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First laser surgery in Somaliland took place in Hargeisa

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First laser surgery in Somaliland took place in Hargeisa


Written by Somalilandpress

Jun 03, 2010 at 02:13 PM

Hargeisa,(Qarannews)-A very advance medical surgery was performed in Manhal Hospital in Hargeisa. A medical team from Somaliland and Yemen operated on ten people using Laser technology. Known as laparotomy surgery, doctors used advance medical equipments to treat ten people from gallbladder and liver diseases.


In a press conference, the head of Manhal City Hospital Dr. Yasin Abdi inform the press that this was a historic event and that today’s surgery was the first of its kind in Somaliland. According to Dr. Abdi today’s surgery will give thousands of Somalilanders an opportunity to get free medical laser surgery. Dr. Abdi described how using this technology will reduce risk to patients and dramatically decrease healing time after the surgery. Dr. Abdi adds, “Inserting mini-laparotomy tubal ligation into sensitive area in the stomach and liver, and observing that through monitor make it easy for us to treat people more efficiently and accurately. Before this technology, doctors performed open surgery on people, which is riskier and can lead to other complication.”


People who receive this type of surgery recover in two days instead of a week without this procedure.


This is the second time that Manhal medical center brought doctors from other countries to perform free surgeries in Somaliland. These doctors train local medical professionals in performing sophisticated surgeries. Manhal medical center is planning to bring doctors who will perform heart surgery in Somaliland.


Manhal Hospital with many branches across the country has treated about 40,000 people who suffer from poor eye sight, glaucoma and other vision illness.

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