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Girls ~~ Do you ever try to defence yourself?

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i dont know the statistics but i heard that you are more likely to be assaulted (sexually, not for petty cash or something) by someone you know than by a complete stranger, which means that restricting yr outdoor activities doesnt really help much, but perhaps scanning yr new "friends" might.

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You know i have to agree with you SomeaLien. I have heard that before. They said that it was most LikeLy your parents, reLatives, friends and anyone you know. But i beLieve this is more concerned with the KaaLo rather than the SomaLi community(some researched and statistics wouLd be usefuL), nevertheLess Nin-Yaaban can rethink what he previousLy posted-it doesnt heLp much with your observations now does it? :confused:

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In traditional Soomaali society it's still normal to see women spending more time inside their home, than outside of it. It's just recently (when people came to Amerika?) that many people started changing their ways and picking up the GAALO dhaqan. Walaal marka staying home is something thats really good for you. I try to convince that to Lucky but she seems to be offended by the whole idea. I can't see why.


Believe me walaalayaal, its unheard of women getting attacked inside her home. That happens unfortunatly all to often on women walking outside by themselves.

I can honestLy say what u wrote ^^^^^ does not appLy to everyone. TraditionaL this...traditionaL that...bLah-bLah, bLah-bLah.Even the word traditionaL is ancient- i dont know where you have been when the worLd(incLuding somaLia) was experiencing change but i wouLd suggest that you catch up or at Least try to.

My mother was a business woman Like many other women in SomaLia-mind you America did not encourage it or bring that change.Therefore did not stay home but made sure her famiLy was Looked after and got everything they needed.

Once again may i ask you how staying home is reaLLy good for us? You have not yet given me any Logical and rationaL reason.The reason you cant see why is because you are not a woman. ALLah naaga ma diigin cuuryan(disabLed)so why shouLd we succumb ourseLves to it?*Pardon my written SomaLi*


Back to your second statement: May i ask where did you hear that from? There are statistics proving that women are in fact attacked in their homes just as much as they are when they are outdoors. May i remind you that there is nothing in our cuLture and reLigion stating about how women shouLd stay at home in order to prevent brutaL attacks.Whats going to happen to each individuaL is written so dont sweat it. No need to burden peopLe with more unnecessary worries and probLems than they aLready have-i think that is enough.


If you want a woman who wiLL Listen and do as you say whether you are wrong or right, give you respect whether you earned it or deserve it than i say good Luck-because that is not gonna happen...onLy dogs do that and specificaLLy those that are trained. We(women) are peopLe with brains that ALLah gave us to guide ourseLves and we certainLy do not need for men to dictate ourLives.

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Maasha Allaah


Well Said sis Lucky, I Like your comments :cool: , AFKAAGA MALAB LAGU QABAYE, You Give NIN-YAABAN his last lesson! ;) Tnxx sis. you owe me big Hug ... smile.gif

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Arr kuwanaa, wax matarayaal baad tihin dhamaantiin hadaadba iska dhicin la'adihiin Nin-Yaaban. Walee reer Qudhac iyo reer qansaxba waad ceebayseen hablayahow!!


War Nin-Yaaban, udhamee sxb kolayba udhamaysaye!! Isa sii raaci sxb

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Iffah ma joogtidoo...adiga aa lagugu soo gooban doonaa hada.


ps, I think the girls are winning this fight. Nin-Yaaban is only repeating himself over and over again. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Latiif:

Arr kuwanaa, wax matarayaal baad tihin dhamaantiin hadaadba iska dhicin la'adihiin Nin-Yaaban. Walee reer Qudhac iyo reer qansaxba waad ceebayseen hablayahow!!


War Nin-Yaaban, udhamee sxb kolayba udhamaysaye!! Isa sii raaci sxb

Brother Latiif. Marka hore, waad salaamantahay. Marka danbane, waxaan rabay in aan wax kuu cadeeyo. Meeshan ma aha wax la isku baxayo. Meeshan hadal baa lakala weedaarsan. Waxa kilaya oo aan dadkan u sheegayo waa dhaqankeena, iyo sida uu uqaaliga yahay.


Hablaheena waa eey dhumeen ee ilaahay ha hanuunsho

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Originally posted by Latiif:

Arr kuwanaa, wax matarayaal baad tihin dhamaantiin hadaadba iska dhicin la'adihiin Nin-Yaaban. Walee reer Qudhac iyo reer qansaxba waad ceebayseen hablayahow!!


War Nin-Yaaban, udhamee sxb kolayba udhamaysaye!! Isa sii raaci sxb

LoL...waa runtaa latiif, laakiin maxaa la sameynayaa, ninku waa lakkad...garri ma gasho kamana baxdo! redface.gif:D

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I found some more not sure if they have been posted.


*Always be prepared. Be aware. Carry safe and easy to use can of pepper spray available on the internet.


*While waiting for a bus or streetcar, stand near others who are also waiting.


*Upon arriving at your stop, be aware of those who alight with you. If you feel you are being followed, go to the nearest occupied building and ask for assistance.


*After dark, attempt to get off the bus in well-lighted areas. Use only well-lighted streets to reach your final destination.


*Always check your car before getting in - to make sure that no one is hiding inside.


*It is best to park in attended lots. if you must leave a key with the attendant, leave only the ignition key. In all other cases, lock your car. At night, park only in lighted areas.


*Do not leave ANY packages or personal items in open view in the car. Place them in the trunk.


*If you are in danger of being harmed or robbed, while in your car, start sounding your horn until assistance arrives.


*If you feel you are being followed, drive to the nearest police or fire station, or open filling station.


*Observe elevator interior before entering. Wait until the next elevator if you are uncertain of any occupant.


*When riding the elevator alone, always stand near the control panel. If accosted, press ALL buttons.


*If a suspicious person enters the elevator, exit before the door close.


*If possible, try to travel at night in pairs or groups.

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Lol@Nin-Yaaban, its all in Good nature sxb. waxaad ujeedo waa kaftan marka xumaan hawqaadane relax! Waku kaas. Nabadeey!!

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