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Iftaar time with Brother Nur

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Brothers, brothers,

Nur’s “good food that goes with that digsi†has a price which needs to be settled before we can sign Muhammad’s “guestbookâ€!


We need to discuss how to pay the bill later at the checkout when it is presented to us. The bill settlement guideline in (21:47) looks encouraging, but not all credit-cards and currencies are accepted except those indicated in section (16:90). So we need to do our maths now instead of ending up like those protesting in vanity from (18:49).


Will it make any difference if we eat cheaply and pay in small changes? Because I’m afraid that I haven’t got enough credit in my account to settle the bill! Any idea where we can go for financial assistance?

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Brother Shams,


none of us have enough credit, I'll allow bro Nur, our financial expert, to say few things about this matter and calculate the dualars i.e. how much we spent, the more the better!!


hence this currency, the dualar which is the highest currency we have, grows as you spend it, and diminishes when you don't(limit the flow).


so Nur, how much Dualars did we send on

- Allah(swt)?

- Prophet Muhammad ?

- Islam?

- our Parents?

- each other(the Muslims)?


did we generate enough Raxmah, or should we still toil(97:07)?


Brothers, bankruptcy(6:70) is not acceptable!


Juma Mubarak

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“If the hearts neglect the tables of this worldly life, they will sit at the tables of the Hereafter among the people of this invitation, but if they are satisfied with the tables of this worldly life they will miss the others.†(Ibn Al-Qayyim)


Brother Muhammad,

I think we may have misallocated our “dualar†capital and invested our portfolios in the wrong markets up to now and brought us on the verge of bankruptcy. What we need is a financial plan to identify which digsi yields most profit returns. I hope that brother Nur could provide us with one too. Is there an estimate of our total losses so far?

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Brothers Shams and Muhammad


What an exciting discussion, I am only afraid that Nomads with no Quraan to refer to will feel left out, for an example, please refer the reference as Quraan 4: 12, lets allow more Nomads to catch the train.


Speaking of the Duallar currency, I cant imagine that so many Nomads are so poor that they dont have enough Duallars to go around, a currenct that doubles each time that you make a transaction, ( Malaika says: Wa lakal mithl), the more it circulates in the comuunity, the happier, try donating a Duallar to a person you dislike, Bingo! you gain your sanity back and begin looking matters in a different ways.


Well, Muhammad bro. My best bet for investment of the Duallars in this bull market season is in Real Estate, imagine buying your dream house for a small installment, you can also buy an Initial Public Offering in e-Nuri Enterprises, e-Nuri allows you to trade on line 24/7 , 365 days from home, school or work, all you need is an ikhlaas certificate to subscribe.



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“If the hearts neglect the tables of this worldly life, they will sit at the tables of the Hereafter among the people of this invitation, but if they are satisfied with the tables of this worldly life they will miss the others.†(Ibn Al-Qayyim)

Perhaps we forget to invite the nomads to such a lovely invitation.


** Hoping our forgetfullness was a case of (18:63) and not that of (4:94) **

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** Hoping our forgetfullness was a case of (18:63) and not that of (4:94) **

Brother Ducaqabe,

It must be (Qur'aan 18:63) because what brought us on this table in the first place was the prospect of filling in the membership sheet on (Qur'aan 41:33), so we may be nominated for the (Qur'aan 38:46)!


But you know (Qur'aan 35:6) and his cheep shots below belt as it may has been in this case, just as all investments fluctuate, we're hopefully recovering and are back on track.


The only problem is when you don't know who to invest with, because some are investing in the bubble markets rejecting to invest with us like those in (Qur'aan 41:5), while we decided to invest in the real estate markets as offered by e-Nuri investment schemes. We've seen your name listed on the membership sheet, so all you need to do is buy some shares ;)

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Shams, Muhammad and Duci-Qabe bros.


Check this investment offer out:


Investors with following assets:


" 1. Inna ladeena yatloona kitaaba Allahi;

2. Wa aqaamu Salaata;

3. Wa Anfaquu mimmaa razaqnaahum,

A. sirran wa

B. calaaniyatan;


Are Promised a Zero Risk Portfolio:


Yarjuuna Tijaaratan, lan tabuur;


First Their Principal plus earnings are paid in Full


Li yuwaffiyahum ujuuraham;


Then, an extra surprise divident is thrown in as a jesture of customer loyalty program:


Wa Yaziidahum min fadlih;




The Investment Opportunity is offered and backed by a :


Innahu Ghafuurun Shakuur "




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Brother Nur,

What!? Did you say Zero Risk Portfolio is promised? That sounds to me a bargain!!!


Well, in that case then it is a matter of quick “O you who believe! Spend of that with which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining†(2: 254), “Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. Hat is the supreme success†(9:111)!

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Shams bro.


Yes indeed, its al about bargaining, good bargains and bad, some sell their futures for cheap by cashing it cheaply today, selling their akhira off.


But as we know, we are bargaining with Allah all the time, for those who have iman, Allah offers to buy their souls and wealth in exchange of Jannah, which means once we accept on Allahs offer, we should deliver the goods ( soul and wealth) without hesitation, if we hesitate, the terms of the deal is changed frrom sale to a loan, let us read the verses:


" Allah has purchased from the believers their souls and their wealth in exchange of jannah"


" Is there anyone who would loan Allah a goodwill loan ( esay terms), so allah will pay back that loan mnay times over"?




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Brothers, it is indeed those who make use of this over that are mentioned in (2:5)


"They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper.


For those who suffer from procrastination, this deadline should wake them up(6:67)


"For every message is a limit of time, and soon shall ye know it."

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Dear brothers,

Interesting hedging strategy indeed! But there are still too many “who purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless†(Q 2:16), and those who realise that “there are much more profits and booties with Allah†(Q 4:94) and invest according to (Q 35:29) advice, face the most difficulties in making their choices.


Imagine all the victims of Isustus Mutual Funds and their brokers Generosity & Bravery Inc. who continue to dominate most markets. No wonder that the reliable brokers such as Ikhlaas & Co are struggling to compete. It makes no sense to me that there are so many people wasting their funds and continuously loose out in the most secure and lucrative investment options at their disposal :confused:

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Its another Ramadan around, hope to revive this thread this year again, at least let us discuss Quraan, because its the month of Quraan.




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Ahlan wa sahlan Yaa Xiin, what a surprise visit today? look who is here at our Aqal and tuulo? Well, who else from of the SOL Brothers and Sisters is joining us for this iftaar today?


By the way, the next door Aqal-Somali is for the sisters, they can join us in the discussion from behind their cozy daah.


Nur: (oo cuskanaya Barkinta), Xiin, why not try this new bur, its a cross between Belgian Waffles and Canjeero, kind a soft but not as thin as Canjeero, yet its not as crispy as Waffles, but with very similar taste and smell?


Xiin: (munching) uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumh!, this is good Nur, mashAllah, and what is that? (poiting at special pastry ),


Nur: Well that is our local version of a cinnamon cake, coated with golden colored hot goat buuter, dipped in accacia honey " , Xiin bro, try this Daangawis, made from fresh green Zanjabiil, its hot, but good for you!


Xiin: MashaAllah, this stuff is good, so, this is home huh?


Nur: Yeeah!


Xiin: so what is like living in baadiyeh, I am just dropping by for you visit.


Nur: Well, its kinda quiet, except for American Reconnaisance planes and Ethiopians raoming he country side romancing the stone.


Xiin: What stone, precious stones?


Nur: No, the blakstone, Oil, they even killed mos of my goats back in january.


Xiin: arent you worried living here, its dangerous.


Nur: well, its equally as dangerous running away, so we decided to stay in our huts, pray that Allah protect us from these greedy politicians.


Xiin: (sipping his dangawis) well, whats that? Adaan?


Nur: Yeah, its nearby Mawlac, lets go for Maghrib Prayers.


To be continued.....




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