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Yet another Shiek telling untruth about Ethiopians - its not even propaganda anymore

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Ethiopia has a very big population, but you can check any reference you like and you will find that Ethiopia has 1/3 the army of Eritrea. Ethiopia is a poor country, its budget is public, its audited and is open to any institution that loans and gifts ethiopia.

Ethiopia spends about 3% of its GDP on defence, thats about 130 million dollars. There is no conscription. The army is all voluntary and paid army.

Eritrea spends 160 million a year and has 300,000 conscripted young and old 17-50. If one escapes his parents pay 50,000 or they are in jail.


These Shieks in Mugadishu seem to place thousands of Ethiopian soldiers in every village in southern somalia. Plus ethiopia is in Puntland. Plus ethiopia is in Somaliland. Plus ethiopia is at 1000km border with eritrea.Plus ethiopia is fighting OLF and ONLF regardless of their size or impact.

This is getting a bit over the top.

When it comes from a Shiek, its even way way over the top. Let alone someone calling themselves a shiek, even a group of friends chewing khat would not stand for this untruth.





Somalia: ICU says scores of Ethiopian soldiers killed in the fighting

Thu. December 21, 2006 12:10 pm.


Mohamed Abdi Farah



Sheik Shukri


(SomaliNet) Authorities of Islamic Courts Union in Somalia capital Mogadishu claimed on Thursday that its fighters had gained victories over the latest skirmishes with the Ethiopian forces near Baidoa city, the base of thetransitional federal government.


In a news conference held around 5:00 pm local time in the ex-villa Baidoa (Presidential residence in Mogadishu) which is now headquarter for the ICU, the officials said they had subjected causalities to what they called ‘The Ethiopian invaders’ in the clashes in Daynunay and Idale areas close to Baidoa, the seat of TFG in southwest of Somalia.


Sheik Ibrahim Shukri known as ‘Abu-Zainab’ the ICU spokesman for Juba regions in southern Somalia but currently chosen to be the Islamist spokesman for the war issues, said its combatants have killed 203 soldiers of Ethiopian troops and wounded other more in the latest battles near Baidoa 240km southwest of Somalia.


“We also have confiscated four armed vehicles mounted with anti aircraft guns and all the rival fighting forces were the Ethiopian commandos and there were no government forces,” Sheik Shukri said in the press conference.


On their side, Sheik Shukri said 20 fighters martyred and 60 others were wounded in the fighting. “We really don’t see it as loss but we see it as victory and all the martyrs will go to paradise,” he said.


The Islamist leader confirmed that its forces regained Idale environ and now fighting 5kms beyond that area, advancing towards Baidoa after heavy clashes.



In Daynunay area, there was no heavier battle but just it was sporadic fire exchanging artillery shells, the statement said.


Sheik Shurki denied that any Islamist fighters were captured in the fighting which entered its second consecutive day.

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and who are you?????? just a friend????


It is not budget, population, machinery etc that makes you win wars. It is determination and motivation. Don't you read??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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