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Jendayi Frazer discloses what was discussed in Washington

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He also said, " Ethiopia nabadeeda wey sugan karta", with regards to the South Somalia conflict. He met Zenawi and Abdullahi Yusuf in Adiss prior to the war last year, if I am not mistaken. The majority of Somalilanders( what ever that means) are against what Ethiopians are doing, but the admin is probably hoping that the Islamic Courts and Alshabaab are destroyed by the Ethiopians. Somaliland like Puntland and T.F.G is staunchly against the spread of political Islam or Shariah groups in Somalia territory. You know in politics you have to give something in order to get something. Thus in this case the recent rushes from Hargeysa to Washington could indicate Somaliland is perhaps maybe willing to play more of a role in the war on terror. American troops/bases in Berbera for recognition anyone? You bet Jenday Frazer discussed combating political Islam in the Horn with Hargeysa admin. Obviosuly Somaliland isn't going to militarly joing the war on terror, but perhaps a Djibouti like relationshiop could be on the cards if Somaliland is recognised?



ClealY Somaliland admin can't be compared to the T.F.G, PL and warlords. But they do have a controversial relationshio with Ethiopia, ie handing over O.N.L.F suspects and expelling Somalia journalists. It just also just happens the enemies of Ethiopia admin coincide with those of the Somaliland admin, ie greater Somalia advocates, alitixaad and Onlf. A bit like the Arab States who condemn the occupation of Lebanon, but also condemn and loathe Hezbollah for military engaging Israel. They want the best of both worlds!

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^^Well put. What we need to remember is that one supporting an idea (an independent SL) doesnt necessarily support the admin or the ways in which they seem to be appeasing others (Ethio/USA).


They (SL admin) look to be a bunch of yes men. A change shall cometh come August 2008 IA.

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Northerner - vote for a change, vote Kulmiye smile.gif


Juje.. Pull up your pants brother.. Dadkaani dhimashadoodu waa mid qoran ee ma aha mid aniga ansixis iga baahan.. Waxii dhimanaayo wey socdaan ee halganka ha la wado.. Ninkii duul ku yimid ayee geeridu dhibtaa!


Regarding that pathetic topic of yours, Why are you constantly in search of Beerjileec.

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This is the begining of the end of a peaceful JSL. Soon,divisions will arise & before we all know,there will be "Unrest" in JSL.


As you already,anything touched by Jendayi,just turns into a chaos. Look at Kenya today!


My warning to my SL brothers,Please do not celebrate this "meeting",if anything,yall should all be cautious. Ask yourself,why has this incompetent woman,suddenly,out of nowhere,get the urge to see a free Somaliland? What is the catch? What do you as citizens of JSL have to sacrifice? What is the short term gain for this incopetent state department team?


Be careful,Be very careful folks,this woman is upto no good

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