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What needs to be done for a sustained Jihaad

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Says Suldaanka


This is suldaanka as an indivitual talking. This is my personal belief. This is about the indivitual level.


Somaliland, halkaa inaga dhig. That is another story. Meeshu waxa taal, dagaal xaq daro ah, oo markii ugu horeysay cadaw Somaliyeed damcay inuu maquuniyo dad Somaliyeed oo dantoodi gartay isagoo gacan ka helaaya Warlord markii horeba dhiiga shacabka danyarta ah ku noola.


There is a line in the sand, my dear Horn. Ilaahay ayaa Quwad leh, Xabashi **** ku xaarleh Somali uma amar kutaaglayn karo oo ku xuuxinmaayo afar dabaabadood iyo afar diyaaradood oo wakhtigoodi dhamaaday.


They will capture here and there and occupy them for sometime. But trust me, they will not stay in peace.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

There are no somalis devided in the middle and ONLY TWO GROUPS who hail from TWO CLANS support the ethiopian war on other somalis. Qeybdiid's supporters and and A/Y's supporters.

Horta ha xanaqiin, dhig karna ha isku ridiin. So since you agree with me if other Somalis as you put it are opposed to your tribally structered ICU , then it is not Islamic Jihaad, your war, but a simple war.

Mida kale hadi ay C/llahi Yusuf iyo C/qeybdiid ay Falasho idin so watan xita ha xanaqiin hana ka dhigiin dagalka dagal dimeed why waa dagal qabiil.

Marka raganimada aad hada ku faneysiid oo ku dharaneysiid yelo oo raga iska celi. Inti marka hore la is waley oo dadki oo dhan lagu tuntey aya hada la cabada..galoy..galoy......hala jihaadoy..iwm.

Somalida waxay ku maahmaahda 'dhumuq dhumuq hore dhamanheysi dambe ayey ledahey'.

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Thanks saxib for the thread, see you all next time inshallah.





Waxaan kula hadli doonaa marka hool meel isugu dhacdo. Hadda waqti dhumis waaye waxaan inta ka dhahno. Wait for few days, before that, don't bother the concerned somalis who are worried about their fellow brothers back home. Wax isku fal camal noo saxib.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

don't bother the concerned somalis who are worried about their fellow brothers back home. Wax isku fal camal noo saxib.

I appreciate your sense of patriotismand will wait for few days as you suggested. But I just wanted to make you aware, there were concerned Somalis long before today.

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