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DAUD era ends in Somali Regional State

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The formalities are yet to be made but the main one's of removing him from the deputy chariman of the nominal Somali People' Democratic Party (SPDP), its executive and Central Committee's has been done late last night. It won't change anything, but I could not have seen this coming. The young man had all that you think the Tigre's will need of a stooge.


The next President could be Bashir Abdullahi, Abdiqadir Omer Nur, or Dr. Ahmed Sheikh, rumors has it.

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Daud Axmar nin ka amxaarsan ma soo marin gobolka. Wakhtigiisa miyuu dhaafi lahaa?


Garaadow, Madaxweynihii 15taad( tirada ma hubo) Dr.Ahmed inuu noqon doono u badi.

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Someone text the announcement to my freind last night. When she told me Duad is no longer "running" the place. The first thing I said was ma ladiley. I was disappointed to hear otherwise.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

maalin dhow uun baad arki A&T oo sii socda oo la leeyahay waa madaxweyne ,,,,,, nimankaasi yaab bay leeyihiin ,,,

Hadaan meeshaa wax ka rabo Dau'd ayaa iigu dhowaa inuu isiiyo. 6 years classmate and roomate ayaan aheyn. Not to mention having been a supportive friend to him for a long period.


Maya, ma sii socdo anigu. And we have no issues with the small stooges in Jigjiga. We have issues with Tigre's and Meles.

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haye, bal waynu sugi.


Laakin dadka aad dacaayadaynayso qaarbaa 20 sano duurka iyo dibad-meer ah oo aan isbadalin. Qaarna way daalaan. It is a human nature, nothing new to a particular community.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

maalin dhow uun baad arki A&T oo sii socda oo la leeyahay waa madaxweyne ,,,,,, nimankaasi yaab bay leeyihiin ,,,



Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Hadaan meeshaa wax ka rabo Dau'd ayaa iigu dhowaa inuu isiiyo. 6 years classmate and roomate ayaan aheyn. Not to mention having been a supportive friend to him for a long period.


Maya, ma sii socdo anigu. And we have no issues with the small stooges in Jigjiga. We have issues with Tigre's and Meles.

lol...Ma ninkaan lagu tilmaamay in wax ka daba******san aan la arag baad supportive friend isla ahaydeen?

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Haa. saaxiib ayaanu aheyn intii uuna siyaasada ku wareerin iyo in dhexdii aheydba. Waliba aad ayaan isugu dhaweyn maadaama aan soo wada korney, oo isku ciyaal ahaan jiray. Marar siyaasada laga eryey'na waan qaldanaa iyo intuu wax yidhi ayaan support gareyn jirey. Laakin, aakhirkii wadanka isagaan uga cararay.


He actually called me the first day he was made a President to announce he is on the chair. He may call me now that he is out. I am sure I am on his mind as he wonders what went wrong for him.


In the end, I have already heard he is saying the kind of stuff I used to tell him. That the Tigre's will use him and that he should never work for them. But I am sure also they will not abandon him at all. He has been so loyal that they will probably give him some post in Addis.


He is a confused soul, but you know how you feel about a childhood friend who becomes a drunkard and comes to you for support. You may disapprove of his current situation, but always will have a soft spot because of your past. I don't think I have one for this guy though. Yet, he had two good qualities: he wasn't corrupt when I knew him and he wasn't clanish. But both of these qualities were underminded by his blind love for 'highlanders' (xabashida) and his chronic dislike of Somali's. Tell him anything in Amharic and he will trust it. Bring a somali speaking who brings report and his first reaction is "war tag ku dheh, kani waa tuug'e"!


By the way, he once was appointed as a Manager of a Project office I was working in. I resigned within three months, and he was adamant I did that because I think I am better than him. But the fact was that his management was so poor and he tried to win over me by undermining other collegues who started to see me with suspicion.

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And we have no issues with the small stooges in Jigjiga. We have issues with Tigre's and Meles. [/QB]

You should have a problem with the stooges in Jigjiga, they are the ones who sold you out. They are the ones who act as the Amxaar Police and arrest everyone, who prosecute everyone, who stand guard in the prison, who pass your intelligence to them so your leaders are killed or get arrested.


As long as you are not united and you tolerate those dhabdhilids, you dont stand a chance. Focus your energy on uniting your ppl, start with your cousins, neighbours, roommates and then the other somali's. But if you choose to fight alone in the middle of nowhere you will get nowhere.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Abdi Iley has been nominated as an Interim "president" of the region.

Ina Iley Anjii badan wuu xiri doonaa. Waa Somali quman! :D

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