle black.


You trully are suffering from a deep seated inferiority complex which explains your resent outbursts and asinine comments.


My track record is clear on SOL, I have supported and reported on many positive causes within your very own sub clan area and interest, from Ilka-Jiir, to SPR to Lasqoray development.


However I will tell it as it is. You on the other hand have insulted a whole sub clan, belittle their territory and made sniffling comments and attacks on them all in defense of a silly man who happens to be from your own sub clan? Who is the clanist? :D

My track record is clear, yours is also clear


Move on son, you are living in a make believe world created by your own impotence and lack of understanding. The personal attacks also show how weak you are in your own standing, how unsure you are about your own goals.


Believe me you are wasting your time, you wont do a thing to that clan you are beating your chest for, your finest hero was sent packing in less than a day and we will keep you honest.


I can also differentiate men from clans, you are not that important for me to attack your clan, but I will keep the heat on you and your group, be assured of that


That’s what bothers you the most, the realization that all you believed in was nonsense, all the tales they told you were fiction. So you attack, make noise and even make up events just to support your deeply held but false beliefs. Poor boy, you suffer so badly, but it isn’t my fault that you can’t take your head out of your ****.


But again as I told you, we shall continue with this, so far you have proven to be worse than expected.


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Originally posted by Gallad:

^ xudeedi xaqaa Ilahey fahansiyey


He caught your disease; he is not the first and won’t be the last. Tell him how effective your clan envy, saber rattling and fund raising has been for your group.. :D

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My role in SOL is to reveal the hypocrisy of your clan fiefdom and your weak administration that your clan parades about. The thing that your clan invested on for 12 years along with aid from Ethiopia, Amisom and mercenaries from my own clan could not defeat a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub clan that resides in Galgala. This nakedly exposed that the clan that gave you gray hair, is weak and artificial as the Avatar Duke.


This will mark a turning point in Makhiri history and we shall see the end product so long as we live.


As requested by fellow solers, I will avoid exposing you further.

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