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Da'wah Salafiyah V.S Hizbu Tahreer

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Salafi Bro.


Justifying the validity of a group named Salafis by Sheikh Albanis comments is not sufficient for the following grounds.


1. Allah SWT says " In case you dispute concerning an issue, then refer to Allah and His messenger" by quoting Sheikh Albani as a criterion to settle this issue, you have over looked the Quran as your first source, the Sunnah as your second and even the Saxaabah as a distant third option. If the term Salafis did not exist at the time of Rasulullah, the term has no valid grounds to exist today. If it does, then all groups are also justified.


2. When no Hadeeth nor a verse exists to settle a dispute, an issue could be referred to a scholar, if the scholar is specialized in that field of study, has shown sincereity and understands its repercussions, Shekh Albani's area of expertise that he is well respected for is in the Hadeeth science, the area we are discussing has yet to produce a scholar who can assess the dimension of the problem, put together an assurance measures and call for remedy, in that sense, Albani whose followers have disputes with followers of Sheik Binbaaz is part of the problem of disecting the ummah further, not the solution, and hundred years from today, the Albani followers will have their own interpretation differences as followers Prophet of Proiphet Muhammad SAWS have produced, the sequence thus never ends and one must think about :


A. MAQASID AL SHARIICA. ( The Moral Of The Laws)


Islam is a surrender to Allah SWT, its laws have both moral aspects and a clear message. The moral of Islam regarding faith is to UNITE people to worship Allah alone, not to divide, there will always be people who will justify divsion, with or without a sincere intention, that in itself is Sunnah kowniya that Muslims will follow the Jews and Christians in the subdivsion, the group that will be saved are not Salafis, nor Tahrirs, but those who follow the prophet SAWS, so instead of identifying our selves with the Prophet and Allah alone, identifying with the Salaf as the Ideal USWAH to follow is indeed in contradiction with the Hadeeth of Rasuulullah SAWS and the name given to us in Quran as Muslims. To say that the name Muslim is not enough, is playing right into the hands of the very people you are trying to admonish and offer advice, it is to open a door of division and fitna that will endure the times.


Sheikh Albani is a human after all, not a messenger, so are the Salaf, we should identify our selves with the Prophet as our example, because that is waht Allah SWT said " Laqad kaana lakum fii rasuulillahi USWATUN XASANAH" "Indeed, A Good Model to emulate was set for you in the person of the Messenger of Allah". Is there a better Model in the Salaf for us brother?


So If the Salafii Dawa is preaching to follow the Messneger, why stop at the Salafi level? why not say we are Muslims.


Our Dawa when peple differ should be to call people to worship one God, not make shirk, and that none of us should take others for Gods by blindly obeying them against the revelation. If they refuse to follow our Dawa, we are instructed in Quraan to say to them " Be witnesses that we are MUSLIMS" isn't that enough brother?


" Yaa ahlal kitaabi, tacaalow ilaa kalimatin sawaa in beynanaa wa beynakum, allaa nacbuda illa Allah walaa nushrika bihi shey'an, walaa yattakhida bacdunaa bacdan arbaaban min duuni Allah, fa in tawallow fa quuluu ishhaduu bi annaa Muslimuun"


That should be our common meeting grounds, whenever Muslims diverge away from each other, we come back together ascordin to Abrahams call :


" Wa jacalahaa kalimatan baaqiyatan fii caqibih lacallahum yarjicuun"


Making Tawheed a common word for reproachment for the Ummah to trace back collectively to our origins as Mulsims, not as Salafis.




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Br. Nur Agree with you, in addition to your comments, the best two muslim names were MUHAAJIROUN and ANSAAR and as we know when SAHABA (R.A) tried to differentiate between themselves our PRPOHET (S.A.W) become very angry untill his face become red and said (AFII DA'WA JAAHILYAH WA ANAA FIIKUM) which means "ARE YOU CALLING DA'WA JAAHILYAH WHIL I AM STILL WITH YOU".


this group (SALAFIYAH) who are too proud to be called this name and see themselves as the only rescued sect (despite the fact that they split themselves in many sects) are they better than the MUHAAJIROUN and ANSAR?

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Br. Sahal


A brilliant observation indeed, maashAllah, tabaraakallah, jazakallahu khairan, interestingly the Ansarul Sunnah exisit in Sudan, and the Muhaajiroon in UK, so if any name has validity of being used at the time of the Messenger, it should have been the Ansar and Muhaajiroon, If the Prophet SAWS discouraged this Dawaa as Jaahiliyyah, calling to diviide brothers further, than how can a Salafi agenda and name be defended?


In contrast, waht we need today is to bring feuding groups together and bridge their gaps by friendly discussion, because as I believe, we have some 80% of issues in agreement, 20% in dispute, if so, we should build on what we are in agreement, earn each others trust and then cement our diagreement in the other 20% starting with serious aqeedah issues, then progressing toward lesser significant topics.




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The issue of not taking ahad hadith is clear becuase its definition is the opposite of Mutawatir - hence you cannot prove beyond certainty that there may not be errors in it. However we still believe in this its just that we do not take doubt into the Aqeedah.


To illustrate my point, we can look at the definition of the Quran and its compilation:


• 'It is the Arabic speech': Translations of Qur'an are NOT the Qur'an. Only the Arabic Qur'an is the real Qur'an as Allah says, the meaning of which is:

'…this (the Qur'an) is a clear Arabic tongue."(16-103)


• 'Revealed to Mohammad (pbuh)': Qur'an is only what was revealed to Mohammad (pbuh), the last Messenger (pbuh) of Allah. It excludes any other Arabic speech of Allah whether such Allah did or not.


• 'In wording and meaning': This clause excludes Hadith Qudsi (discussed later) as they are speech of Allah in meaning only and not in wording. With regards to Hadith Qudsi, we do not say Allah said so and so rather we add the Prophet (pbuh) said that Allah said so and so.


• 'Preserved in Mushaf': This Mushaf refers to the Mushaf of Uthman, the 3rd Caliph of Islam. This Mushaf contains 114 surahs starting with fatiha and ending with Nas. Since 4-5 Mushafs were prepared by Uthman, any one of these would fit the criteria of Qur'an.


• 'Mutawatir transmissions': This clause excludes some qiraats which are ahad. Ahad transmissions refer to transmissions through a single chain of narrators, while mutawatir chains consist of several chains or isnad. This part also excludes shad qiraat as they have not been transmitted through mutawatir transmissions either.


• 'Challenge to mankind to produced something similar to it': This points to the miraculous nature of Qur'an. This challenged was presented in the Qur'an in 17-88: Years passed yet nobody was able to meet the challenged. Later the challenge was eased asking for anyone to produce even 10 verses and finally the challenge was reduced to just one surah:


• 'Speech of Allah': Al-Tahawi whose book Aqeedat-ul-Tahawiya is the most well-known book on Aqeedah, stated that Qur'an is the word of Allah.


The codification of the Qur’an (i.e. into a ‘book form’) was done soon after the Battle of Yamama (11AH/633CE), after the Prophet’s death, during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr. Many companions became martyrs at that battle and it was feared that unless a written copy of the entire revelation was produced, large parts of the Qur’an might be lost with the death of those who had memorized it. Therefore, at the suggestion of Umar to collect the Qur’an in the form of writing, Zaid ibn Thabit was requested by Abu Bakr to head a committee which would gather together the scattered recordings of the Qur’an and prepare a suhuf - loose sheets which bore the entire revelation on them [15]. To safeguard the compilation from errors, the committee accepted only material which had been written down in the presence of the Prophet (p) himself, and which could be verified by at least two reliable witnesses who had actually heard the Prophet (p) recite the passage in question [16]. Once completed and unanimously approved of by the Prophet’s Companions, these sheets were kept with the Caliph Abu Bakr (d. 13AH/634CE), then passed on to the Caliph Umar (13-23AH/634-644CE), and then Umar’s daughter and the Prophet’s widow, Hafsa [17].


[15] Sahih al-Bukhari Vol.6, Hadith Nos.201 & 509; Vol.9, Hadith No.301


[16] Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, Vol.9, p.10-11


[17] Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol.6, Hadith No.201


It is clear that the sahaba would not accept ahad narrations in the Quran because it would create doubt and this would not be allowed as it must be definate. Yet you want us take it into aqeedah.

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Truth Seeker brother baarakallahu feekum


but this one ayah, refutes your points:


"Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'ân) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption) "15:9


So whether it was collected by one person, or 10000 people, it does not really matter, For Allah send it down, and Allah guards it.....


thats was weak attempt...still relying on your opinion....still failed to provide evidence that we cant take into aqeeda


And oh Yea.... 90% if not all of the companions memorized the whole quran...So if there was one single mistake, everyone would catch on to it!

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Bro Nur


the word "Salaf" was used by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) himself.


He said to Faatimah, " How excellent a Salaf I am for you. " (Muslim, no. 2450).


:Thus If Fatimah said oh Father i am a salafi to u, How on this planet, will the Messenger of Allah(saas) object, when it simply means that she is following him.....


lbn Taymiyyah (d.728H) - rahimahullaah -


said: "There is no criticism for the one who proclaims the way (madhdhab) of the Salaf , who attaches himself to it and refers to it. Rather, it is obligatory to accept that from him by unanimous agreement (Ittifaaq) because the way (madhdhab) of the Salaf is nothing but the Truth (Haqq)." [Majmoo al-Fataawaa 4:149]



Dont u see the logics in this?????


If it does, then all groups are also justified.

How is that so, if i may ask????


hadith about "73 different sects, all in the fire but one, and the one that is not in the fire, is what, those who are upon what the messenger and his companions(salaf) were upon" Allow me to demonstrate.



In the verdict of the Permanent Committee, No. 1361 (1/165) there occurs, "Salafiyyah is an ascription to the Salaf, and the Salaf are the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and the Imaams of Guidance from the the first three generations (may Allaah be pleased with them), those whose goodness has been testified for by Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), "The best of people are my generation, then those who follow after them, then those who follow after them, then there will come a people whose testimony will precede their oath and their oath will precede their testimony." Reported by Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad and also by al-Bukhaari and Muslim. And "the Salafis" (Salafiyyoon) is the plural of "Salafi", which is an ascription to the Salaf, and its meaning has already preceded. And they are the ones who traverse upon the minhaaj of the Salaf, from amongst the followers of the Book and the Sunnah, those who call to them both, and to acting upon them, as a result of which they are from Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah."


Can any other group say this??/



Likewise the Noble Shaikh stated in Sharh ul-Aqeedat ul-Waasitiyyah (1/123), "...There is no doubt, however, that one of them is truly Ahl us-Sunnah - but which one? Is it the Ash'arees, the Maatureedees or the Salafis? Whichever of them agrees with the Sunnah is considered to be Ahl us-Sunnah, whilst whichever of them opposes is not. So we say: The Salaf are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, and this description cannot be true for anyone else besides them… Rather Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah are those who hold to what the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and his Companions were upon, and to the aqidah of the Salaf - until the Day of Judgement – and they are the Salaf."



Imaam al-Albaani said, "For this reason, we firmly and resolutely believe that every Jamaa’ah whose foundation is not built upon the Book and the Sunnah and the manhaj of the Salaf us-Saalih with a complete and comprehensive study (of that manhaj) which encompasses all the rulings pertaining to Islaam, the large and the small, the foundations and the subsidiary issues, then this Jamaa’ah is not from the Firqah Naajiyah that traverses upon the Straight Path which the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) alluded to in the authentic hadeeth. And when he have also made binding that there are (certainly) many Jamaa’aat (groups) spread throughout the Islamic lands who are upon this particular manhaj, then these groups are not sects (ahzaab), rather they all constitute a single Jamaa’ah whose manhaj is one and whose path is one. And their being separated in the land is not a separation based upon ideology, creed or manhaj but one that is based upon their being in different lands, in opposition to the Jamaa’aat and Ahzaab (sects) who are all in a single land, yet despite that, every sect rejoices with that which is with it (of ideas and methodologies)…" (In ‘Fataawaa Shaikh al-Albaani’ p.106-114 compiled by Ukkaashah Abdul-Mannaan at-Tiyyi)


As-Salafiyyah (i.e. the Salafis) is the Saved Sect, and they are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. It is not a hizb (party) from amongst the various parties, those which are called "parties" today. Rather they are the Jamaa’ah, the Jamaa’ah upon the Sunnah and upon the Deen (religion). They are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "There will not cease to be a group from my Ummah manifest and upon the truth not being harmed by those who forsake them neither by those who oppose them" and he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said, "And this Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of them in the Hellfire but one". They said, which one is this O Messenger of Allaah? He replied, "They are those who are upon what I and my companions are upon today". Hence Salafiyyah is a group of people (i.e. the Salafis) upon the madhhab of the Salaf, upon what the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and his companions were upon and it is not a hizb from amongst the contemporary groups present today. Rather it is the very old Jamaa’ah, from the time of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) which inherits (this way) and continues, and which never ceases to be upon the manifest truth until the establishment of the Hour, as he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) has informed

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" Laqad kaana lakum fii rasuulillahi USWATUN XASANAH" "Indeed, A Good Model to emulate was set for you in the person of the Messenger of Allah". Is there a better Model in the Salaf for us brother? can not follow the Messenger of Allah, if you do know follow the Companions....Becuase the messenger of Allah said, what i and my companions are on....So if u follow the companions, then ur following the messenger of Allah(saas) **walhamdulillah****


One last note: this clearfy any other doubts....


"And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination."[] (4:115)



other then the believers way...!!!!1

Bro Nur....who are the believers?


or this ayah!


"And the first to embrace Islâm of the Muhâjirûn (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansâr (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhâjirûn) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allâh is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him." 9:100


those who follow the companions in exact faith...


So akhee, its about the correct 'Aqeeda, just cause u say your muslim, does mean you are upon proper 'Aqeeda, and when your 'Aqeeda is different then the Salaf, then we must distinguish ourselves from those who call themsevles muslims beacuse they call to the fire....So we say we are Upon the manhaj of the Salaf...thus we are the Salafiyoon


the truth can not mix with falsehood...there is a beautiful ayah about that....its not 2:256..... wish i remember the exact one...It is wajib(must) to seperate the truth from falsehood! they can not MIX

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Originally posted by Salafi_Online:



Bro Nur


the word "Salaf" was used by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) himself.


He said to Faatimah, " How excellent a Salaf I am for you. " (Muslim, no. 2450).


:Thus If Fatimah said oh Father i am a salafi to u, How on this planet, will the Messenger of Allah(saas) object, when it simply means that she is following him.....


It's really laughable what this guy wants to convince us, they looked everywhere and couldn't find except the refrence of their name not an evidence.


Salaf is an aArabic word and every Arabic person could use it including our prophet (S.A.W) but the question is does the use of the word mean that it's recomended and we can name ourselves and differentiate from the other muslims?


it's really one of the sickness of this group.


I will refer the brothers and sisters to read small book about this group which written by dr. Abdalla Al-shayaji he gathered about thirty charactresics of this group which some of them you can see in the articles of this guy/lady.


they're really disease among us and we should disclose their tricks.


i'll give you one of their more than thirty characteriatcs which is CONTRADICTION .


if you sit their Majlis they always say we have no IMAM except Mohammed (S.A.W), AHLU SUNNA WAL JAMACAH have no imam except one, Mohmammed (S.A.W) etc. and if you look the articles of this guy you will find IMAMA ALBANI, it's just one of their contradictions.


finally, I will ask him/her who knows better IMAMA ALBANI or IMAM SHAAFICI, ABU-HANIIFA, AHMAD and MALIK anf if he/she answers the 4 IMAMAS know better why do you refuse the simple Muslims to follow one of these IMAMS and you're proud by following IMAM ALBANI?


I know he will escape because I asked him many similar questions but he escaped.


please let him/her not to escape this time.

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Im not going to make a tafseer of the ayat but how does it prove your point, Hazrat Abu Bakr held this view which is why he initially was against compiling it but then realised that he should. By your analogy they shouldnt have bothered.


They still went throught the validation process and ahad narrations were not accepted. You fail to answer the points - 2 specific points at that:


1) Refute the definition of Quran as agreed by scholars and why they say Mutawatir.


2) Refute that Ahad narrated ayats were not accepted.


And you still have not bought a definition on Ahad hadith.

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It is clear that the sahaba would not accept ahad narrations in the Quran because it would create doubt and this would not be allowed as it must be definate. Yet you want us take it into aqeedah.

Brother, before i reply i would like to know if i Understand u correctly.... your saying, because the Sahaabs got others sahabas to verify the Ayats of Allah, so we can not accept Ahad Hadith in 'Aqeeda? Yes or no? and if u respond with yes....then i ask u what if i bring you a narration that a sahaba would narrate a Hadith from the messenger of Allah to another Sahaba and he would except it?


Second question brother, DIDnt the messenger of Allah send Mu'ad Ibn jaabal to call them to Islam...alone????


Or the three sahabs he send to the romans and the film the message sahab was send to each kingdom....


Let me give you a definition:

Mutaawirr-hadith narrated by more then one person

Ahad hadith-- hadith narrated by two or less persons(do not contain doubts)


third question: do u disagree imam Shafi'ee & imam Bukhari...?



forth question: do you believe with certainty that Isa the messenger of Allah (as) is coming back and that one day the Ummah will have a Khalifah...and i mean with certainty...100% ... is it part of your Aqeeda that one day the ummah will be led my a Khaalifah????


please dont forget rule number #5, you agreed that u would answer my questions....and Allah & the audience is our witness.


keep this in mind:


The Rasul(saas) used to call some of his companions trusthwory...Like Abu Ubaydah....he was the truthsworthy of the this ummah....and another hadith that the best people in this planet after the Messengers are the companions......


please respond to my questions so we can move on.


i have man prepared one last piece in response to ur points and ill post it after u answer my questions...



salamu alaykum

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This topic gives me a headache! So my comments are restricted.


As a dear brother stated:

In contrast, waht we need today is to bring feuding groups together and bridge their gaps by friendly discussion, because as I believe, we have some 80% of issues in agreement, 20% in dispute, if so, we should build on what we are in agreement, earn each others trust and then cement our diagreement in the other 20% starting with serious aqeedah issues, then progressing toward lesser significant topics.




It's what I believe as well, and Insha Allah will work towards that goal for the rest of my life.

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“Brother, before i reply i would like to know if i Understand u correctly.... your saying, because the Sahaabs got others sahabas to verify the Ayats of Allah, so we can not accept Ahad Hadith in 'Aqeeda? Yes or no? and if u respond with yes....then i ask u what if i bring you a narration that a sahaba would narrate a Hadith from the messenger of Allah to another Sahaba and he would except it?”


- What I am saying is that the collection involved disregarding ahad narrations, these were narrations that the SAHABA believed were part of the Quran, So by you definition you are saying that the sahaba should have accepted these narrations. After all they are definite and contain no doubt. Clearly the sahaba did not see it this way and therefore they only accepted that was certain. However through the collection they needed certainty therefore these ayats were rejected on this basis. From here it is deduced that if you cannot accept ahad narrations in the Quran how can you accept them in Aqeeda as both things must be definite.


”Second question brother, DIDnt the messenger of Allah send Mu'ad Ibn jaabal to call them to Islam...alone????


Or the three sahabs he send to the romans and the film the message sahab was send to each kingdom.... “


- Yes and this is the evidence that we use that ahad narrations must be used for hukm shari. Rejection here would mean muslims are sinful.


”Let me give you a definition:

Mutaawirr-hadith narrated by more then one person

Ahad hadith-- hadith narrated by two or less persons(do not contain doubts) “


- therefore you disagree with your original definition.


”third question: do u disagree imam Shafi'ee & imam Bukhari...?”


- if they believed ahad narrations were part of aqeedah, then yes. The great imams were not infallible. Just as I follow imam hanafi in prayer because I believe his has the strongest opinion means that yes they have an opinion but I do not believe it to be correct. As imam shafi said, I believe my opinion is correct and yours incorrect, with the possibility of my opinion being incorrect and yours correct.


”forth question: do you believe with certainty that Isa the messenger of Allah (as) is coming back and that one day the Ummah will have a Khalifah...and i mean with certainty...100% ... is it part of your Aqeeda that one day the ummah will be led my a Khaalifah????”


- I believe this is the case and it is one of the motivators for my work to reestablish the state. As to aqeedah, if they are ahad you know my position.


”please dont forget rule number #5, you agreed that u would answer my questions....and Allah & the audience is our witness.”


- I believe I have, if you could provide me with the same courtesy, you have answered my question for a definition – which I take that there is absolutely no difference between ahad and mutawatir apart from number of narrations and therefore it si completely pointless to even differentiate. Do you agree because that is the reality of what you are saying.


”keep this in mind:


The Rasul(saas) used to call some of his companions trusthwory...Like Abu Ubaydah....he was the truthsworthy of the this ummah....and another hadith that the best people in this planet after the Messengers are the companions......”


- not disputing this, the sahaba have an elevated status and may Allah grant me their courage to carry out the work they did for this deen. However this did not stop Zaid bin Thabit not accepting the ahad narrations of Quran from them.


Now if you can answer my questions:


1) According to you there is no point separating the hadith into ahad and mutawatir as it does not carry any consequence whatsoever and is merely for information as to number of narrators.


1) Refute the definition of Quran as agreed by scholars and why they say Mutawatir and not ahad.


2) Refute that Ahad narrated ayats were not accepted.

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I am continuing this discussion for one reason and one reason only; that is that I am assuming that you seek only the truth, and when it comes to you, there will be no resistance in your submission to it. If you believe that you are upon the haq and nothing will change you then there is no need for you to read on as the truth only permeates those hearts as are free from Hizbiyah and Ta'asub (rigidity bigoted upon a track or way). If you feel free from these then please read on as then Allaah will open your heart if you are sincere. My intention within the bounds of this discourse is not to attack you personally, but it is solely to make you understand that the track which you are upon, leads to nothing except destruction ! - may Allaah protect us from this.


It’s suitable that we gauge our views in the light of the Qur'ân and authentic Sunnah of the messenger of Allaah (SAW), as understood and practiced by the best of generations, and those who followed them in belief and methodology. Indeed this the best course of action to take for as Allaah almighty says: "Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know" {Soorah An-Nahl: 43}.



Akhee first

we all know the quran was mutawahir narration….but this does not negate the fact that Ahad Hadith are not taken into aqeeda… this the issue between you and I.

Whatever Ahad Hadith is part of the muslim aqeeda or not…is the since I am not a scholar….and you are not a scholar…then we have to ask the people of knowledge,"Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know" {Soorah An-Nahl: 43}.


We also know that the majority of the Hadith in Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari are Ahad Hadith, thus the Majority of our Religion is based on Ahad Hadith. You know about the ahadith , that says that the best of the people are from my "The best people are those of my generation, followed by those who came after them, followed by those who came after them." (muslim)

it is upon us to copy their actions and beliefs 'Aqeeda.

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