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Exiled Somali Islamist rejects international forces

02 Feb 2007 14:58:20 GMT

Source: Reuters

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Somalia troubles


DUBAI, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Exiled Somali Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed rejected the deployment of international forces in the Horn of Africa country and in remarks aired on Friday called for serious talks for national reconciliation.


"Peace does not come by force ... but by conducting talks and serious negotiations in which all the problems are identified and resolved," Ahmed told Al Jazeera television from Nairobi.


"The problem cannot be resolved by international forces because what has happened was an invasion and following up on that with international forces would further complicate the crisis," he added.


Ahmed, considered a moderate in the Islamist movement, is viewed by the United States as a possible key to Somali reconciliation talks.


Ethiopian troops and Somali interim government forces launched an offensive in late December that routed the Islamists who had controlled most of south Somalia since June.


The government wants an African Union (AU) peacekeeping force of about 8,000 troops to help the government keep control.


But many doubt the AU's capacity to muster the full contingent, let alone tame a nation that defied the combined efforts of U.S. and U.N. peacekeepers in the early 1990s.


"If it (deployment of forces) was not preceded by agreement and serious discussions, it will make the situation more difficult in Somalia," he said.


Asked whether the Islamists would use arms against such a force, he said: "How can it be acceptable if it came after invading forces and without an agreement, without negotiation?"


"How can we accept it and we see it as (two sides of the) same coin? We see it as one coin, whether Ethiopian or otherwise, and we will deal with it the same way."


The Islamists have vowed to conduct a guerrilla war, and many suspect their hardcore militants have been behind a spate of attacks in Mogadishu on Ethiopian and government positions.


Ahmed surrendered on the border with Kenya in January and was held in the custody of Kenyan intelligence until a few days ago. During that time, he met with U.S. envoy to Kenya Michael Ranneberger, who also has responsibility for Somalia.


A British-based Web site on Thursday quoted Ahmed as saying he planned to travel to Yemen shortly.


Western leaders have pressed Somalia's transitional government to form an inclusive administration.


The Islamist chief said the Somali government should make concessions for national talks to attain their goals.


"If the Somali government is ready to negotiate with an open mind then these negotiations can succeed," he said. "But if the government remains with this hardline, then nothing can be done.


"If several sides believe that national dialogue is the way forward for Somalia, they should try to press the government to concede its hardline positions toward negotiations then we might achieve something," Ahmed said.


Sheekh Shariif: Ummad kasta xaq ayey u leedahay Inay difaacdo dalkeeda,diinteeda, iyo karaamadeeda.

Posted to the Web Feb 02, 06:15


Gudoomiyaha Maxaakimta Islaamiga ah ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay wareysi toos ah siiyey taleefishinka aljazeera ee xaruntiisu tahay dalka Qadar.


Sheekh Shariif oo wax laga waydiiyey muqaawamawada kasocota gudaha Soomaaliya ayaa waxaaa uu ku jawaabey " ummad kasta oo aduunka ku nool waxaa ay xaq uleedahay inay difaacdo dalkeeda, diinteeda, karaamadeeda"


Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa kale oo uu sheegay inay jiraan qodobo gaar ah oo ay isla meel dhigeen asaga iyo dowladda Maraykanka oo ku saabsan arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta wuxuuna tilmaamey in loo baahan yahay dib u heshiisiin qaran oo ay ka qeybqaataan dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliya asagoo sheegay taasi inay ka horeyso marka hore inay ka baxaan ciidanka sooduuley Soomaaliya.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa sidoo kale sheegay inaysan jirin wax maxaabiis ah oo ay maxaakiimta Soomaaliyeed ka hayaan Maraykanka. wareysigaan oo dheeraa ayuu Sheekh Shariif kaga hadley arrimo badan oo ka quseeya xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dhamaan madaxdii maxaakimta islaamiga ah Soomaaliyeed ay fiicanyihiin ayna wadi doonaan muqaawamada inta dalka laga saarayo ciidamada Itoobiya.


Taageerayaasha Sheekh Shariif,ee Degan Yurub, oo ku sii qul-qulaya Dalka Yemen






Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Oslo 01/02/07

Taageerayaasha Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, ee ku dhaqan guud ahaan Dalalkan Yurub ayaa waxaa ay si xad dhaaf ah ugu sii qul-qulayaan magaalada Sanca ee Dalkaasi Yemen.


Taageerayaasha Sheekh oo u badan Ragga Sarsare ee Culimada ah kuna dhaqan Dalakan Yurub, ayaa waxaa ay Dalkaasi Yemen ugu sii qul-qulayaan si ay ula kulmaan Sheekha, oo beryahan dambe la sheegayo in uu ku sii jeedo halkaasi,waxaana ay u badan yihiin kuwa ka amba baxaya Dalkaasi Ingiriiska oo ah halka Sheekhu taageerada ugu badan uu ku leeyahay.


Wararka qaar ayaa waxaa sheegayaan in Taageerayaashani ay doonayaan in ay wada hadal ku aadan xaaladda Soomaliya ay hada ku sugan tahay la qaataan Sheekha,iyadoo warar kalena ay sheegayaan in ay Sheekha gaarsiinayaan lacago Deeq ah oo ay iska soo uruuriyeen Culumaa,udiinka ku dhaqan Yurub lacagahaasooo isugu jira kuwo intii aysan Maxaakimtu Bur Burin horay loogu haayey Sheekha, iyo Lacago hadaba Uruurinteedu ay ka socoto Dhamaan Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee Yurub qaarkood.


Culumaa,udiin kale oo fara badan ayaa iyagana la sheegayaa in ay ka soo kicitimaayaan Dalaka Carabta qaarkood iyo Afrikaba si ay iyaguna uga qeyb galaan Kulanka Culumaa,udiinka Soomaaliyeed ee Yurub la qaadan doonaan Sheekha.

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So they offered him instant bliss (wealth, power, etc.) and he said no. They threatened him with jail but were restrained by their earlier words of him being a "moderate" (whatever that means) and the fear of making him an even bigger icon than he already is. They really had no choice but to let him go.


What an honorable man Sheikh Shariif is.

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He should dwell in the MASJID permanently and stay out of politics. ICU is defeated because of his bad tactics of attacking every one and any one.

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the UIC had no choice.


america was planning this for 3 months training ethiopians for 3 years.


if he does choin abdullahi yusuf's boat then he is one of them.

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They had a choice. They had the chance to win the heart of the people by doing the right thing. They thought they were heavy weight enough to capture the country when they couldn’t control Mogadishu. You can catch more flies with honey. They started running before they could crawl. Waxaasi siyaasad maaha….shuqul talaban horuu u shaqayn waayay. They will never have that chance again. People wouldn’t be as confident the second around, if there will be a second time.

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Xog Ogaal,


Religion is powerful and well respected among Somalis. They had that on their side. Plus, people were desperate for change. That won't be the case any more. There is nothing mystery about the ICU.


Now let me answer your question.


If it comes down these two than I would say the ICU will be respected more but not b/c of religion.




I need entertainment to make the day go faster...I could careless about "Somalia" politics.

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that is? he should just go home...I dont' anyone wants to leave what they started.


You think SNM when they were kicked of Ethiopia thought they should have just given up their weapons and surrender themselves to Ziyad Barre,no they didnt.


They fought fought,although they were outnumer,out gunned,and out-everthing.


In this case,these men,the holy Mujahideen of the ICU are in somewhat in the same situation,they have the right idealogy,Islam.History proves that truth prevails over falshood every time,it comes later on though.This is just a test to the believers,if they give up,they fail the test,Allah is still there,therefore unless justice and equality is served among all Somalis,their job isn't done yet.If their intention was to fight for the sake of Allah and to save their people from corrupt warlords and thugs,then those are still here and need to be dealt.The day those are gone,they can go where they want.


It has been just few months,let us be patient and wait for the good things to come.Because every difficult time,there is ease that cometh after.


Insha Allah victory to Xaq ku diri and down to falsehood and corruption.Amin.


As for Sh.Shariif Axmed.Ilaahay waxan uga baryaya in uu danbigiisa iyo kii waalidkii dhaafo.jano iyo naxariisna siiyo,kana abaal mariyo bilaha iyo tacabkiisa uu isku dayey in uu dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa badbaadiyo.Laakin maanta cadowga dadka somaliyeed wuu iska badan yahay.Intii kaliya ee istidhaahda ka hadla ama danihiina qabsada waxaa loo arkaa 'terrorist' 'extermists' 'islamist' although they are in their OWN country. :confused:


'o baby baby'

'this is wild world'...was a song by former christian turned Muslim Yusuf Islam I gues.

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Religion aside, I never thought these guys had what it takes. They made more enemies in Somaliland than Qaasim, yey or any else combined by creating false unfounded propagandas.


Walaahi anigu nimakan aad sheegayso dadka kama aqaano ducadoodana muslimiintaa kalay iila siman yihiin nin walbana ILAAHY baa calooshiisa og laakiin xaalkoogu daacad muu ahayn. Anytime you have Turki, Moorgan with blood in their hands within your organization people get suspicious and I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.

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If it comes down these two than I would say the ICU will be respected more but not b/c of religion.


that is why shariif should stay and not retired

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Walaahi anigu nimakan aad sheegayso dadka kama aqaano ducadoodana muslimiintaa kalay iila siman yihiin nin walbana ILAAHY baa calooshiisa og laakiin xaalkoogu daacad muu ahayn. Anytime you have Turki, Moorgan with blood in their hands within your organization people get suspicious and I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.



NO one said they were perfect (like indhacade turki ceyro abu qubuto and many believe your religion is one thing. to help your people is another thing and they mixed up the two fo them.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

He should dwell in the MASJID permanently and stay out of politics.

So that he becomes a hermit, monk or Sufi? Dwelling in masjid permanently and staying out of life in the world isn't from Islam. In addition to being among the best Muslims who were close to Allah, the nabi (pbuh) and sahaba were also warriors, politicians, mujahideens, statesmen, diplomats, teachers, iwm. Your suggestion to Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is unwise.

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

You're comparing this cat to NABU MAXAMED (PBUH)?

You didn't get it. I am comparing "this cat" to how a Muslim should be. Dwelling in masjid permanently and staying out of life in the world doesn't make one a Muslim; it makes one a hermit, monk, suufi, iwm. There is a reason why the West (the colonialists started and mandated it) encourages and supports Sufism for Muslims; because it makes its followers useless, docile, passive, timid, fatalists, backward, ignorants, iwm.

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