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Mogadishu: Clean up job will be extended to other regions

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Howlada Nadaafadda Oo Lagu Fidinayo Gobolada

Muqdisho( 24-May-2007


Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha Somaliya ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in howlaha burburinta iyo nadaafadda ka socda caasimadda Somaliya lagu baahin doono gobolada dalka Somaliya oo dhan.


Maxamuud Sayid Aadan oo ka tirsan wasaaraddan ayaa sheegay in howlahan buburinta guryaha sharci darada iyo sandaqadaha ey sida xowliga ah uga wadaan caasimadda Somaliya ey sidoo kale ka bilaabi doonaan maalmaha soo socda gobolada dalka.


Waxaa sidoo kale si xowli ah uga soconaya magaalada Muqdisho howlo burburin oo ka duwan kuwii hore loo arki jiray, waxaana maanta la burburiyay oo dhulka la dhigay guryo sharci darro ahaa oo laga dhistay meelo jardiinooyin ahaa.


Howgaladii maanta lagu burburiyay guryahan ayaa noqonaya kuwa ugu baaxadda weynaa oo ey fuliyaan maamulka gobolka Banaadir iyadoo awal la burburin jiray sandaqadaha iyo bushashka ka dhisan wadooyinka iyo suuqa Bakaaraha.


Waxaa sidoo kale si xowli ah u socda howlo nadaafadeed oo isugu jira geed jarid iyo xaaqitaan, waxaana iminka la dhihi karaa marka aad eegto jawiga caasimadda Muqdisho in ey kusoo laabatay bilicdii 70% (Procent).


Shacabka gobolka Banaadir ayaa si weyn usoo dhaweeyay howlaha nadaafadeed ee ka socda caasimadda Somaliya, waxaadna arkeysaa shacabka oo si iskaa wax u qabso ah uga shaqeynaya howlaha nadaafadda. - Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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Thanks god finally some stooge makes sense...clean up for the corpses on the road side, mothers and kids of course, is needed before anything else is done in Hamar...

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The clean up has begun and it includes all the rubich left over these past 16 years/

As well as the structure of those clan looters, courts and anti-government support networks. they have been demolished. Thanks to Allah.

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So kids on the side streets, died inside their living rooms in that hell of Tigranyan agression is what? A Rubish...come on man, iam sure u dont mean that

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The dead may Allah give them his mercy who ever they were.


As for the kids, adeer go ask Ahmed Diriye, Xasan Dahir and Sharif Ahmed why they sent them to their deaths and now hide like cowards in their holes in Asmara and Mogadishu?

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Did it ever occur to you that they,these kids, were in their homes more like anyone in the world...and they died in the hell fire of an aggressor whose goal and motives are yet to be clarified by our AdeerKEEN Yusuf azzahari...


did you see the clip or u want me to post it for you...

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^^I saw the clan courts taking kids out of their schools and homes and arming them. Parading women and children with AK47 and making many promises. These same men ran away from the battles, the deaths of those kids is on them. The governemnt and its allies warned the world that the clan courts/looters inc were sending children to war. Even Shabbele used to parade those pics.


What does one expect from people who beat up dead corpses ?


Nothing much really

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see the pple u r referrin to are no longer on the scene...the thugs who are lynchin our kids, and sending the off to live under the trees in the open are no one other than...The Occupying 541,236 Tigranyan boys who took over their homes and killed them while they were fleeing

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No saxib its their support networks, their criminal business groups, their bodyguards and their silly supporters. They will be hunted and lynched. You cant go around putting mines in the city or murdering retired officers and civil servants.


These groups will be dealt with, one can cry all they like most of the deaths in these wars were the fighters. Its not fun for Goobanle, Cirfo and those who have been captured today.

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