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President Sharif Ahmed and his problem

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Planders and Slanders ayaa meesha isugu soo baxay maanta.


Puntland is a one clan state. Somaliland is one a clan state. They are both pushing for their clan agenda. They do not care about Somalia or the general Somali interest.


The people of Muqdisho support the Somali Government and not a clan admin like the most of our brothers on this thread.


Ngonge maxaa ku helay? You used to be so much better at this. Have you been downgraded to Dukes level? Wishing harm for the people Muqdisho, denying them their progress, taunting them for not having a clan state.

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See my previous definition of Mogadishu society:


Matter of fact let me repeat it for you:


Mogadishu society is composed of its inhabitants who live there, study there, work there etc.


These people have witnessed 18 years of conflict, and today they are all united in their demands for peace and stability. In the past, the inhabitants lined behind indivuals, today they all line behind ideas (peace and stability).


Only people who are clannist would intrepret my views in a clannist way.

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^^ You are the only one that keeps bringing clans into it. I am picking you up on your nonsense. No clan involved here. ALL you say there is nonsense.


You keep bragging about how much conflict the people of that city withstood! Was it not all of their own making? It's like a child saying 'I broke my leg but I was a big boy and didn't cry'.


NOBODY is against peace for that city. But as long as oafs like you speak for it and have no idea what they're talking about, I doubt it will have peace.


Mr Me,


Ma taa bad la timid? I taunt foolish statements and the idea of an 'M Society' is a foolish one (today). It is a figment of that man's imagination when EVERYTHING on the ground proves otherwise. Theiry and Juje (hailing from that part) refuse to confirm it and beat about the bush about future hopes and wishes, which are all respect worthy by the way, but are not what we've been giving this brother a hard time about.


This is not the first time he came up with nonsense either. He's been doing it ever since the day he started on this site. Remember the heroic refutation he promised about Sh. Sharif?


As for me being a clannist, how many times have I been telling you that I AM, you oaf? I thought we already agreed that clan is everything. Who have you been talking to behind my back now? Don't listen to them, saaxib. Say after me: CLAN. IS. EVERYTHING.

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''I taunt foolish statements and the idea of an 'M Society' is a foolish one (today). It is a figment of that man's imagination when EVERYTHING on the ground proves otherwise.''


Well, A ''republic of Somaliland'' is something real right?


Everything on the ground proves that such a foolish idea does not exist, yet that doesnt withhold you and those SL supporters from pushing ahead the idea.



PS: thanks for admitting that you are a clannist, which explains the irritation you felt at the hearing of the UNITY OF MOGADISHU SOCIETY(which you wronfully associate with a clan you apparently have beef with). I know it hurts you, but deal with it sxb.

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^^ The Moqadishu 'society' means nothing to my clan. My clan hates Puntland, saaxib. You're just paranoid.


As for Somaliland. YES. It is as real as India and it has nothing to do with your make-believe arguments here.

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I can find India on every map, yet no ''Somaliland''.



And you want to call Mogadishu society something that does not exist?

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^^ Not in the way you paint it. War if you want to play the game of propaganda and spin, I am more than happy to read. In fact, that is what I like about Duke. He does it effortlessly when he talks about the 'base'. Yours is a bit laboured and beyond belief.

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You said ''Somaliland'' is as real as India.


I cannot find it on the map, now what did I paint or spin?


You want to talk about reality, well deal with it because your imagined reality is far removed from the actual reality.

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Let us agree on something horta.


1. We, Us, Somalis are in a process of renegotiating. We are negotiating about the future of our people and how we would like to see our future state, states to be.


2. Hargeysa, Bosaso and Muqdisho are the three centers of power that are trying to determine how that future of the Somali republic will look like.


3. No one can deny the clan factor in Somali politics, two of the power centers in today’s Somalia namely Hargeysa and Bosaso have institutionalized clannism.


The result of all this is that our beloved Shankaroon had declared itself independent and that after 18 years of this so called independence it has a ‘capital’ were people are dying of thirst (BBC Somali service 22 March 2009).


As for our Pirate fiefdom which has also experimented with institutionalized clannism under the guise Puntland has become the hub of thriving community of international criminals that deal in human trafficking, piracy and forgery, they print Shillings, Dollars etc etc. It is also highly unstable ( See yesterdays demo’s)


These ‘administrations’ have both failed the people they were supposed to ‘govern’.



4. Muqdisho had taken a different path of development. Not by choice but by necessity. Due to the size, the stakes, the heterogeneity of the population and interference/interes t from external actors the people of Muqdisho have not been able to agree on a clan fiefdom let alone set one up. But Muqdisho is not a total failure as some people wish to portray. Muqdisho has developed a new framework for dealing with the problems of the city. A framework that has transcended clan. Muqdisho has developed a civil society. Muqdisho has a thriving women’s organizations, independent journalist association, Student organizations, Organized religious institutions, independent health workers organizations. These organizations are independent, united and are critical of the political actors have held the city and its populace hostage.


5. Muqdisho’s path of development is an interesting one and at the end it will be the most successful path of development. The clan fiefdom model has failed in Somaliland and Puntland. The Muqdisho model is the path to sustainable and accountable governance in Somalia.

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Let us say that this government ignores what "Mogadishu Society" say in its dealings with AU troops and what not. Then what? What will "MS" do about it, fight? One more question, is honorable, freedom fighter, spokesman of the "tolka" Ahmed Dirie part of the Society?

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As I said earlier, if this foreign-created government wants to succeed where those before it has failed it needs to lisen to the demands of Mogadishu society and advance its interest to win over the people.


If they fail in that, they will follow those before them in been just a failed experiment and its members will be thrown in the dustpin of history as failures (i.e Ali Mahdi, Aideed, Abdiqassim, A.Y).




As for Axmed Diiriye, go read my previous definition of Mogadishu society and answer your own question.

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Unknown Meiji faces the Big Bad wolf aka Ngonge.


Meiji says: M-society aan rabaa


Xaasid-Ngonge says: inyow


Meiji: War a society similar to yours, namely s-society, or

dukey's, p-society aan rabaa ee isii.


Ngonge: inyow


Meiji: What more can I say or do before you budge in? I want an m-society. I didn't ask for much, why can't you give it to me?


Thiery: War- M-society was put out before it took off the ground, blame the criminal who hails from the other established societies, S/P.


Meiji: Ngonge waa amar. Ninkani aniga iyo M-society ayuu na-hor istaagan yahay.


Ngonge: war hadaa rabto inaa aniga wax iga hesho, i tus, oo M-society SHAQO ayey u baahan tahay, ee SHAQO GAL. Waxa beec maaha, ee meesha wax aqli ah la imow.


Hada xaalka intaas uu maraa, ee kan ay yiraahdaan Ngonge and his S-society maa laga qabto Meiji and his fictitious M-society. Talo ay iga tahay

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God forbid for Mogadishu society to develop into a backward and contradictory clan entity like Somaliland or Puntland.



The day Mogadishu society moves in that direction is the day I lose all hope in ever seeing a strong and united Somalia.

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Originally posted by Meiji:



God forbid for Mogadishu society to develop into a backward and contradictory clan entity like Somaliland or Puntland.



The day Mogadishu society moves in that direction is the day I lose all hope in ever seeing a strong and united Somalia.

And there are no Qabiil entities in Mogadisho?


Dude....Nobody cares about what Mogadisho develops into as long as peace and stability is secured by whoever, and they sit down with the rest of country.

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