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General Duke

Djibouti agreement signed; read TEXT

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Insecure as usual

^Inaccurate as usual

Who requested the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops? > The Alliance.

What is the core of the pact - the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops.

Circle this and work on it - and please refrain from tarnishing what could turn out to be a remarkable agreement by displaying it as a triumph for a defunct TFG.

Amus afkada xiro and watch how people with integrity work.

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How can the people of Mogadisho ever come in good terms with A-Yusuf and his co-defendants? Never forget.


Somalia desperately needs a new leadership in order things to go forward.

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Lool. Again this is an agreement between the Somali government and its opposition. This is not about Juje and the General thus don’t turn it into a tiff.


The TFG is recognized, and the Asmara group, part of them want to play ball.


Don’t convince me adeer, I am sold on the agreement.

It gives us recognition from our enemies oops rivals, Ethiopian troops removed with UN forces replacing them.


You need to work on your desperate other group’s saxib. Who want no government and who are stuck on the ridiculous day dreams of yester year.


We welcome it and it’s a victory for Somalia.

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I know exactly what you mean saxiib some dreadful crimes were committed against the people of the South and other parts of the land. However today is a day of healing and the formation of a strong bond amongst brothers, these politicians have made neighbours and friends hate each other. We need an era of stability and development.


When this day is finished and we have a independent judicial system representing a truly Sovereign nations Inshallah the accountability shall take place.


So lets be patient

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Ms DD   

I agree with Theiry. Hope is all we have and we cant lose that. I really miss my country and the richness it offered us. I want to go back.


May Allah make this deal one that is good for somali people wherever they are.

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Originally posted by Thierry.:



I know exactly what you mean saxiib some dreadful crimes were committed against the people of the South and other parts of the land. However today is a day of healing and the formation of a strong bond amongst brothers, these politicians have made neighbours and friends hate each other. We need an era of stability and development.


When this day is finished and we have a independent judicial system representing a truly Sovereign nations Inshallah the accountability shall take place.


So lets be patient

Somalia has an enemy as an interim President right now. Somali people all over should should never forget this.


On some Sun Tzu sh!t..I guess you can make a fake pact with him for the sake of stopping the violence.

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

Originally posted by Thierry.:

[qb] Africaown


I know exactly what you mean saxiib some dreadful crimes were committed against the people of the South and other parts of the land. However today is a day of healing and the formation of a strong bond amongst brothers, these politicians have made neighbours and friends hate each other. We need an era of stability and development.


When this day is finished and we have a independent judicial system representing a truly Sovereign nations Inshallah the accountability shall take place.


So lets be patient

Somalia has an enemy as an interim President right now. Somali people all over should should never forget this.


On some Sun Tzu sh!t..I guess you can make a fake pact with him for the sake of stopping the violence. Get rid of him, and put him to trial afterwards.

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Somali rivals reach peace deal


The presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia was one of the sticking points at the Djibouti talks [AP]

The Somali government and its main political rivals have signed a cessation of hostilities accord at the UN-sponsored peace talks in Djibouti.


The interim government and some opposition figures signed the peace deal in Dijibouti on Monday, a UN official said.


"We have a peace deal," Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, an aide to the UN envoy for Somalia, said.


"They agreed on the termination of all acts of armed confrontation ... to come into force 30 days from the signing of the agreement for an initial period of 90 days, renewable."


Ould-Abdallah said the agreement also called for the UN to authorise deployment of an international stabilisation force.

Within 120 days, Ethiopian forces helping the government fight the Islamic Courts' Union fighters would then leave, conditional on the deployment of sufficient UN troops, he said.


The Islamic Courts' Union has denounced the opposition figures who took part in the meetings, casting doubt on the implementation of any agreement.

Hopes had dimmed after the two sides refused for days to meet face to face to discuss ways of ending 18 years of conflict in Somalia.


'Arm twisting'


Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from Nairobi, said some of the main sticking points seem to have been overcome.


"They agreed to the cessation of hostilities, and a halt to armed confrontation within 30 days. They also agreed that Ethiopian troops in Somalia should withdraw from the country within 120 days," he said.


"There is also another meeting to be held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on July 30, to discuss all other political issues that are pending."


"They have come back from the brink, and there has been a lot of arm-twisting to come to this point. But analysts have pointed out that this does not mean an end to the conflict in Somalia.


"Various groups have splintered, which means there may not be an immediate halt to the conflict."


Tense talks


Delegates had agreed on some issues like humanitarian aid late on Sunday, but decided to halt the discussions, with the main sticking point being the presence of Ethiopian forces, according to Ould-Abdallah.


He had persuaded teams from both sides to come twice to Djibouti in May and this month. But they declined to meet directly, until Monday's signing ceremony.


Meanwhile, clashes between Muslim fighters and Somali-Ethiopian forces killed at least 28 people over the weekend in Mogadishu.


The fighters are waging an Iraq-style campaign of roadside bombings, ambushes and assassinations.


The violence has triggered a humanitarian crisis that aid workers say may be the worst in Africa, with at least a million people displaced.

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Kooxaha Soomaalida oo heshiis saxiixay

Yusuf Hassan

BBC Djibouti


Kempinski waa hotelka uu shirku ka socdo

Shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida ee dowladda KMG iyo Isbahaysiga dib u Xoreynta uga socday magaalada Djibouti ayaa caawa la soo gabagabeeyay, heshiisna laga gaaray.

Ergayga gaarka ee QM u qaabilsan Somalia, Axmed Walad Abdalla ayaa sheegay in shirkaasi uu ku guuleeystay in heshiis ay labada dhinac ay saxiixaan.


Qoddobada lagu heshiiyay waxaa ka mid ahaa in xabad joojin buuxda lagu sugo muddo 30 maalmood gudahood, si buuxdana ay u hirgasho muddo 90 cisho ah.


Waxaa kale oo lagu heshiiyay in loogu baaqo QM in muddo 4 bilood gudaheed ah ay ku keento ciidamo nabad ilaalin oo ka socda QM, kuwaasi oo beddela ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku sugan Somalia.


Ciiadamadaas ayaa lagu heshiiyey ineysan ku jirin ciidamo ka socda dalalka safka hore.


Ugu dambeyntii, waxaa la isla gartay in dowladda KMG ay ka shaqeyso in sidii dowladda Ethiopia ay ugu ballan qaaday inay ciidamadeeda muddo afar bilood ah kula baxayso, marka si buuxda ay u yimaadaan ciidamo caalami ah oo ku filan nabadgelyada dalka Somalia.

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Heshiis laga gaaray shirkii ka socday Jabuuti

9 Jun 9, 2008 - 4:57:24 PM


Waxaa caawa [June 9,2008] fiidnimadii magaalada Jabuuti lagu oo gabagabeeyay shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee kooxaha Soomaalida u dhaxeeyay, kaasoo ay gar wadeen ka aheyd Qaramada Midoobay, waxaana lagu kala saxiixday dhowr qodob oo muhiim u ah heshiiska ay wada gaareen Dowladda KMG iyo Isbaheysiga Asmara.


Xaflad caawa ka dhacday Hotelka ay degan yihiin wafuuda labada dhinac ayaa waxaa lagu saxiixay qodobo dhaxal gal ah oo muujinaya maslaxadda Soomaaliya in ay soo dhawaatay, waxaana xafladii heshiiska lagu gaaray ku sugnaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha DFKMG Nuur Xasan Xuseen iyo Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed iyo wakiilo ka kala socday dalalka caalamka.


Wakiilka Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ugu qaabilsan dalka Soomaaliya Ahmedou Ould Abdullah oo ka hadlay munasabadii saxiixa heshiiskaas ayaa u mahad celiyay kooxaha Soomaalida oo heshiis dhaxal gal ah u saxiixay, isla markaana ay dadkooda u tureen.


Wakiilka UN-ku waxaa uu sheegay in beesha calamku ay diyaar u tahay dhinacyada Soomaalida in ay ku gacan siiso dhaqan gelinta heshiiska taariikhiga ah ee ay gaareen, isla markaana ay kala shqeyn doonaan Soomaalida sidii loo heli lahaa deganaan dadka Soomaaliyeed u horseeda nolol raaxo leh.


Qodobada labada dhinac ay ku heshiiyeen ayaa waxaa u kala saxiixay Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Dowladda KMG ahna Wasiirka Warfaafinta Axmed C/salaam iyo C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame oo dhinaca Isbaheysiga Asmara u saxiixay, waxyana labadaasi mas’uul ay khudbad ka jeediyeen madasha lagu saxiixay heshiiskaasi taariikhiga ah, waxaana ka mid ah qodobada ugu muhiimsan heshiiska.


* In mudo 30 maalmood gudahood gobolada dalka laga dhaqan geliyo qodobada heshiiskan



* In Xabad joojin laga dhaqan geliyo guud ahaan dalka oo dhan mudo 90 maalmood



* In mudo 120 maalmood gudahood Dowladda KMG iyo Isbaheysiga ay ku codsadaan ciidaamo ka socda Q.Midoobay kuwaasi aan ka mid noqoneyn ciidamada deriska la ah Soomaaliya



* In dalka ay ka baxayaan 120 maalmood kadib marka ciidamo caalami oo ka socda Q.Midoobay, lana arko nabadgelyo buuxda.



* In si wada jir ah Beesha caalamka looga codsado higelinta heshiiskaan iyo taageero la siiyo dadka Soomaaliyeed.



* In Isbaheysiga Asmara uu iska fogeeyo cid kasta oo heshiiskan dhibaato u keeneysa.


* In guddi 15 maalmood gudahood lagu dhiso, guddigaasi oo shaqadiisu ahaaneyso ilaalinta xabad joojinta.



* In la dhiso guddi 15-maalmood gudahood, kana shaqeeya arimaha siyaasadda iyo caddaalada iyo dib u heshiisiinta.


* In beesha caalamka la weydiisto gacan ay ka geysato fulinta qodobada heshiiskan mudo 6 bilood gudahood.


Ra’iisul Wasaare Nuur Cadde oo xafladii saxiixa heshiiska ka hadlay ayaa soo dhoweeyay qodobada labada dhinac ay wada saxiixeen isagoo sheegay in dhanka Dowladda KMG ay ka shaqeyneyso hirgelinta iyo xoojinta qodobada heshiiska, wuxuuna hambalyo u diray guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel kasta oo ay ku nool yihiin.


Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in heshiiskan uu qeyb ka qaadanayo joojinta iyo nabadgelyo xumid ka jirto Soomaaliya, lagana bixi doono dhibaatada mudada soo jiidameysay.


Nuur Cadde ayaa rajo ka muujiyay nabad ka dhalata Soomaaliya, isagoo ka codsaday shacabka Soomaaliyeed iney qeyb ka qaataan kaalinta kaga aadan nabad hirgelinta heshiiskan iyo nabad ka dhalata Soomaaliya.


Sidoo kale Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed ayaa halkaasi ka hadlay isagoo u hambalyeeyay shacabka Soomaaaliyeed iyo xubnihii ka soo shaqeeyay heshiis ay wada gaaraan dowladda KMG iyo dhinacooda, wuxuuna balan qaaday in ay xooga saari doonaan sidii loo hirgelin lahaa heshiiskan wax ku oolka ah.


Radio Garowe,Garowe

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so duke aren't the two signatories Ahmed abdisalaam iyo abdirahman abdishakur warsame from the same clan? Can this create excuses later for some in the TFG to contestor render the pact null?


As I already heard and read from some clannish sites, there are those who wrongly attribute the peace deal to conspiratorial clannish coup d'etat against his dying and weak warlord-cum-president Yeey? Already there are reports that Yeey and his benefector Gabre are not happy with the deal.


maybe Duke and other Yeey TFG leaders here are not yet on the same page with these naysayers!We will wait for few hours or days to see them change their position and start the usual propaganda to depict this deal as a clannish deal between Mogadishu folks

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