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War deg deg ah: Somaliland oo ka baxday Dhahar iyo Xinglool oo laga sii rasaaseyey

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War deg deg ah: Somaliland oo ka baxday Dhahar iyo Xinglool oo laga sii rasaaseyey, waa maxay sababtu?


Dhahar:- Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dagaalada Sanaag ayaa waxa weeye in ciidamda Somaliland ay ka bexeen goobihii ay fadhiyeen sidoo kalena, waxaa intaa dheer firxadkii ciidamada Somaliland laga rasaaseyey Xinglool oo ay si xawli ah ku dhaafeen, isku soo duu duub, Somaliland ma sheegin sababaha ay uga baxday Dhahar, waxayse u egtahay in laga itaal roonaadey.


Goor dhoweyd ayaanu teleefanka ka dhigney Dhahar oo khadkii isgaarsiinta dib ugu soo noqday waxana naloo xaqiijiyey in ciidamada Puntland qeyb ka mid ahi ay gudaha ku sugan yihiin. Magaaladanu ay gacanta ugu jirto ciidamo beeleedyo iyo kuwa Daraawishta.


Waxaa intaa dheer inaanu la xiriirney magaalada Xingalool waxaana naloo xaqiijiyey in markii ay ciidamada Somaliland ag marayeen Xingalool in rasaas iyo madaafiic lagu tuurey taas oo kaliftey in ciidamadaasi si xawli ah uga sii cararaan aagaas.


Bixitaanka Somaliland ayaa waxaa ka danbeeyey kadib markii shaley galab weerar sadex geesood ah ay kusoo qaadeen ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo ciidamo beeleedyo iyo kuwa Somaliland oo markaa iyaga laga awood roonaadey.


Wax war ah kama soo bixin dhinaca Dowlada Somaliland iyadoo dhabtu ay tahay in ciidamadooda laga soo saarey Sanaag Ceerigaabo mooyee.


Dhinaca Puntland ayaa horey u sheegtey in Maamulkoodu uu ka taliyo Dhahar waana sida ay sheegtey Puntland oo magaalada iyagaa ka taliya.


Khasaaraha dagaalka ee dadweynaha soo gaarey ayaa waxa weeye in hal wiil oo yar uu ku dhaawacmay iyo guryo aan sidaa u badneyn, waxayna dadweynuhu muujiyeen Caro lixaadleh oo ay ku farta ku fiiqeen in labada Maamul ay ka masuul yihiin dhibka soo gaarey iyaga.


LaasqorayNET/Xingalool, Dhahar

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War deg deg ah:- Masuuliyiin Puntland oo kusoo wajahan Dhahar, xagee bey ku sugan yihiin Somalilandse?


Boosaaso:- Magaalada Dhahar ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa si toos ah waxaa gacanta ay ugu jirtaa Maamulkii ay usoo dhiseen Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland horaantii isbuucan hada dhamaadey, waxaana magaalada kusoo wajahan masuuliyiin sar sare oo ka tegaya Magaalada Boosaaso.


Warku waxa uu intaa ku darayaa in xaalada Magaaladu ay degan tahay oo dadweynuhu hawshooda ay si caadi ah u qabsanayaan iyadoo dadweynuhu ay ka xunyihiin in deegaankoodu noqday bar tilmaameed dagaal.


Waxaa intaa dheer in masuuliyiin Reer Puntland ahi ay hada kusii jeedaan Dhahar, waxaana la socda idaacadaha Maxaliga ah ee magaalada Boosaaso iyo Garoowe.


Ciidamo tiro Badan oo Puntland ay ayaa waxay hada u gudbeen dhinaca Xingalool iyagoo sida naloo sheegey ku raad jooga kuwii Somaliland oo hada isuku urursadey meel dhinaca Galbeedka ka xigta Shimbiraale oo ah deegaan Warsangeli.


Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa u eg kuwo laga adkaadey kadib markii shaleyto weerar sadex geesood ah lagu soo qaadey iyagoo markaa fooda is daray Ciidamada Daraawiishta oo kaashanaya ciidamo Beeleedyo u dhashey deegaanka.


Dhinaca kale goor aanu la xiriirney Magaalada Burco ayaa waxaa naloo sheegey in la sugayo dhaawac laga keeney Dhahar oo magaalada Burco soo gaari doona, waxaana intaa naloogu sii daray in Magaalada Caynabo dhaawac kale la geeyey.


Dowlada Somaliland ayaa ilaa iyo hada ka aamusan jabka ka qabsadey dagaalada Shaleyto iyo soo bixitaanka ay kasoo bexeen deegaanadaas.


Waxaana lagu tuhmayaa in Somaliland ay ka baqday in ciidankeedu uu dhahar Go'doon ku noqdo kadib markii ay roobab tiro badani ka de'een Gobolka oo aan la hayn wado laami ah, waxaana xirma wadooyinka aada Galbeedka sida tan tagta Magaalada Burco ee Gobolka Togdheer.



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Originally posted by me:

quote:Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas:

Mr. me, saaxib I need to know the real news coming out of there, what is it? and what channel is it on?


Don't tell me you read on pro Pland site.

Honestly I have learned to trust the local news outlets more then the pro PL and pro SL. the pro Pl and pro Sl news outlets are full of xawaasheen, but the locals have the info there and then.


I suggest iska naso, the truth will come out soon.


If the SLérs stay then they won, if they leave then they lost, its that simple.
I guess SL retreated and that means they lost. Why does the secessionist mafia do this to themselves? Why do they always blunder like this?

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Boosaaso: " Shimbiraale ayaan dib ugu riixnay ciidankii suu doolay ee Somaliland" Wasiir kuxigeenka gudaha Puntland

15. april 2007







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Boosaaso(AllPuntland)-Deegaanadii shalay ay ku dagaalameen Ciidamada dowlad gobaleedka Puntland iyo kuwa maamulka lamagac baxay Somaliland ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in maanta xaaladu tahay mid degan.


Wasiir Kuxigeenka Arimaha gudaha Iyo Amniga Puntland Ibraahim Cartan (Xaaji Bakiin) ayaa wuxuu Radio Gaalkacyo u sheegay in Ciidamada Puntland ay ku sugan yihiin gudaha degmada Dhahar isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay khasaarihii dagaaladii shalay ay geysteen.


Wasiirku xigeenku wuxuu sheegay in Puntland ay ciidamada Soomaliland kaga qabsadeen gaadiid dagaal.


Wasiirku xigeenku wuxuu intaas raaciyay in dagaalkii shalay dhacay ay soo qaadeen Maamulka Lamagacbaxay Soomaliland.


Mar wax laga weydiiyay meelaha Ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamadii Maamulka Somaliland wuxuu sheegay in ay ku suganyihiin xalayna ku hoyden Shimbiraale oo 10 KM kana xiga dhinaca waqooyi galbeed uga beegan Dhahar.


Xaaji Bakiin wuxuu sheegay in Puntland ay diyaar u tahay inay iska difaacdo weerar walba oo lagu soo qaado.


Wasiirku xigeenka arimaha gudaha Puntland wuxuu sheegay khasaare uusan soo gaarin ciidanka Puntland maadaama ay difaac ku jireen.


Dhinaca Somaliland ayaa ayaguna sheeganaya guulo ay dhincooda kasoo hoyiyeen.

CCC Farayaamo


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^Thats a possibility . But they wouldnt have even this made if Zenawi didn't condone it in the first why did Ethiopia ask her puppets to start a mock-fight? To divert attention from Xamar? To stop sympethizers from the regions coming down to Xamar?

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So its said they have retreated, but what would be the consequences? Re-arm themselves and head back to Xingalool and Dhahar to retaliate. When they come back, Puntland troops would be there waiting to fight them off. However, once this second round of battles begin, the end is really going to be long. As some might believe, there isn't going to mediators (regional nor international) that would come between Puntland and Somaliland.


The only country that would have come was Ethiopia, and the only reason that would have brought them there, would have been the talk of 'terrorists in Sanaag' area. This means business to Ethiopia- they get funded to go to places where supposed 'terrorists' are hidding.


American dollars animates the Ethiopians as of late. However, since Sanaag is now a conflict zone and the claim of global terrorists is out of the picture (due to Puntland being deployed there), Ethiopia cannot find any other reason to be there, nor can it choose between these two states. Ethiopian interests in both states is at risk if it were to choose one side.


On the one hand, Somaliland, due to proximity to/and border with Ethiopia, there are economic and security interests that cannot be neglected at all. Also, Ethiopia has the privilage of being the only country that currently trades with Somaliland . If Somaliland's border conflicts to its east are solved, this may pave the way for International recognition. Thus, Somaliland trade would have the whole world to trade with. Ethiopia loses out in this prospects and must maintain an almost permanent conflict between Somaliland and Puntland.


On the other hand, Puntland is a great political asset to Ethiopia - it might be the only enabling entity in Somalia that has proved sucessful in Ethiopia's procurement of American dollars, all in the name of terrorists in Southern Somalia. Nationally, Puntland is the financier of the TFG, which has given the green light to Ethiopian invasion of Mogadishu. Ethiopia thus is left with no choice but to remain neutral between Puntland and Somaliland, for if it doesn't, it stands to lose alot.


The conflict, therefore, becomes a bull-fight between Puntland and Somaliland, while the inhabihants of the region become the grass. As for the advantages and disadvantages of a potentially prolonged war, Puntland has to mobilise its forces and bring its troops in Mogadishu to Sanaag, leaving Ethiopian troops to the control without any interruptions. Puntlanders have done the job of leading Ethiopians to Mogadish so now they can step down, as far as Ethiopia is concerned.


This war would exhaust both Puntland and Somaliland's strengths and would prove a major catastrophy for the locals. When both Puntland and Somaliland are exhausted, it would be time for Ethiopia to simply take control of the weak Puntland and Somaliland.

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I believe this news is authentic.



War Degdeg ah: Ciidamadii iyo Wasiiradii somaliland oo ka Soo baxay Dhahar iyo wararkale

Warar deg dega oo aanu ka helnay magaalada Ceerigaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxay sheegayaan in dhammaan ciidamadii iyo madaxdii ku sugnayd magaalada Dhahar ay ka soo baxeen saaka iyada oo aan illaa iminka la garanayn waxa sababay.


Mar aannu la xidhiidhnay maamulka gobolka Sanaag ayaan wax tafaasiil ah naga siin waxa sababay arrintaa. dhammaan dadka ku sugan Somaliland ayaa arrintan aad uga cadhooday iyada oo aanay jirin wax qoraala oo ilaa iminka ka soo baxay xukuumadda Somaliland.


Waxaannu goor dhowayd la xidhiidhnay Afhayeenka madaxtooyada Somaliland isaga oo noo sheegay inaanay illaa iminka jirin wax qoraala oo ka soo baxay xukuumadda Somaliland loona fadhiyo arrintaa. Warar aan lagu kalsoonayn ayaa sheegaya inay weftigii Somaliland soo gaadheen goor dhowayd magaalada Xingalool iyada oo aan la hubin inay sii joogi doonaan iyo inay xagga ceerigaabo u soo dhaafi doonaan.


Wixii wara kala soco






As i said before there is a hidden agenda to all this. Let Somaliland ppl see the blunders by this Raayale administration. How dare them send such an entourage of delagates to the area only to run away after few shots. All this administartion want is to create tension in order to postpone the coming elections. Now i dont know what they will say to Somaliland ppl after all this farce.

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Who is this "Me" charater who is supposetly representing Hairgeysa? You don't believe in SL? If not..I doub't you're even from there.

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Originally posted by Lake:

Who is this "Me" charater who is supposetly representing Hairgeysa? You don't believe in SL? If not..I doub't you're even from there.

Who said that all Hargeysawis are secessionists?

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