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UWSLF's peace deal in the eyes of TPLF mouth-piece Walta information Center

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

JB,, those conditions are the minimum one who pretends to be signing peace deal should aspire for. Or should be an intermediate goal. It doesn't mean the big dream of Somaliweyn would be sacrificed.


Just for future reference too.

In exchange waxaa la ogolaan karaa in Magaca Itobiya iyo calankeeda la qaato.

Well, that is my point ,,,,,,,,,,,

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"Gumeysigu iga guur guma guuro"


This conflict began when ONLF called for a vote on seccession.Its extremely deluded to believe that the Tigray will allow a few wadaads to gain access to article 39.Impossible.


The constitution and the reality are completely foreign to one another.Every region,zone and keble is controlled by the Ethiopian goverment.Its not in the interest of Tigray to allow some group who are at there mercy any concession.


They gained nothing, absolutely nothing except a photo-shoot.They have no bearing, no weight to change the reality on the ground.They are pawns of the Ethiopia Gov.This is the truth.


What the Tigray are saying we wont give away article 39 without a fight, without pressure...Article 39 is to be achieved through belligerence and raw prowess.


They were never a force before and neither are they today.Naive people.

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Taas maxaad u diidi soo diga maalin walba ku eedaama 'nabad wax ku raadsada'? Duplicity!


Haa, waa la ogolaan karaa arimahaa aan sheegay as a temporary measure (ama iyadoo xaaladaha la qiimaynayo). Waana qabaa in ONLF ay qaadan karto provided the right mechanisms are in place to ensure its implementation,i;e, international involvement in securing such deal. Much the South Sudan way.


That doesn't contradict the main objective. It is merely a step towards it.


Ma isfahanay? Mise nin ujeedo le ayaad tahay oo kolba dhan ayaad igaga iman.


By the way, Lafayare waxaan iloobay inaan waydiiyo miyaad bugtaa mise Lander baad tahay?

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war meeshu marti dhoways xumaa? difaac baa lagu wada jiraa, waran baa lagu gusoo taagayaa meeshaad martidba. yaab aragnay! Lafayarihii hore dhaqan bay lahaayeen, oo martida waa lasoo dhoween jireey.


bacda that, ma buku ninyahow baan ku iri, xanuunkan aad ila rabtid garan waayeye anigu. :D

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JB's point is clear, leave me alone, and I leave you alone :D


AT&T's argument is clear, renovation halagu sameeyo ONLF, jabhadaha kale ee ku dhax dhuunta shacabka lana shaqeeya cadawga hala iska ilaaliyo


Final thought: JB & AT&T are on the same boat when it comes freedom for SomaliGalbeed, JB wants friendly noughbour that has nothing to do with the rest of Somalia smile.gif JB prefers SomaliGalbeed to be on its own once it gets freedom,


in that case, both JB & AT&T are clsoe friends and good neighbours.



naga daaya dee, mise waanu sii wadnaa

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Jacaylbaro hadal dhaciif umbuu dadka dhex wadaa wax macquulana ma arko inuu qoraalka dadka qaloociyo mooyaane...teeda kale Itoopiya nin fahansan ma aha oo waxaa u cad uun somaliland iyo way duushay...Itoopiyana waa sxb kuwa dagaalka ku wadana ha is dhiibaan maxaa yeelay wixii cadow saaxibkay ku ah ana waa cadowgayga.


sidaasan u fahmay ninka. :D

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Originally posted by Jabhad_no1:

Jacaylbaro hadal dhaciif umbuu dadka dhex wadaa wax macquulana ma arko inuu qoraalka dadka qaloociyo mooyaane...teeda kale Itoopiya nin fahansan ma aha oo waxaa u cad uun somaliland iyo way duushay...Itoopiyana waa sxb kuwa dagaalka ku wadana ha is dhiibaan maxaa yeelay wixii cadow saaxibkay ku ah ana waa cadowgayga.


sidaasan u fahmay ninka.

Maan moodayn inaad adna igu riyooto laakiin quraan baan akhrisan doonaa hadda ka dib ,,,, :D


Goormaan idhi waxan aad akhriyayso mise waad ka shubsan tahay ?? :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Actually A&T is turning to be an irk Cadow maalmahan ..... I was preparing for a assault.

Nope, AT&T is not cadaw, gaaluu ku soo dhax korey mana yaqaano cadawtinimo or xaasidnimo, ninka wax waad wada qabsan kartaan ee weerarka ka daa niyahow

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^^A&T is not being a cadow. It's his incorrect idea of objectivity that confuses people. He believes that by criticising PL, SL, TFG and even his own ONLF he is being fair and objective. And, I admit that there is some logic in that but the application of course is all, err, ONLF (as in hit and run). :D

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Jacaylbaro kk sxb maaha sidaa markastoon meesha soo galo waxaad la safan tahay qolyahaan kasoo horjeedno(Itoopiya&CO)...markaa anigu waxaan is-dhahay ama waa ka ignorant oo nin itoopiya yaqaana ma aha ama dee waa nin gobolkiisa u malaye interest Itoopiya inay oogu jirto.


hadaan khalad u fahmay raali baad iga tahay.

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Siyaasaddu cadow joogto ah iyo saaxiib joogto ah midna ma laha ................ hadaad adigu cadow iga dhigato sida A&T dee sidaasaan kuula dhaqmayaa.


Xariifnimadaa la isku dhaafay iyo sida sxb loo samaysto ,,,,,, if u know what i mean :D

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There is nothing wrong with my definition of objectivity. I say what I think is fair on all issues. That doesn't mean all I say is right. But there is no systematic bias to it, except when I am deliberately playful.


On the other hand, I can't take someone as objective if he analyses everything in relation to the welfare of Somaliland.

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