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the W.H.O. advises private individuals and health officials to FORBID the paying of electrical bills!

--it's not's a serious health issue..

also gas bills for housing...


adminstrations will be updated,and the workforce might be redirected to more usefull stuff.


you still have to pay at the gas station and phone bill.

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1995: various e.u. countries' constitutional courts declare illegal to demand any bills at all !

bill-collecting comapanies , and police officers that help them f.e. evict people from houses .. are committing unconstitutional acts .

soon it will be impossible to go shopping , because handling money is a serious health threat ... no one should be allowed to directly demand money from the end-customer in return for goods and services..

companies that comply will be rewarded and paid by the world bank and e.u. subvention system.


hey , does that mean i can walk into a shop and take whatever i want ?

i can go to the mercedes factory and just take a car ?

i can stay at the hilton as long as i want for free ?


gentlemen , we have a crisis !


a crisis , because something can be done and it sounds plausible ..


* court document (1)


citizen vs. bill collecting company -- constitutional court -- germany 1986


bill collecting company : " this citizen didn't pay his bills and we need to collect the money for our clients"


citizen : " i have no financial reason for not paying .. being a billionaire , you could send me to manila,philippine without a penny and i would be fine. but what about all the other people who don't have a p.h.d. in chemistry and several patents on medicines and billions of $ ?"


bill collecting company :" objection your honor , irrelevant to the case .. since we're bringing up unrelated , this citizen also doesn't pay his taxes."


citizen :" this being a constitutional court , i demand that this case be handled as and enviromental and health hazard issue "


judge : " bill collecting company , is there any reason why your company should not accept money from the world bank or e.u. subvention ? must you demand money from the individual citizen ?"


bill collecting company : " can't the government accept world bank money instead of asking every citizen for taxes ?"


citizen : " your constitutional right to pursue happiness allows you to develop a philosphy which let's you find a niche in the trade/industrial system or even governmental institutions , that lets you demand money from the individual.but doesn't the government have to intervene if handling/dealing with money poses a health hazard?

being a minority , people who want to deal with money should be allowed to do that at their own risk ;without forcing others to do so.others who also making use of their constitutional right to pursue happiness have developed a philosophy which lets them recognize a certain collective payment&rewarding system in the trade&industry."


bill collecting company : " but demanding money from the individual is an important control-factor ..can you imagine the riots if the big mall downtown made everything for free ?"


citizen :" what's stopping the masses now ? from looting the whole town that is ."

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part I


mudane madaxweyne : dhib baa jira , lataliyihii aaway ?


lataliye1 : waa ikan madaxweyne !


mudane madaxweyne : waa maxay waxan ? anigu afkaartayda ma maqlo ?


lataliye1 : mudane madaxweyne , si deg deg ah ayaa loo qaban shir , waxaana baarlamaanka ka qudbeyn doona wasiirka hawlaha iskaashiga ..


baarlamaanka :


wasiirka hawlaha iskaashiga : mudanayaal ,waa in si deg deg ah loogu helo xal xiisaddan hadda taagan ee nawada haysata ..


-sacab iyo foori -


part II


mudane madaxweyne : waamaxay waxaan oo pressure ah? wafdi arrimaha dibedda ah ha loo diro amerika!


wafdi arrimaha dibedda oo jooga amerika : sicirkii dahabka oo hoos u dhacay , xiisad ka taagan bariga dhexe awgeed ,ayaa sababay in qiimihii doolarku kor u kacay ,wadankayagu wuxuu u baahanyahy lacag deyn oo import lagu sameeyo !


madaxweyne , waa gudoomiyaha booliska !


mudane madaxweyne : soo daa ..


gudoomiyaha booliska : madaxweyne , dadweynuhu wuu kacsanyahay .. dadka intii dawladda daacadda u ahayd isbitaaladii way buuxdhaafeen ..


mudane madaxweyne : raisul-wasaaraha ka la xiriir .. anigu waxaan u baahnahay inaan fuliyoo heshiisyada caalamiga ah .. lataliyihii away ?


lataliye1 : madaxweyne ?


mudane madaxweyne : hadda waan ladnahay kow dheh , waxaad iigu dadaashaa dareenkaas inuu waaro .


lataliye1 : mudane madaxweyne , waa lala socodsiin suxufiyiinta in dhibka ka jira dhamaan caalamka islaamiga ah la isla dhisahayo iminka strategy isu miisaameysa arrimaha saas u xasaasiga ah sida nabadgalyada iyo xuquuqda aadamaha ..

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the constitutional court :


it is illegal to make anything compulsory unless it is necessary like in an emergency ..

*you can't force people to carry :






unless it's necessary .. like in an emergency ..


gun laws are more elaborate and shall not be discussed in this session ..


money and personal i.d. .. whether these things are necessary or whether it is an emergency will be decided by :


the environmental court


defendant : can't i make it compolsory in my private business to show i.d. and pay money ?


people's attorney : objection your honour .. suggesting that there is an emergency that requires such measures ..


judge : objection sustained , current situation is that any individual who feels the need to carry a gun,money or personal i.d. , may do so ..


people's attorney : something should be done immediately to protect the people who don't judge the situation as an emergency ..


judge : hold on what you said gave me a bad feeling .. what are you trying to say ?


defendant : he's calling for an apartheid situation ,where some citizens see the catastrophy and some don't ..


judge : the constitutional court already decided what is unconstitutional and what is not .. please watch your language and don't insult the court .. please continue


people's attorney : let me put it otherwise .. really bluntly and contemporarily .. for you to judge sir if it is inappropriate for the court to be contemporary .. who should have the authority to judge whether it is an emergency or not ? any shopkeeper ?


defendant : well no .. the environmental court of course and appointed officers ..


judge : and so is the situation at an airport for example .. the customer is recommende and may therefore just take the flight without paying money or showing a passport .. unless one is convinced that one needs the therapy(legal term) and wants to pay and show a passport .. answering that by allowing people to smoke in the plane would be too radical .. that was also an environmental court decision ..


people's attorney : so , people can call the police if some shopkeeper demands money .. ?


defendant : may one also call the police if some shopkeeper denies one the right to pay money and show identification ?


judge : both right .. so is the current situation.

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ok ..


first here's some "virtual money" for everyone ..



it takes too long to explain ..




you can receive more info , from





max planck institute ,berlin


like factories have become automatic and many people fired .. imagine you have been excused from handling money,guns and passports 'cause the process is now automatic .. or som'n ..

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in the 1700's when they introduced passports and "legal-tender" .. there were still some people who continued to pay in diamonds and gold-coins .. when they got off a ship at the coast they were greeted as lord or count so and so and they payed with gold coins and prescious stones .. but since travelling was made easier and more accessible to everyone as time went by , it became necessary to issue passports and pay in "legal-tender" ..

lord/count so and so : "what is all this commotion"

shop/hotel-clerk : " ah , it's them common people ,now anyone can afford to stay at the fine hotel just 'cause they have passports and "legal-tender"



.... lol


in a time where "telepathy" is an everyday game ..


and "teleportation" is on everyones mind ..


here are some scenes from any city :


"i am a somali citizen , here's my passport .. i would like to pay in somali shilin i believe the legal exchange rate is 1:100 in euro ,so here's 10,000 shilin .. what all this commotion?"


"ah .. it's those googlers , now with their new collective paying system , anyone can afford to stay at the fine hotel and fly with the airline"


* the collective pay system uses the new

"legal-valuta" called tuff(time-flux)




there have been made several comparisons to the berlin wall being opened .. well that's up to you.




informed circles say changing the "legal-valuta" to (time-flux) is a minor formality , which security authorities (police) insist upon


.. the current situation is that decision-makers are waiting for advice from church(all the way to the vatican) and other institutions of faith .

-rumours saying that not making that formal change could mean a crisis as deep as going back to the old days of communist atomic threat or religious crisis in the churches .. but those are simply roumours..


.. so anyone for even more anonymous shopping and travelling ?


.. yes ,carrying a passport is more anonymous than coming to a hotel as lord/count so and so ..



* it's time to get even more anonymous .. "telepathy" is already accessible to everyone ..


you know what's next .. teleportation , telekenisis ..

birth-certificate issues(medical-jurisdiction)


i think it's evolution .. but hey evolution takes millions of years .. that's why we call the new money "tim-flux" , so that's why the i.m.f. joined the i.a.e.a.



اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم



وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ إِذَا نَسِيتَ وَقُلْ عَسَى أَنْ يَهْدِيَنِ رَبِّي لِأَقْرَبَ مِنْ هَذَا رَشَدًا


tafsiir ,,,,,,


فتقول: إن شاء الله. واذكر ربك عند النسيان بقول: إن شاء الله، وكلما نسيت فاذكر الله; فإن ذِكْرَ الله يُذهِب النسيان، وقل: عسى أن يهديني ربي لأقرب الطرق الموصلة إلى الهدى والرشاد

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