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Alshabab To Attack Somaliland

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Shir qarsoodi ah oo ay galeen hogaanka sare ee xarakada Alshabaab ayaa la xaqiijiyey in ururka Alshabaab ku talo jiro qaraxyo fawdo dhaliya inay ka sameeyaan Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa. Warkan oo uu soo gaadhsiiyey muwaadin jooga koonfurta soomaaliya magaladiisa Baydhabo ayaa waxa uu sheegay in hindisahan ay Alshabaab kudamacsan tahay qaraxyo lala beegsado bartilmaameedyo muhiim ah oo Hargeysa ku yaala sida Madaarka, Huteel Maansuur, Madaxtooyada, Bangiga Dhexe ee Somaliland iyo Dekeda Berbera.


Wararka ayaa waxa kale oo ay sheegayaan in qorshaha ay ururka argagixisada Alshabaab ay ku damacsan yihiin inay duqeeyaan bartilmaameedyo muhiim ah oo ku yaala Jamuuriyada Somaliland uu ahaa mid hore dib ugu dhacay sababtuna ay ahayd doorashada madaxweynaha Somaliland oo dib loo dhigay awgeed.


Muwaadinkan usoo gudbiyey warkan naxdinta leh oo horey uga tirsanaan jiray ciidanka maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ee ay horey dalka Itoobiya ka saartey ayaa naga dalbaday inaanan magaciisa lla shaacin, waxase uu noo raaciyey intaa inuu dhalasho ahaan kasoo jeedo Somaliland sidaa awgeedna uu goostey inuu wararkan xasaasiga ah la wadaago saxaafada somaliland si ayuu yidhi looga digtoonaado weeraro halis keeni kara oo lagu burburiyo qaranimada somaliland.


Ururuka argigixisada ah ee Alshabaab ayaa horey qaraxyo is miidaamin ka sameeyey gudaha magaalada Hargeysa isla markaana ay ku dhinteen dad aad u badan oo iskugu jira Soomali iyo ajaaniba.

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Alshabab - tell them to bring it on. There are daily randum searches, all government,financial and most venues of importance have round blocks,arm gaurds. I for one was in hargaisa for 6 months and one night took the wrong road behind the president palace and me and my friend from london nearly got shot, they shoot like 8 bullets at us and we were thrown in jail for 10 hours. So i know better than most what the situation is like.


bring it on, i think its time we go to mugdisho or hire our own terrorist group man. lets supply and fund ahlul sunna wal jamaca we gotta play tit for tat.

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Its quite obvious that the leadership of Alshabab are all Somalilanders. We are the only people who can build any functioning counter insurgence in Southern Somalia to the Sharif regime. Our Somali brethren are all but relieved of their competences by Somaliland Alshabab leaders. 19 years of lawlessness can do disastrous things to the South Somali psyche.


History is repeating itself yet again. The Alshabab will not attack their motherland Surely? If they do, Somaliland Defence Force will annihilate them one by one until they submit to the Somaliland forces as far as Garowe. The Somaliland Government will use pre-emptive strikes to defend its citizens and sovereignty including using Somali territory to wage large scale attacks on any imminent immediate unlawful attacks on Somaliland.

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